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  (C)1.A.old    B.cold   C.road  D. boat
  (A)2 A.tall    B. talk   C.tail  D. tell
  (D)3 A.chair   B.hair   C.care  D.clear
  (B)4 A.mouth  B.month  C.maths D.much
  (D)5 A.word   B.work  C.worker D.water
  (B)6 A.right   B.bright  C.night  D.tonight
  (D)7 A.boy    B.toy    C.soy   D.enjoy
  (B)8 A.show   B.snow  C.now   D.know
  (D)9 A.book   B.look   C.good  D.cook
  (C)10 A.little  B.letter  C.litter   D.listen
  1.(B)A.They are going to listen to music tomorrow evening.
  B. They are going to see a film tomorrow evening.
  C.They are going to the concert tomorrow evening.
  2.(A)A.Miss Li telephoned Mr Green yesterday.
  B.Miss Li didn’t telephone Mr Green yesterday.
  C.Miss Li will telephone Mr Green now.
  3.(B)A.Helen cleaned her shoes yesterday morning.
  B.Helen cleaned her bedroom yesterday morning.
  C.Helen cleaned kitchen yesterday morning.
  4.(C)A.They will meet at 8:00 a.m.
  B.They will meet at 8:00 p.m.
  C.They will meet at 9:00 a.m.
  5.(A) A.Did you have a good time at the party?
  B.Did you enjoy a good rest at the party
  (B)1. Don’t touch it.  It’s dangerous.
  (A)2. What did you do yesterday?   I cleaned my bedroom.
  (A)3. What are you doing , Tom?   I’m playing computer games.
  (C)4. What are they doing now?   They are playing basketball.
  1.concert(A)   A.音樂會  B.音樂廳
  2.tonight (B)   A.晚上    B.今晚
  3. gate(A)     A.大門    B.遊戲
  4. yesterday(B)  A.明天   B.昨天
  5. last week(A)  A.上星期 B.上周末
  6. picnic(A)    A.野餐    B.圖片
  7. upstairs(A)  A.樓上    B.樓下
  8. look after(A)   A.照看    B.注意
  9. visitor(B)      A.參觀    B.參觀者
  10. flat(B)       A.房子     B.單元房
  1. you, us, join, will.           →     Will you join us?
  2. we, shall, concert, go, to, the   →    Shall we go to the concert?
  3.yesterday, did, what, you, do   →    What did you do yesterday?
  4. we, shall, meet, where, when, and   →  When and where shall we meet?
  1. What are you going to do (tomorrow)? (tomorrow, yesterday)
  2.What (did) you do yesterday? (do, did)
  3.I (watched) a football match yesterday. (watch, watched)
  4. (Look out)! The bus is coming.(Look out, Don’t walk)
  5.(Excuse me) . How can I get to the Beijing Station.(Sorry, Excuse me)
  四、根據所給的單詞選擇填空 :(take, have, post, shall, get off)
  1.Did you (have ) a good time at the party?
  2.You’ve got a bad cold. (Take ) this medicine and have a good rest.
  3.Take bus No.4 and (get off) at the next stop.
  4. Did you (post ) the letter for me?
  5. (Shall ) we go to the park?
  五. 根據所給句子,選擇正確答語:
  (C) 1.What’s wrong with you, Mary?
  (D) 2.What about going for a picnic?
  (A )3.Where shall we meet?
  (B) 4.Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight?
  A. What about at the school gate?
  B. I’d love to, but I have work to do.
  C. I’m feeling ill.
  D. Good idea.
  一. on desk It’s copybook that copybook it is at it’s long this one on
  二. kite car ruler key car three forty
  三.1.邁克的水壺 2.太短 3.吃晚飯 4.50個男孩 5.her pen 6.four cats 7.a pair of jeans 8.that pencil case 9.a pair of shoes 10.a big rubber
  Exercise Eleven
  一.B B A C A A A B B C C A B A B A
  二.1.May I come in,Miss Liu?
  2.May I have a bookmark for Li Ming?
  3.You are sure here.
  4.This is computer for you.
  5.The book and the bookmark are for you.
  三.What’s monkey How that it panda desk camer have a look
  四.F T T F T
  Exercise Twelve
  一.sweater on sofa Where’s copybook It’s desk What’s book I don’t know a picture it’s my it’s cat It’s on
  二.E A C B D
  三.1.What is that in English?那個用英語怎麼說?
  2.The kite is on the desk.這風箏在桌上
  3.Do you like that monkey?你喜歡那個猴子嗎?
  4.Thank you very much.非常謝謝
  5.I don’t like the toy bear.我不喜歡玩具熊
  四.B A C C A B C A
  Exercise Thirteen
  一. 1.Here’s a big one.
  2.That ruler is too long.
  3.Whose shorts are they?
  4.Are they his jeans?
  5.I’d like some juice and some bread.
  二.F J H I A C B G D E
  Exercise Fourteen
  一. Desk hamburger breakfast you
  4.It is time to sleep.
  四.C D B G E A F
  五.C C A A B C B A
  六.F F T F T T




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