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1. 人名、地名、國名等專有名詞前通常不用冠詞:
例:(1) Mary; Tom; Jim; Miss Li; Mr. Zhang; Lei Feng
(2) Beijing; Shanghai; London; Paris
(3) England; China; Germany; South Africa
2. 稱呼語前或表示官銜,職位、身份的名詞前不加冠詞;
例:(1) The guards took the American to General Lee.
(2) Lincoln, president of the United States, was murdered in 1864.
(3) In 1860, Lincoln became President of the United States.
3. 當名詞前有this/that等指示代詞、my/your等物主代詞和some/any等詞時,不用任何冠詞;
例:(1) This is my computer.(2) That book is their teacher’s.
4. 年份、月份、星期、日期、季節、節日等名詞前不用冠詞:
例:in 1988 in August on Thursday in spring on August 8th
We go to school from Monday to Friday.
Children’s Day falls on the 1st June.
5. “一日三餐”等名詞前不用冠詞:
have breakfast (lunch, supper)
I have breakfast at 7 every day.
【注意】(1) 前面有形容詞修飾,需用不定冠詞;
例:He had a big dinner today. 他今天吃了頓豐盛的晚餐。
(2) 後面有定語修飾,需用定冠詞:
例:The breakfast he had today was good. 他今天吃的早餐不錯。
6. 球類運動和娛樂運動的名稱前不用冠詞:
例: (1). play football (basketball/volleyball/tennis/ table tennis)
(2). play chess (card)
7. 當“bike, car, bus, train, boat, ship, plane”等與“by”連用,表示一種交通手段時,不用冠詞: by bus,by train;
例; (1) He goes to work by bike. 他騎車去上班。
(2) Did you come back by plane or by train 你坐飛機還是坐火車回來的
8. 在某些固定搭配里,名詞之前常不用冠詞.
例:on foot; at home; at night; from morning till night, on time, in time, at first, at last等。




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