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【題目】 影響中國蔬菜產品出口的因素探究
【2.1 2.2】我國蔬菜出口的總規模和出口種類分析
【2.3 2.4】我國蔬菜出口國際競爭力分析
我國是一個農業大國,蔬菜在農產品中占據重要份額,近年來,我國在保持世界上最大的蔬菜生產國地位的同時積極推動蔬菜的出口。經濟全球化的今天,國內外貿易環境瞬間萬變,我國蔬菜出口的國際競爭力的強弱影響到我國對外貿易的水平狀況。本文通過對我國各省份蔬菜生產情況、蔬菜的貿易現狀以及影響蔬菜出口的因素進行定性分析,並運用引力模型對中國與 20 個國家和地區1992-2014 年蔬菜出口貿易面板數據進行影響因素的定量分析,結果顯示我國蔬菜出口的傳統優勢降低,在國際上的蔬菜競爭力明顯下降。其原因在於世界各國經濟的發展,人們對蔬菜的安全、健康要求更加嚴格,因此對綠色蔬菜青睞有加。
China is a big agricultural country, and its vegetables occupy an important sharein agricultural products. As the largest vegetable producer in the world, our countryhas initiatively promoted the export of vegetables in recent years. In the era ofglobalization of economy, along with trade environment at home and abroadconstantly changing, the international competitiveness of China's vegetableexportation can influence the level of our foreign trade. In this paper, throughqualitative analysis of vegetables in production, trade and influencing factors ofprovinces, I find that our dominant position of vegetables export price has weakened,and combined with gravity model to make the quantitative analysis on panel data ofvegetables export trade in China and 20 countries and regions from 1992 to 2014. TheReason is, with the fast development of every country, people pay more attention tothe safety and health of vegetables, especially to those green vegetables. Somedeveloped countries and regions set strict non-tariff barriers such as technical barriersto trade to human health as an excuse to forbid our country vegetables exports to theircountries in order to protect the domestic industry. Facing the competition andchallenges, our country should strengthen international exchanges and cooperation inboth sides: accelerate the establishment of standard system of vegetables and controlthe quality of native vegetable at home; actively participate the standard formulationof vegetables and improve the international competitiveness of China's vegetableexport in the world.
There are five chapters in my thesis. The first chapter is the introduction ofbackground, purpose and significance of the research, and the creative points anddisadvantages of thesis, technical route and research method, relevant internationaltrade theory and domestic and foreign research review. In the second chapter, thepresent situation of vegetable production and export in China is studied. First, Ielaborate on China's vegetable planting area and yield, the second is on China'svegetable export total scale and the analysis of export kinds, finally I analyze theinternational competitiveness of China's vegetable export. In the third chapter, I studythe influence factors of Chinese vegetables export trade, including the factors of tariff,nontariff factors, vegetable trade arrangements, culture and geography, thecompetition between provinces and the quality of vegetables in our country. Thefourth chapter is the empirical analysis of the export trade of China's vegetableproducts including the total level and industry level. The fifth chapter is aboutcountermeasures and suggestions to promote the export of vegetables in our country.
Key words: International Competitiveness; Gravity Model; Green Vegetables;Non-tariff barriers; Export Trade
第 1 章 導論
1.1 選題背景
1.2 研究目的和意義
1.3 論文創新點與不足
1.3.1 論文創新點
1.3.2 論文不足之處
1.4 技術線路圖和研究方法
1.4.1 技術線路圖
1.4.2 研究方法
1.5 相關國際貿易理論與國內外研究綜述
1.5.1 國際貿易理論
1.5.2 國內外研究綜述
第 2 章 我國蔬菜生產及其出口的現狀
2.1 我國蔬菜種植面積和產量
2.1.1 蔬菜的種植面積
2.1.2 蔬菜的產量
2.1.3 我國蔬菜的生產區域和貿易方式
2.2 我國蔬菜出口的總規模和出口種類分析
2.2.1 蔬菜出口規模
2.2.2 主要出口蔬菜品種
2.3 我國蔬菜出口國際競爭力分析
2.3.1 貿易競爭力指數和蔬菜貿易方式
2.3.2 我國蔬菜出口市場
2.3.3 我國蔬菜出口的質量狀況
2.4 本章小結
第 3 章 我國蔬菜產品出口貿易的影響因素
3.1 關稅變動對蔬菜出口的影響
3.1.1 小國貿易條件效應
3.1.2 大國貿易條件效應
3.2 非關稅因素對蔬菜出口的影響
3.3 蔬菜貿易的區域協定安排
3.4 文化與地理因素
3.5 我國各省份之間的競爭分析
3.6 我國蔬菜質量問題
3.6.1 蔬菜產品農藥殘留量超標
3.6.2 植物檢疫問題
3.6.3 硝酸鹽超標問題
3.7 本章小結
第 4 章 我國蔬菜產品出口貿易影響因素的實證分析
4.1 影響國際貿易的測度方法比較
4.1.1 價格差和關稅等價法
4.1.2 局部均衡分析方法
4.2 引力模型概述
4.3 實證分析
4.3.1 總量層面
4.3.2 行業層面
4.4 本章小結
第 5 章 促進我國蔬菜出口的對策建議
5.1 政府層面
5.2 行業層面
5.3 企業層面
5.4 本章小結
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