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20XX年政府取消了「五一」黃金周(「May golden week」),但是,最近有些人又提出要恢復7天的長假.同學們也在校園網的「自由論壇」上展開了激烈的討論.請你選用下面表格所提供的信息,寫一篇短文,談談恢復長假的利與弊,並簡述你的觀點,給出一至兩條理由.
Advantages Disadvantages
have a good rest
spend more time …with …
… cause a lot of trouble…
be crowded everywhere…

In 2008, 『May golden week』 was canceled, but this year people have discussed the problem whether we should renew 『May golden week』 or not.
Some people think the 7-day holiday is very important. Firstly, we could have a good rest and refresh ourselves after several months of hard work. Secondly, we could spend more time staying with our family. Thirdly, we will be able to use the one-week vacation to travel to some farther places such as foreign countries.
However, other people hold the opposite view. They think it causes a lot of problems. It may lead to traffic jam and visitors will not enjoy themselves if the travelling spots are over-crowded.
As a student, I prefer a 7-day holiday. Not only can I sleep well and do exercise, but also I can read some interesting books. How I wish a 7-Day holiday would come soon and we will have a 7-day holiday then!




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