
think twice的翻譯是什麼樣的


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think twice的翻譯是什麼樣的
  翻譯是在準確(信)、通順(達)、優美(雅)的基礎上,把一種語言信息轉變成另一種語言信息的行為。翻譯是將一種相對陌生的表達方式,轉換成相對熟悉的表達方式的過程。下面是小編為大家整理的think twice的'翻譯是什麼樣的,歡迎閱讀與收藏。
  think twice的翻譯
  英 [θik twais] 美 [θk twas]
  think twice 基本解釋
  think twice的單語例句
  1. Being out here by yourself is enough to make you think twice.
  2. To have a carrying cost on your property will make people think twice before committing so much money to this type of investment.
  3. Perhaps studios should think twice before calling a movie The Last Stand until they decide with certainty that it is indeed the final entry.
  4. It may not necessarily coerce more bigwigs to work for the people, but it will pressure them to think twice before they speak their heart.
  5. Let the voters send a message that dissident politicians should think twice before doing anything against the common collective will.
  6. Chen said gasoline was still affordable, but admitted he would think twice about the cost before taking his car out.
  7. Zhang also hinted the current resurging crude oil price on the international market might prompt domestic crude buyers to think twice before placing more orders.
  8. But the close association these organizations have with the government and their disregard for transparency have made many potential contributors think twice.
  think twice的雙語例句
  1. It's a shame, as I think we played a fine game and came close to doubling our advantage at least twice.
  2. But I saw some shit this mornin'made me think twice.
  3. To conclude, keep in mind that cosigning a loan is a serious responsibility and you need to think twice before making any deal.
  4. If I were you, I'd think twice about it.
  5. If you are in the latter group, then think twice before entering any ocean swims.




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