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Healthy Eating (健康飲食)
Ⅰ. 四會單詞和詞組:
pain , in (the) future , be rich in , contain , fat ( n . ) , soft drink , score , scores of , discuss , discussion , at the end ( of )
三會單詞和詞組: examine , ripe , advise , patient , energy , weight , put on weight , westerner , cause , unhealthy , lose weight , suggestion
Ⅱ. 交際英語:
1. What can I do for you ? / What was the matter ? / What\'s the trouble ?
2. Does it hurt here ? / It\'s nothing serious . / Let me examine you . / Take this medicine three times a day . / And I advise you not to do …
3. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest . / You\'d better have a good rest . / You\'ll be well soon .
4. Show me your tongue . / Stick out your tongue . / Did you cough much ? / Fortunately , you only have the flu (流感) . / You\'ll have to be hospitalized (住院) .
5. How long have you been like this ? / Well , let\'s see . Open your mouth and say 「ah 」. / Keep warm and don\'t catch cold .
1. I\'ve got a pain ( cough , headache , toothache ) . / I don\'t feel well . / There\'s something wrong with … . / This place hurts . / I feel a great pain here . / I feel dizzy (頭暈) . / I took some medicine last night , but they didn\'t help . / Doctor , please give me an examination .
2. I\'ve had my temperature taken . I indeed have a fever . / I was hot and cold by turns .
3. I don\'t feel well , doctor . / I hope it won\'t last long . / I don\'t feel like eating anything .
4. I have a sore throat ( 喉嚨痛) and my chest hurts . / It started bothering me yesterday afternoon . / I feel hot and feverish . / I\'m aching all over .
5. I\'ve been losing sleep . / My whole body feels weak . / I\'ve lost my voice . / My ears are ringing , and my cheeks burning . / I feel a pain in my left leg .
Ⅲ. 語法重點:進一步學習提出建議和忠告的句型。
1. I advise you (not) to do … / you\'d better (not) do … / I suggest that you (should) do … / Why not do … / Why don\'t you do …
2. It\'s better to be absolutely sure , even if it does take a bit more time and trouble .
3. Well , if I were you , I would spend about four days sightseeing in Beijing and two or three days in Shanghai for shopping .
4. Let me give you a bit of advice , if you don\'t mind . Stop smoking or at least cut down on it . Watch your diet and …
5. How / What about doing some shopping here ?
6. I think we\'d better send for a doctor .
7. Well , if you go on the way you have , you\'re only going to make things harder for yourself . 8. Yes , I suppose so . / Yes , I certainly will . / That\'s a good idea . / Yes , but don\'t you think … ?
1. contain 作及物動詞是「包含;包括;能容納,能裝入」
Sea water contains salt .
This auditorium will contain 3,000 people .
〖點撥〗(1) contain 和 include 雖然都有「包含」的意思,但 contain 可用於表示包含所含之物的全部或部分,而 include 則只是包含一部分。試對比:
The parcel contained a dictionary . 那包裹里裝的是一本字典。
The parcel included a dictionary . 那包裹里也包括了一本字典。
The tour includes a visit to Paris . 這次旅行包括遊覽巴黎。
The basket contains a variety of fruits . 這籃子裝有各種水果。
(2) including 可以作介詞連接介詞短語。試比較:
Many women were waiting to buy that kind of cloth , including my mother .
Many women were waiting to buy that kind of cloth , my mother included .
可以這樣說,include 著重「被包含者只是整體中的一部分」。contain 著重「內有」。
2. advise 作及物動詞是「忠告、勸告、建議」
The doctor advised a soft diet . 醫生建議進軟食。
〖點撥〗(1) advise + doing
He advised getting plenty of sleep and eating good meals .
(2) advise sb to do 建議某人干……。advise sb not to do sth = advise sb against doing 建議某人不要干
The teacher advised us not to read carelessly . = The teacher advised us against careless reading .
對比:The teacher advised our reading carefully . (動名詞復合結構)
(3) advise that + 主語 + (should) do
She advised that he spend his holidays in Heinan .
對比:(誤)Sharon suggested me to ask Dr Yang for help .
(對)Sharon advised me to ask Dr Yang for help .
(對)Sharon suggested / advised that I should ask Dr Yang for help .
(對)Sharon suggested / advised my asking Dr Yang for help .
(對)I was advised to ask Dr Yang for help by Sharon .
(4) advice 是不可數名詞,表達「一條建議」用:a piece / bit / word of advice 。
3. score (比賽的) 得分;(單複數相同)二十
The score at the end of the game was 5 to 4 against the visiting team . 比賽結果為 5 比 4 , 客隊敗北。
What\'s the score now ? 現在比分是多少 ?
〖點撥〗(1) scores of 許多,大批
The exhibition has scores of visitors every day .
(2) score 前有數詞時,score 用單數,其後的 of 常省略。但在代詞或者起定語作用的指示代詞及物主掉次前的 of 不能省略。
Three score of them are League members .
Three score of those eggs are his .
She has two score (of) eggs . (這種情況下不用 of )
4. discuss 作及物動詞是「討論,議論」。名詞形式是 discussion 。
I\'ve something of great importance to discuss with you .
After careful discussion the two parties reached an agreement on this matter .
〖點撥〗(1) discuss 後直接接名詞、疑問詞 + to do ,不接 about / on 。但discussion 後可以接about 。
(錯)We have discussed about the problem .
(對)We have discussed the problem .
(對)We have had a discussion about the problem .
(2) discuss sth with sb 和某人討論……
We will discuss the changes of our school with them later .
(3) discuss freely 自由討論,discuss fully / thoroughly 充分討論,discuss keenly 激烈討論,under discussion 在討論中,have a long discussion about / on sth 對……進行長時間的討論, a heated / hot discussion 熱烈的討論。5. suggestion 建議
Your suggestion is very helpful .
〖點撥〗(1) 含有suggestion 的主語從句、表語從句、同位語從句、定語從句中主句謂語用 should 型虛擬式。
We agree to his suggestion that the book (should) be published once more .
(2) suggestion 的搭配有:make a helpful / timely suggestion 作出有益(適時)的建議。act on / at one\'s suggestion = act on / at the suggestion of sb 按照某人的建議做。
(3) suggestion , advice 和 opinion
advice 多指根據自己的學識和經驗提出來的供人參考的意見。suggestion 指為改進工作、解決問題而提出的建議,比 advice 委婉。opinion 是日常用語,指對某事的觀點、想法。另外,advice 是不可數名詞。
Advice is seldom welcome . (諺語) 忠言逆耳。
In our opinion , these trees must be cut down at once .
We have decided to pay more attention to their suggestions .
1. at the doctor\'s 在診所
At the doctor\'s you can have your eyesight tested .
2. visit a doctor = see a doctor 看醫生,看病,就診
He had to visit a doctor because of his heart trouble .
3. a piece of bread 一塊麵包
4. a bit 有點兒(修飾形容詞)
These apples are a bit green . 這些蘋果有些生。
5. have a good rest 好好休息一下
6. in four hours\' time 四小時後,四小時內
Take two pills now and two more in fours\' time .
They will arrive in two hours\' time .
7. a diet of 一種……的食物
Every person needs water and a diet of healthy foods .
8 . different kinds of 不同種類的
There are different kinds of moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Day .
Different kinds of book ( = Different kinds of books = Books of different kinds ) are on show in the book fair .
9. in calories 以卡來計算
The energy is measured in calories . 這種能量以卡來計算。
10. be asleep 睡者(強調狀態)。fall asleep 睡著(強調動作)
11. burn up 燒掉,燒毀;消耗掉。
While you are walking , your body is burning up 100 calories an hour .
If the satellite returns to the earth too fast , it burns up on the way .
The house burned up before the firemen got there .
12. as much as 像……那樣多;多達;到達……的程度。as much as 用於不可數的物體,而 as many as 則用於可數的物體。該結構還可以變化為:as much + 不可數名詞 + as 或者 as many + 可數名詞 + as 的形式。
Here is a bottle of ink . You may use as much as you need .
The average distance of the sun from the earth is as much as 150 million kilometres .
You should rest as much as possible .
In the countries of Black Africa , there are as many as 700 languages .
When working there , she could earn as much as 500 dollars a week .
He is strong enough to carry as much as 200 jin .
13. be considered (to be ) + 名詞或者形容詞「被認為是……」
14. be rich in 含有大量的;充滿
This kind of fish is rich in vitamins A and D .
A large stretch of land rich in coal is called a coal field .
注意其反義詞組是:be low in 含量低。be high in 含有大量的……
15. too much 過於多的(修飾不可數名詞、作主語、作賓語、作表語)。而much too修飾形容詞和副詞。
She gets up much too early , because she has too much work to do every day .
16 . take exercise 運動;鍛鍊
You need to take more exercise if you want to keep healthy .
She ate too much and did not take any exercise .
17. put on weight 增加體重;發胖。lose weight 減少體重。
Too many sweets and not enough exercise will make you put on weight .
To the great joy of her , she has lost much weight .
18. in the form of 以……的形式
He made the suggestion in the form of a question .
All sounds travel in the forms of waves .
Water exists in the form of ice , snow , steam , etc.
19. one person in ten = one-tenth = one person out of ten 十分之一的人
注意區別:ten to one 十有八、九,有可能
20. by the age of 在……歲前;不超過……歲。by 在這裡相當於 before 。
She had had three children by the age of 35 .
He had been in the army for two years by the age of 18 .
注意:at the age of 在……歲時。試對比:
She married at the age of 30 .
She had been married by the age of 30 .
21. put … in order 把……按照順序排列好
22 . value for money 合算,花錢值得
23 . scores of 幾十的,大量的,許多的(修飾可數名詞)
24 . value of money 合算,花錢值得
25 . lose weight 減少體重
26 . die from heart illnesses 死於各類心臟疾病
1. Even when + 從句
Even when you are asleep , you are using energy . 甚至在你睡覺時,你也在消耗能量。
〖明晰〗even 作為副詞放在由when引起的時間狀語從句的前面起加強語氣的作用。
Even when it is in August , the weather there is very cold .
Even when he was taking a holiday he was worried about his work .
2 . 主語 + be considered + to be + 主語補足語
The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world . 中國飲食被認為是世界上最健康的飲食。
〖明晰〗consider 做「認為」時可以帶不定式的復合結構,即:主語 + consider + 賓語 + 不定式(主要是 to be 做賓語補足語)。如果將賓語變為主語,則 consider 用被動語態,原來作賓補的不定式便變成為主語補足語。注意:to be 常常被省略後成為:consider + 賓語 + 名詞(或者形容詞)。
He considered the task to be the most difficult one . → The task was considered to be the most difficult one by him .
We all consider his suggestion to be reasonable . → His suggestion is considered to be reasonable .
We consider this (to be) a useful book . → We consider this book useful .
1 . When playing football or basketball , you might be using 400 calories an hour . 踢足球或者打籃球時,你每小時可能要消耗 400 卡能量。
〖釋疑〗連詞 when , while 引起的時間狀語從句,如果從句中的主語與主句中的主語是同一人或物時,則可以省略主謂語,變成「When / while + ing」這中結構。
While he was doing the experiment , he noticed something strange . = While doing the experiment , he noticed something strange .
2 . In some parts of Britain , one person in ten , by the age of thirty , has no teeth left . 在英國有些地方,十分之一的人年方三十,牙齒就掉光了。
〖釋疑〗 one person in ten 即 one person in ten persons 的省略,其意思為「十個中有一個人」。與 one person in ten 類似的結構有:one person out of ten , one out of ten persons 。但是,ten to one 是「十有八、九,很可能」。
Two teachers in ten are against this plan .
Three out of four people (= Three fourths of the people ) went there to have a look .
It will rain tonight ten to one .
1. 知識與技能目標
2. 過程與方法目標
(2)通過閱讀課文利用Skimming 和 Scanning閱讀技能找到每個藝術館的地理位置、藝術特色等相關信息,提高分析處理英文信息的能力。通過尋找描述每個藝術館的關鍵詞培養學生的歸納總結信息的能力,同時為下一個扮演導遊介紹藝術館的活動做鋪墊,提供相關的語言詞彙鋪墊。
3. 情感、態度、價值觀目標
(三) Fast reading
(四)Detailed Reading: 詳細閱讀
(五)Challenge your speaking(口語能力提升)
提供參考詞彙: Welcome to …
This museum is located in…
It displays(展出) art works in… centuries of …countries, including …
It will appeal to…
You shouldn』t miss…
(六)Challenge your writing (英語寫作能力提升)
Watch the videos and then write an advertisement to introduce one of the museums in Weifang. within80 words
寫作參考詞彙:濰坊世界風箏博物館(Weifang World Kite Museum)
楊家埠民間藝術大觀園(Yangjiabu Folk Art Museum)
kite 風箏 wood-print new year pictures木板年畫 be located in 位於
…is famous/well-known for …因…而出名 it displays/shows…展出
Here you can enjoy… 在這裡你可以欣賞到… artist 藝術家 appeal to 吸引 tourist 遊客 it’s well worth a visit 很值得參觀
10. 入場費(門票)
11. 一個…的收藏
15. 這家博物館展示的不只是看得見的藝術之美,它還向你介紹了古代的生活方式。
16. 館內沒有永久展出,展品都是隨時更換的。
Writing (寫作測評)
Write an advertisement to introduce one of the museums in Weifang. within80 words
accept, invitation, after all, continue, call on, day and night, pay back, at the most,
worth, not…any more
1. Where have you been all these days?
2. What happened?
3. We did have a good time.
4. Excuse me. I』ve lost a case I wonder if it’s been found.
5. Can you describe the case?
6. Where did you last have it?
7. We asked everyone there if they had found …, but without luck.
8. We couldn』t find it; it was lost.
e.g.1. He asked if she was Pleased.
2. She asked him how many People were going to the ball.
Guy de Maupassant(莫泊桑1850—1893)was a well—known French novelist and short –story writer.在少年時他就對文學表現出了濃厚的興趣,很小的時候開始寫作,在30多歲成為著明的小說家,他的大部分作品講的是人們的日常生活。1871年開始,他在政府部門就職,這期間他熟悉了政府職員的生活。這段經歷幫助他創造出了他的短篇小說「項鍊」。他的作品簡潔明了,諷刺運用得恰到好處。莫泊桑晚年承受疾病圍繞,1893年病逝於巴黎。
「項鍊」這篇課文是一個獨幕劇,它包括三個人物:Mathilde Loisel, a yang woman;
Pierre Loisel, Mathilde’s husband, a government worker; Jeanne, Mathilde’s good friend.
1. Scene1 A park in Paris ……walks towards her.
這部分用斜體表示,或象下文一樣置於括號中,叫做舞台指導說明(stage directions )一般使用現在時態。戲劇一般首先介紹故事發生的時間(time)、地點(place)和劇中人物(characters)。在這一段中有了具體介紹。
2. …but I don』t think I know you. 我好象並不認識你。
I don』t think I should do that. 我認為我不該做那件事。
I don』t believe she will come. 我上信她不會來。
「think, believe」 這兩個詞的否定式在主句中表示,而賓語從句中的動詞用肯定式。
3. In fact you do. 事實上你認識我。
=In fact, you know me. 為了避免和前面重複,所以用助動詞代替。
e.g.①We all love singing, but he doesn』t. 我們都喜歡唱歌,但他不喜歡。
②Class 2 went to a picnic, but Class 1 didn』t. 2班去野餐了,但1班沒去。
4. recognize vt. 認識,辨認
e.g.①She was so changed that I hardly recognized her. 她變得我幾乎認不出來了。
②Harry recognized me in the crowd. 亨利在人群中認出了我。
5. Where have you been all these years? 這些年你上哪兒去了?
e.g. The teacher asked Jane, 「You didn』t come to school, last week, where have you been?」
6. That’s because of hard work. 那是因為勞累。
e.g.①He couldn』t go further. That’s because of his wounded leg.
②He cried because of the pain in his arm = He cried because he had a pain in his arm.
because of後面跟名詞在句中作狀語與because加句子引導的狀語從句意義相同。
7. Have times been hard for you? 這些年境況不太好吧!
times這個詞我們以前見過:(morden times )表示目前或某種特殊時期的生活情況或環境,可譯作「日子」、「境況」、「時代」。
e.g.①He didn』t complain of hard times, but kept on working hard. 他沒有抱怨時勢艱難,相反的是一直努力工作。
②Students thought times are terrible in July. 學生們認為7月是一段難熬的日子。
8. But what happened? 發生什麼事了?
happen take place. 沒有被動式。
e.g.①I remembered the whole things as if it happened yesterday.
②──Why didn』t the boss come yesterday? 為什麼老闆昨天沒來?
──An accident happened to him. 他出事了。
9. Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed anecklace of yours. 10年前的一個下午,我到你家借過一條項鍊,你還記得嗎?
Ten year ago和由when 引導的定語從句一起修飾afternoon.
e.g.①Cart still remembers one afternoon in his first year when the professor took the students the Chemistry lab.卡爾仍然記得一年級時教授帶學生到化學實驗室去的那個下午的情景。
②There are thousands of starts in the sky that are like our sun.
10. I』ve written to accept the invitation. 我已經寫信表示接受邀請了。
e.g.①I received a note, but didn』t accept it. 我收到了一張支票,但沒接受。
②Jack received my letter, and accepted my advice.
③give sb. An invitation給sb發邀請(invite sb. to…)refuse sb’s invitation. 拒絕sb的邀請。
11. I haven』t got an evening dress for the ball! 我沒有參加晚會的禮服啊!
12. But, just this once. After all, this ball is very important.不過就這麼一次,要知道,這次舞會很重要啊!
after all「畢竟,終究,到底」。用來說服或提醒對方,引出對方似乎忘記了的某個重要的論點或理由。
e.g.①They met with difficulties, but I hear that they』re succeeded after all.
②She said she would not go to the ball, but she went there after all.
13. I have no jewellery to wear. 我沒有首飾戴。
e.g.①She always dresses in green. 她總是穿著綠色的衣服。
②Dress at once! 立刻穿上衣服。
③The mother dresses the baby everyday. 媽媽每天給小寶寶穿衣服。
④He’s wearing a new coat today. 他今天穿了一件新大衣。
但不能說:Wear your clothes at once.
14. Can』t you just wear a flower instead? 難道不能就戴一朵花嗎?
e.g.①Hasn』t Albert telephoned you? Albert還沒有打電話來嗎?(說話人認為Albert本該
②It’s getting dark. Can』t you walk a little faster? 天快黑了,你不能走快點嗎?(說話
15. She married a man with a lot of money. 她嫁了一個很有錢的人。
marry sb. 娶了某人/嫁給某人。get married結了婚。
be/ get married to sb.與某人結婚,不能用 with.
e.g.①—Is Jack married? Jack結婚了嗎?
—He got married last year. 他去年結婚了。
②He has been married to Mary for 3years. 他和Mary結婚3年了。
③Alice married a Frenchman. Alice和一個法國人結婚了。
16. So I called on you…
call on/ upon sb. visit sb.到家看望。
e.g.①It’s to years since I last called on my former teacher.
Call at sb’s house. 到家看望。
②「I』ll call at your house tomorrow morning. Are you free? 「—Yes. You』re welcome.」
17. You tried it on and it looked wonderful on you.
e.g.①Never buy shoes without trying them on first. 鞋子要先試再買。
②The tailor asked the girl to try on the new dress. 裁縫要那個小孩試一下新衣服。
try on: 試穿,試戴。
18. Perhaps in those days I was. 也許那時候我是(個漂亮的姑娘)…
e.g.①She said it was a valuable necklace. It really was.
②「Are they in the park?」 「I think they are.」 「他們在公園裡嗎?」「我想是的」。
19. Pierre and I did have a very good time at the ball.
e.g.①Do come here next Sunday. 下星期日一定來啊!
②I did agree with you. 我完全贊同你。
③She does keep her promise. 她確實一貫遵守諾言。
20. But that was the last moment of happiness in our lives.
21. On our way home…… that the necklace was not around my neck any more!
not ……any mere. 不再。
e.g.①Don』t make the same mistake any more. 不要再犯同樣的錯誤了。
②She doesn』t live here any more. 她不再住在這兒了。
22. It was exactly like your necklace, but it was a different one.
e.g.①There are two books. The one on the shelf is mine. 這有2本書,書架上那本是我的。
②There are lots of dresses in the case. You can try on the ones you like.
23. During the next ten years… to pay back the money we had borrowed (= In order to returnthe money which we had borrowed, both of us worked a long time every day in the next tenyears.)在後來的10年時間裡,為了償還這筆借款,我們兩個不分晝夜地幹活。
pay back作「償還」,「還錢」解。pay back money to sb. pay back money for sth.
e.g.①「—I』ll pay back the money to you next week. Is it ok?」「我下星期還錢給你,行嗎?」
—「That’s ok!」 好吧!
②「Have you paid back the money for the foods?」 購買食品的錢還了沒有?
③They paid off all the debts on time. 他們按時把債還清了。
④Once we have paid off the store, we shall owe money to no one.
24. That’s why I come and ask for help. 這就是為什麼我顯得這樣蒼老。
「Why」 在這裡相當於「the reason why …」即(為什麼)…的原因。
e.g. He had stolen the necklace. That’s why he was punished.
25. It wasn』t valuable at all. 它根本就不值錢。
at all「全然」「完全」。常用於否定句中「not…at all」「完全不」,「根本不」。 e.g.①She’s rather lazy, not at all suitable for the post. 她太懶了,根本不適合這個職業。
②I don』t believe her at all. 我根本就不相信她。
26. It was worth five hundred francs at the most… 它最多值500法郎。
be worth+sth. /doing sth.「值(多少錢)」
e.g.①This piece of jewelry is worth $500. 這件手飾值500美元。
②His suggestion is worth consideration / considering. 他的建議值得考慮。
③The museum is worth a visit. 那個博物館值得一看。
27. He is now at the Lost and Found.
直接引語如果是一般疑問句,變成間接引語時,還要用if / whether引導。如果在引語中含有「or」,則只能用whether.
e.g.① He asked her, 「Are you pleased?」
He asked her if / whether she was pleased.
②She asked me, 「Have you finished the work?」
She asked me if / where I had finished the work.
③ Mother asked, 「Will you stay at home or go with us?」
Mother asked (me) whether I would stay at home or go with them.
e.g.① She asked me, 「Where have you been all these years?」
She asked me where I had been all those years.
② He asked Tom, 「What are you looking for?」
He asked Tom what he was looking for.
③ He asked me, 「Why didn』t you stop her?」
He asked me why I hadn』t stopped her.
First aid
Teaching aims
通過本單元的教學,學生了解有關急救的常識,在生活中如何處理一些突發事件,然後實施緊急救護等總結,歸納情態動詞的用法,如:should/shouldn』t; must/mustn』t ;ought to等表示義務和責任的用法。
Teaching important and difficult points
knee, still, bite (bit, bitten/bit), lay (laid, laid), mouth-to-mouth, bum, cut, electric, container pool, breathe, within, handkerchief, wound, safety, wire, guard, sideway, firm, firmly wherever, stomach, injure, injured, injury, poison, quantity, nearby
first aid, ought to, medical care, by mistake, pay attention to, in a short while, deal with, take it easy, running water, out of one’s reach, throw up, hold up
3. Useful expressions
We must carry her to the side of the road.
You mustn』t move someone if they are badly hurt.
Parents should know some first aid.
You shouldn』t get up if you are badly hurt.
I ought to go home.
I have to cook supper for my grandmother.
4. Grammar
Revise Modal Verbs : must, should
Study Modal Verb: ought to
教師布置學生寫作的題目及要求,教師給學生幾分鐘時間進行討論,教師給學生一些關鍵的詞語,如:breathe, First Aid Centre, handkerchief, mouth-to mouth so on.之後,教師給學生十分鐘左右時間開始寫,最後教師請幾位同學朗讀,教師給予講評。
本單元是圍繞First aid, Safety in the home,展開話題。對話課中描述兩個學生在街上看到一個女孩從自行車上摔下來的經過,同時對話中使用了情態動詞的用法,課文中附有圖片和口語練習,幫助學生了解急救的重要性及有關的常識。
1. What should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake? 假如有人誤喝了毒藥,你怎麼辦?
by mistake是固定詞組,意為「錯誤地」,「無心地(做錯了事)」。例如:
She put salt in her cup of coffee by mistake.她錯將鹽放入咖啡里了。
2. do with,deal with
但是用於特殊疑問句的時候do with與what連用;deal with則與how連用。例如:
另外,do with還可表達別的意思。例如:
What did you do with my umbrella? (=Where did you put my umbrella?)
What are we to do with this naughty boy? (=How are we to deal with this naughty boy?) 我們該怎樣處置這個頑皮的男孩?
3. knock at, knock down & knock into的區別
knock at 指「敲打門窗」
I heard someone knocking at the door.我聽見有人敲門。
Tom tried knocking at the window.湯姆試著敲了敲窗戶。
knock down 指「……撞倒」
He nearly knocked me down at the corner.在拐角處,他幾乎把我撞倒。
He was knocked down by a car. 他被汽車撞倒了。
knock into 指「碰倒,撞上某人」,也可指「偶然碰見」。
The child knocked into the teacher.那孩子撞到了老師身上。
He knocked into the chair in the dark.黑暗中他撞在了椅子上。
He didn't expect to knock into some of his friends here.他沒有想到在這兒遇見一些朋友。
4. ask, demand, inquire, question & require
Did you ask the price of that ten-speed bicycle?你打聽過那輛十速自行車的價錢了嗎?
I demand that you leave this place at once.我要求你立即離開此地。
3)inquire 多用於較正式的語體,通常只表示打聽消息,尋求答案。
He inquired of the girl the way to the railway station.他問那女孩到火車站怎麼走。
4)question 常表示一連串問題,有時則有盤問,審問之意。
①The questioning of the prisoner went on for hours.對那個囚犯的審訊延續了好幾個小時。
Since he was involved in the case, the court required his appearance.由於他與此案有關,法庭令他出庭。
5.breathe & breath
1)breathe 是動詞,是「呼吸」的意思。
He was breathing hard/heavily after racing for the train.他跑著趕上了火車,吃力地喘著氣。
It is good to breathe fresh country air instead of city smoke.呼吸鄉間新聞空氣而不吸入城市煙塵是有益的。
1)I can't concentrate with you breathing down my neck.你這樣緊緊叮著我,使我精神無法集中。
2)Promise me you won't breathe a word of this to anyone.答應我別將此事泄漏給任何人。
3)The new manager has breathed fresh life into the company.新經理給公司帶來了朝氣。
1)You can see people's breath on a cold day.冷天能看到人們呼出的空氣。
2)His breath smelt of garlic.他呼出氣中有蒜味。
①Her smile is a breath of fresh air in this gloomy office.她的微笑給沉悶的辦公室帶來生氣。
②Religion is the breath of life for her.宗教對她來說是不可缺少的精神支柱。
③It took us a few minutes to get our breath back after the race.賽跑後我們用了好幾分鐘才恢復了正常呼吸。
④The audience held their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.雜技演員走鋼絲時,觀眾們都屏住了呼吸。
⑤His heart condition makes him short(out) of breath.他心臟狀況不佳使他呼吸急。
⑥He lost his breath in running.由於奔跑他幾乎喘不上氣。
語法:情態動詞(Modal Verbs)
1) must
We must obey the rules.我們必須遵守規則。
You mustn』t talk like that.你可不能那樣說話。
She said that we must wait a little while.她說我們必須要等一會兒。
must have則表示對過去情況的推測。例如:
This must be Tom’s room. 這準是Tom的房間。
Jack must have gone there, hasn』t he? / didn』t he?傑克準是去過那兒了,對不對?
C.比較:have to也表示「必須」,但have to更強調客觀需要,must著重說明主觀看法。如:
We had to be there at 10 o』clock.我們得在10點到那兒。(客觀需要)
We must be back before 10 o』clock.我們必須10點前回來。(主觀認為)
We must / have to leave now.我們得走了。
must和have to的否定式即mustn』t和don』t have to意思完全不同。Mustn』t表示「不作某事」,有禁止的含義;don』t have to表示「不必要(作某事)」,含有「客觀上無此必要」的意思。例如:
You mustn』t move someone if the person is badly hurt.如果這人受了重傷,你一定不要動他.
The person isn』t hurt at all. You don』t have to give him first aid.這個人根本就沒有受傷,你不必給他進行急救。
本單元介紹了美國的迪斯尼樂園及其創始人Walt Disney艱苦創業的生活經歷。通過本單元教學,要求學生掌握迪斯尼樂園的概況,並可根據提示複述沃爾特?迪斯尼奮鬥的生活簡歷。引導學生意識到只有通過自身的努力,艱苦奮鬥,才能收穫成功的道理。同時,設計問答練習,提高學生閱讀能力。
Step 1聽錄音
1.What were they talking about ?
2.How to answer the first /second/third/forth/fifth visitor question?
Step 2 練習
Step 3改寫
Sleeping Beauty Castle , Bear Country, Horse-drawn streetcars, the Tomorrow Land Building
比如:Carl is answering visitors』 questions. The first visitor asks Carl the way to the Sleeping Beauty Castle….
Step 4 討論
If you are visitor, How to ask the way to the stranger at first?
Step 5總結
Where is …...
How can I get to…
Which is the way to…
Could you tell me if…
Could you tell me the way to…
Go straight ahead…
It’s behind …/in frond of/
Go down this street…
本課的日常用語用語是有關對話asking the way and responses,這樣的問路用語在初中都以學過,所以對話不在是個難點。本課的兩篇閱讀文章是有關人物,沃爾特·迪斯尼。難點在於第一篇是了解他的生活經歷和艱苦創業。第二篇是我們眾所周知的Disneyland,兩篇文章結合著學過的語法知識賓語從句在裡面,這也不是學生們所要了解的重點。
1.bring on 引起;使...前進;把...端上來(如飯菜等)
1) Ill bring on the beef in a minute.我一會就端上來牛排。
2) The fine weather is bringing the crops on nicely. 好天氣使農作物長得很好。(使發展或進步 )
3) He was caught in the rain and this brought on a bad cold.(引起;導致)他被雨淋了,導致了一場重感冒。
bring on 使發生;
bring in 引來;引進;吸收
bring out 取出;說出;闡明;出版
1) The first dish that was brought on was bean-soup.
2) The sudden cold weather brought on his cold again.
3) His new business brings in 1,000 dollars a month.
4) We also brought in some words from English, such as tank and so on.
5) Bring out the meaning more clearly.
6) They have brought out a set of childrens books.
2.You can see as far as the coast.
as far as 遠到;到...為止;常用來在句中加重語氣
Every day, the old man walks as far as the Summer Palace. 他一直走到頤和園 as/so far as (連詞) 就...而言
As far as I know, what you said cant possibly happen.就我所知你所說的事情是不可能發生的。
so far 到目前為止,常用在完成時態中
I havent got the invitation so far.到目前為止,我還沒有得到邀請。
3.One day he remembered the mouse that used to come out in his fathers
used to do sth.
1) My friend used to write to me, but now she prefers sending e-mails.
be used to do sth. 被用來做
1)The house was used to keep books two years ago.
2)Elephants are used to carry things.
be/get used to doing/sth.
1) I have been used to living in this area.
I have got used to living in this area.
2) I came to Beijing 10 years ago, and Ive got used to the weather here.
4.Go through the gate and youll find the entrance. = If you go through the gate, youll find the entrance. / Go through the gate, or you wont find the entrance.
1) Use your brain and youll find a way.
2) If you study hard, youll surely make progress.
3) Hurry up! Or well miss the last train.
I. 賓語從句 即在復合句中作主句的(及物動詞或介詞)賓語。賓語從句通常由連接代詞或副詞引導;可分為四類:
1.由 that引導的賓語從句(that沒有任何意義,在從句中不充當任何成分,在口語和非正式文體中常可以省略):
I thought (that)the food was rather expensive.
Mother knows (that) Jim will work hard.
2. 由 if /whether「是否」 引導的賓語從句:
I wonder if/whether it was Disney who made the first cartoons.
Could you tell me if/whether Mr. Black lives here?
3. 由 what, why, when, where, who, which, whose, whom, how 等 wh- 類連接代詞或副詞引導的賓語從句:
Can anyone fail to see what kind of show they are putting on?
Please tell me which class you are in?
He asked me whom I was waiting for.
The stranger doesn』t know when the ship arrives.
I didn』t understand why the boy had so many questions.
Please ask the teacher how we get to the place.
4.由關係代詞型what 等代詞引導的賓語從句:
We always mean what we say.
I will try to make up what I have missed.
I』ll give you whatever help you need.
I』ll read whichever book you recommend
A computer can only do what you have instructed it to do.
--「Doesn』t Helen live on this street?」
--「No. This is where Leon lives.」
2. 賓語從句的語序。無論是連接代詞還是連接副詞引導的賓語從句的 語序都應是陳述句的語序。
She asked the boys if they had white hats.
I don』t remember when we arrived.
Do you know which class he is in?
3. 時態的呼應。分以下三種情況考慮:
1) 主句的謂語動詞是過去時態時,從句的時態也應是過去的某種時態。
He answered (that) he was listening to me.
Lily told us (that) she was born in May, 1980.
2) 主句的謂語動詞是過去時態時,從句所敘述的是客觀真理、格言時,從句時態無需改變,仍用一般現在時。
The teacher said that (that) the earth goes around the sun.
Father told me that practice makes perfect.
He says he will be back in an hour.
They know Jim is working hard.
常可跟賓語從句的形容詞有:afraid, glad, sure, happy, pleased, surprised, sorry 等等。
She is afraid that Jim will forget his Chinese.
I』m sure that he will succeed.




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