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Lesson1 The Talent Show Is Coming Soon.
1. dr__m 鼓
2.t_lent show新秀選拔賽
3._and 樂隊
4.parti_ _ pate參加
5. int_resting有趣的
6._dea 主意
7. s_ddenly 突然地
8. pa_nter畫家
9. best sing_r的歌手
3. take(現分)
5. right(反義)
7. dance(名詞)
8. I(反身代詞)
9. give(單三)
1.You good at playing the guitar.
A .is B . be C. are
2.The talent show is soon.
A. comes B. coming C.come
3.I want to do something
A interesting B.interests C .interest
4.I don't want to participate the show by myself.
A.on B.inC.by
5.How about a band?
A. making B.make C to make.
6.Who's the singer?
A. good B. better C.best.
7.I don't want to do it by .
A. me B. myself C.my
8.Why you play the violin?
A.don't B doesn't C not
9.That like fun.
A sound B. sounds C.sounding.
10.You are a good
A.cooker B.cook C. cooking.
1.His brother likes (play) chess.
2.My mother (do)the dish every day.
3.Tom is (clean) the classroom now.
4.I want (do) it by myself.
5.I don't want to do (something) interesting.
1.你是一名優秀的吉他手。You are a good .
2.你為什麼不彈吉他呢? don't you the guitar?
3.我們需要一名籃球選手。We a basketball player.
4.吉姆打籃球最棒。 Jim plays baskerball .
5.我還不知道。 I don't know .
1. Thanks for visit me
2. She wants do something interesting.
3.Why not you play the guitar?
4.I'm coming in December 21st.
5.Xiaoxiao sings best.
1.a/need/ We /singer/.
2.are/ playing /at /You /the/ good /guitar/.
3.comes/ he /Here/.
4.show /The /is /soon/ talent /coming/
1.There is some mail for me .(變成一般疑問句)
2.I'm good at playing the drums.(對劃線提問)
3.I come here by car.(同上)
4.I can eat some more.(變否定句).
5.It's Sunday today.(對劃線提問).
( )1、A、cool B、good C、football D、cook
( )2、A、also B、ask C、afternoon D、dance
( )3、A、far B、park C、warm D、basket
( )4、A、sweater B、 weather C、season D、breakfast
( )5、A、dear B. bear C. here D. nearby
( )6、A、cloudy B、house C、young D、shout
( )7、A、spring B、new C、rainy D、winter
( )8、A、often B、most C、clothes D、photo
( )9、A、summer B、fun C、true D、jump
( )10、A、for B、work C、short D、sports
1、聊天 2、善長跑步 3、跳得比我高
4、去划船 5、在冬季 6、去散步
7、和---一樣遠 8、到達購物中心 9、在我的左邊
10、堆雪人 11、the fat man behind me 12 jog to school
1、Ben (run) (fast)than some of the boys in his class.
2、 Nancy swim (slow)than Helen?
3、Fangfang is not as (tall )as the other girls .
4、My eyes are (big )than (she )?
5、Which is (heavy ),the elephant or the pig ?
6、You can take bus No. 1 and get off at (two )stop ?
7、How can I (get )No2. Middle School ?
8、Sam is (do)better in (skate )than Mike .
9、 it often in spring in Nanjing ? Yes ,it’s often (rain).
10、Last weekend my parents (go )to visit my grandparents.
( )1、What’s the weather like today? .
A、It’s fine . B、Yes ,it’s a very nice day . C、Yes, it’s warm today . D、No, it’s cold .
( )2、The the tree red .
A、apple on ;turn B、apples on ;turn C、apples in ;turn D、apple in ;turn
( )3、The grass yellow in .
A、get ,spring B、get ,autumn C、turns ,autumn D、turn ,autumn
( )4、Whose school bag is heavier , ?
A、your ,my B、yours ,mine C、your ,his D、yours ,her
( )5、The middle school is about two kilometres here.
A、far from B、far away from C、away D、away from
( )6、You are good at kites. Can you make one me ?
A、make ,for B、making ,for C、to make ,to D、makes ,to
( )7、Your father and your mother young .
A、looks both B、both looks C、both look D、look both
( )8、Rose is taller than ,but I』m stronger than .
A、me ,her B、I ,she C、me ,him D、her ,him
( )9、My eyes than .
A、are bigger ,hers B、is bigger ,his C、are bigger ,her D、are smaller ,her
( )10、 good friends ,and we often help each other.
A、We all are B、All we are C、All are we D、We are all
五、句子匹配 (10%)
( )1、What’s the weather like in autumn ? A 、No ,I can』t .
( )2、What are you going to do this weekend ? B、They are girls .
( )3、Are you a bus driver ? C、 I don』t know .
( )4、Where’s David’s bike ? D、She is my friend .
( )5、Are they American or English ? E、It’s a map of China .
( )6、How old is your uncle ? F、They are American .
( )7、Are the twins boys or girls ? G、Yes ,I am .
( )1. A. hand B. gave C. map D. plan
( )2. A. went B. bed C. me D. get
( )3. A. heavy B. sleep C. weekend D. meet
( )4. A. car B. father C. warm D. hard
( )5. A. start B. car C. father D. swam
1.two(同義詞)___________ 2.small(反義詞)___________
3.box(複數形式) __________ 4.sheep(
複數形式)_________  5.new(反義詞)___________
1.頭痛 _______ ______ ___________ 2.打掃房間_______
3.去游泳 _________ ___________ 4洗衣服_______
5.起床 _________ _________
( ) 1. Your pen is newer than _____________.
A. mine B. me C. her
( ) 2.How _______ she go to school in the morning ?
A. is B. does C. do
( ) 3.That is _______ American national flag. There ______ fifty stars on it.
A. a , is B. an , are C. an , is
( ) 4. Listen! Xiaoling ________ in her classroom.
A. sings B. singing C. is singing
( ) 5. Yesterday my parents and I ________ our house.
A. are cleaning B. cleaned C. are going to clean
五、句型匹配 。
( )1、What’s your favourite holiday? A. They』re in Jim’s desk.
( )2、When’s your birthday? B. She planted some trees.
( )3、What did she do on the farm? C. It’s the 21st of January
( )4、What date is it today? D. Halloween.
( )5、Where are your gloves? E. It’s on the 21st of January.
六、補全對話, 選擇正確答案的編號在橫線上。
Amy: Hi, Chen Jie!1__________________________?
Chen Jie: It’s Friday.
Amy: Oh, let’s go to the zoo this weekend.
Chen Jie: I』m sorry. I』m going to visit my aunt this weekend.
Amy: 2_____________________________________?
Chen Jie: No, I didn』t. I went to the nature park last weekend. I took many pictures there.
Amy: Oh, really? 3_____________________________?
Chen Jie: Yes, of course. Here you are.
Amy: Wow! Beautiful. But 4_____________________________?
Chen Jie: Let’s go there next weekend, OK?
Amy: OK . 5_____________________________________?
Chen Jie: What about riding a bike?
Amy: OK.
A: What’s the date today?
B: Are you going to visit your aunt?
C: Did you visit your aunt last weekend?
D: How are we going to the zoo?
E: Can I have a look ?
F: What day is it today.
G: When are we going to the zoo?.
1.go, usually, school, I, to, foot, on, (.)
2.to ,are, going, weekend, the ,you, what, do ,on ,(?)
3.look ,so, you ,excited, (.)
4.birthday, June, her ,in, is, (?)
5.writing ,grandma, the, study ,is ,a ,in, letter,(.)
Zhang Ming is a student. He usually goes to school on foot. This morning he went to school by bus because he
got up late. Li Dong is Zhang Ming’s classmate and he didn』t go to school. He went swimming yesterday and had
a cold. The doctor asked him to take some medicine and stay in bed. So he has to stay at home for a few days.
After school, Zhang Ming and his classmates are going to buy some flowers and visit him .
根據短文,判斷正誤,對的寫「T」, 錯的寫「F」。
( )1. Zhang Ming goes to school on foot every day.
( )2. Li Dong had a cold because he went swimming last weekend.
( )3. Zhang Ming didn』t go to school because he had a cold .
( )4. Li Dong’s classmates are going to buy presents for him .
( )5. Li Dong is in the hospital now.
Mrs Harris lives in a small village. She has one son. He is 21 and his name is Geoff. He worked in the shop in
the village and lived with his mother, but then he had new work in a town and went and lived there. It was very
far from his mother's village, and she was not happy about this, but Geoff said, "There isn't good work for me
in the country, Mother, and I can get a lot of money in the town and send you some every week." Mrs Harris was
very angry last Sunday. She got on a train and went to her son's house . Then she said to him, "Geoff, why do
you never make a telephone to me?" Geoff laughed and said. "But, Mother, you don』t have a telephone." she
answered, "I don』t have, but YOU have one!"
( ) 1. Where does Mrs Harris live?
A. In the town
B. In the country
( ) 2. Where did her son work ?
A. In the town B. First in the village, then in the town
( ) 3. How did Mrs Harris feel when her son went to the town?
A. Happy B. Unhappy
( ) 4.Why was Mrs Harris angry?
A. Because she didn』t have a telephone.
B. Because Geoff didn』t make a telephone to her
( ) 5. Who has a telephone?
A. Mrs Harris B. Geoff
( have, on , with, took, visited, and go, dancing, having, take, went, danced )
It’s sunny today. I am ______ a picnic in the park with my friend. Look! Chen Jie is catching butterflies. Tom
and Sarah are singing and ______ under a big tree. Last week we _______ to Dongguan city. We _______ Center
Square, climbed Huangqi mountain and________ many pictures. Summer holiday is coming. We don』t _______ to
school. I am going to _______ a trip ______ my parents. We are going to Shanghai . We are going there by plane
____ July 12th. We will ________ a good time there.
二、 1.too2. big 3. boxes 4.sheep 5.old
三、1.have a headache 2.clean the room 3.go swimming 4.wash the clothes 5 .get up
四、 A B B C B
五、D E B C A
六:1、F 2、C 3、E 4、G 5、D
七.1. I usually go to school on foot .
2. What are you going to do on weekend ?
3. You looks so excited. .
4. Is her birthday in June ?
5. Grandma is writing a letter in the study .
八、( 1 ) 1、F 2、F 3、F 4、T 5、F
九( 1 ) 1、B 2、B 3、B 4、B 5、B
十、1.having 2.dancing 3. went 4.visited 5.took 6.go 7. take 8.with 9. on 10.have




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