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1、壽命的縮短與思想的虛耗成正比。達爾文 Shortening is proportional to the ideological view of life.
2、我們全都是短命人,(next88)回憶者和被回憶者全都一樣。馬可·奧勒留 We are all short-lived, memories and memories are all the same.
3、聰明的人警告我說,生命只是一顆荷葉上的露珠。泰格爾 Wise man warns me that life is but a dewdrop on the lotus leaf.
4、生命在閃耀中現出絢爛,在平凡中現出真實。伯克 Life in the shining in gorgeous, in the ordinary real.
5、人生像曲曲折折的山澗流水,斷了流,卻又滾滾而來。波普 Life is like a winding mountain stream water, broken, but rolling in.
6、生命,只要你充分利用,它便是長久的。塞內加 Life, as long as you make full use of it is for a long time.
7、使一個人的有限的生命,更加有效,也即等於延長了人的生命。魯迅 Make a person's limited life, more effective, which is equal to extend the lives of people.
8、生命苦短,只是美德能將它傳到遙遠的後世。莎士比亞 Life is short, only virtue can put it to the distant future.
9、人的一生就是進行嘗試,嘗試的越多,生活就越美好。愛默生 Person's life is to try, try, the more the more beautiful life.
10、生命的意義是在於活得充實,而不是在於活得長久。馬丁·路德 Is the meaning of life is to live full, and is not live long.
11、生活只有在平淡無奇的人看來才是空虛而平淡無奇的。車爾尼雪夫斯基 Life only in plain view is empty and dull.
12、懂得生命真諦的人,可以使短促的生命延長。西塞羅 A man who knows life true meaning, can make the short life extension.
13、人生的光榮,不在永遠不失敗,而在於能夠屢撲屢起。拿破崙 The glory of life, is not in never falling, but is the ability to repeatedly jump up.
14、人只有獻身於社會,才能找出那實際上是短暫而有風險的生命的意義。愛因斯坦 Only dedicated to the society, to find out the meaning of life is actually short and risky.
15、生命的用途並不在長短而在我們怎樣利用它。許多人活的日子並不多,卻活了很長久。蒙田 The purpose of life is not in length but in how we use it. Many people live day is not much, but live very long.
16、對人說不,生命是一切寶物中最高的東西。費爾巴哈 To say no to people, life is the highest of all the treasures.
17、為了解人生有多麼短暫,一個人必須走過漫長的生活道路。叔本華 To understand how short life is, a person must walk the long road of life.
18、一個偉大的靈魂,會強化思想和生命。愛默生 A great soul, will strengthen the thought and life.
19、生命是真實的,生命是誠摯的,墳墓並不是他的終結點。朗費羅 Life is real, life is sincere, the grave is not his endpoints.
20、生命是一條艱險的狹谷,只有勇敢的人才能通過。米歇潘 Life is a dangerous cajon, only a brave man can pass.
21、生命不等於是呼吸,生命是活動。盧梭 Life and breath, life is active.
22、真正的聖者的信條是善用生命,充分地利用生命。赫伯特 Really the doctrine of the holy one is to make good use of life, make full use of life.
23、能將自己的生命寄托在他人的記憶中,生命仿佛就加長了一些。孟德斯鳩 To his own life on other people's memory, as long life.
24、生命,那是自然會給人類去雕琢的寶石。諾貝爾 Human life, it is naturally to carve gems.
25、我們只有獻出生命,才能得到生命。泰戈爾 We only give life, can obtain the life.
26、誰能以深刻的內容充實每個瞬間,誰就是在無限地延長自己的生命。庫爾茨 Who can with profound content enrich every moment, who is in infinite to extend the life of their own.
27、人生有兩齣悲劇:一是萬念俱灰,另一是躊躇滿志。肖伯納 There are two tragedy in life: one is desperation, the other is hopeful.
28、我愛人生,所以我願像一個狂信者那樣投身到生命的海里。巴金 I love life, so I want to like a crazy believers into the sea of life.
29、生命如同寓言,其價值不在長短,而在內容。塞內卡 Life is like fable, its value is not in the length, but in content.
30、內容充實的生命就是長久的生命。我們要以行為而不是以時間來衡量生命。小塞涅卡 Substantial content of the life is long. We want to life in terms of behavior rather than on time.
31、親愛的朋友,所有的理論都是灰色的,而寶貴的生命之樹常青。歌德 Dear friend, all theory is grey, but the precious tree of life evergreen.
32、生命是美好的,一切物質是美好的,智慧是美好的,愛是美好的!杜伽爾 Life is wonderful, all matter is a good thing, wisdom is a good thing, love is beautiful!
33、生命不可能有兩次,但許多人連一次也不善於度過。呂凱特 Life can't have two times, but many people not even a good at spend.
34、我總覺得,生命本身應該有一種意義,我們絕不是白白來一場的。席慕蓉 I always think, life itself should have a sense, we are by no means nothing to a.
35、我們的生命是天賦的,我們惟有獻出生命,才能得到生命。泰戈爾 Life is given to us, we earn it giving it can obtain the life.
36、即使斷了一條弦,其餘的三條弦還是要繼續演奏,這就是人生。愛默生 Even broken a string, the rest of the three strings will keep on playing, this is life.
37、在我們了解什麼是生命之前,我們已將它消磨了一半。赫伯特 Before we know what is life, we have wasted half of it.
38、我們的生命只有一次,但我們如能正確地運用它,一次足矣。英國諺語 Our life is only once, but if we can use it correctly, once is enough.
39、世界上只有一種英雄主義,那就是了解生命而且熱愛生命的人。羅曼·羅蘭 There is only one heroism in the world, that is to understand life and love life.




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