

2023年10月04日 - txt下載
摘 要

Symphony No. 9 is the pinnacle and summing-up in all works of Beethoven. It has a magnificent structure, a subject with wide ideas, deep thought and diversified appearances. It enlarged the size of symphonies enriched the technique means, and embodies the passion to revolution, and the ideal for art of his composition. This work is full with enthusiasm and does not lack grave philosophy thought with saturnine deposition. However, it possesses opening, progressive enthusiasm and hero spirits. It ended with a logical idea development of a convivial subject. However, it differed from other symphonies because of its combined vocal and instruments. Though this form is not origination of Beethoven, the symphony No.9 is the earliest work which makes the orchestra and the chorus independent. This essay will firstly study the structure of the movement four in No. 9 symphony, and contrast it with other works in order to know the virtues of works which combined the vocal and instruments. Key words: symphony; Beethoven; vocal and instrumental music