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班級: 姓名: 成績:___________ 一、看圖寫單詞。(12分)
1._____________ 2. _____________ 3.____________
4. _____________ 5. _____________ 6. ____________ 二、給單詞選擇正確的漢語意思。(16分)
A.周末 B.街道 C.公園 D.幫助E.房子 F.氣球 G.做飯 H.聚會 1.street2.party3. weekend4.cook ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. balloon 6. park7. house 8. help ( ) ( ) ( )( ) 三、選出每組中不同類的一項。(10分)
( )1. A. clean B. cross C. beautiful ( )2. A. kitchen B. bedroom C. homework ( )3. A. lightB. write C. stand ( )4. A. playB. football C. basketball ( )5. A. listenB. sleep C.green
( )1. They _______ running. A.am B.is C.are ( )2. There is a bed in the______.
A. kitchenB. bedroom C. dining room
( )3. I play football ______my friends.
A. to B. for C. with
( )4. --______are you going? -I am going to the shop.
A. What B. Where C. How
( )5. The kite can______. A. flyB. swimC. run ( )6. Wu Chen ______ a picture.
A. draw B.is drawing C.drawing
( )1. This is our living room
( )2.The girl is singing.
( )3. 1 am going to buy some flowers for my mother.
( )4. -Can you dance?
-No. I can draw pictures.
( )5.
Please turn left.
六、給下列句子選擇正確的答語。(10分) ( )1.Where are your parents? ( )2. What can you do?
( )3. How many books are there? ( )4. What are the boys doing? ( )5.Let's fly a kite in the park. B.I can make kites. C. There are twenty books. D. They are in the living room. E. They are listening to music. 七、按要求完成句子。(15分)
1. I can draw pictures.(改為否定句)
___________________________________________________________2. My mother is forty years old. (對畫線部分提問)
3. Does she often sing songs?(作肯定回答)
___________________________________________________________ 4. What are you doing? (用do明homework回答)
5. Is it raining? (作否定回答)
___________________________________________________________ 八、讀短文,判斷句子的對(√)錯(×)。(15分)
I am Li Lin. I am 9 years old. Today is Sunday.I get up early. I often do my homework in the morning. I do some washing in the afternoon. In the evening I often read a book. Then I go to bed at nine. ( ) 1. Li Lin is nine years old. ( ) 2. It is Saturday today.
( ) 3. She often does her homework in the morning. ( ) 4. She often does exercise in the afternoon. ( ) 5. She often read a book in the evening.
班級: 姓名: 成績:___________
A. hearB. cardC. eighty
D. hospital E. right F. stop
( )( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
flower cinemagift cross bus stop
1.(WhatWhere)is Tom going?
2. We are going to(flyflying)a kite this Sunday. 3. Darling,please(be do)careful.
4. What can you do for(our us)
1.I'm going to the
2. They are going to have a big ___________.
3. Don't
4. The girl can take nice ___________.
五、讀一讀.判斷每組句子是(Y)否(N)能組成對話。(16分) ( )1. --How old is your father?
--He is forty-one years old.
( )2. --I can hear the birds in the garden.
--Good idea.
( )3.--Can you play the music for them?
--You're welcome ________ left, please ____________ with
( )4.-- Don't cross the street. The light is red.
--I'm sorry.

B. He is sixty.
C. How old is your Grandpa?
D. She is fifty-eight years old
( )--( )--( )--( )
2. ,I can try.
B. Are you going to Linda's birthday party?
C. Can you make a card, then?
D. I'm going to buy some flowers for her.
( )--( )--( )--( )
Fish: Where are you going, Aggie and Toby?
Toby: Aggie,can you h__________, The fish can s__________! Aggie: That's good! We're going to the s__________. We want to
b__________ some oranges.
Fish: Where is the shop? Do you know?
Toby: No, we don't. Can you help us?
Fish: Of course. Please w________ a minute. I' m going home and
take my map(地圖).
班級: 姓名: 成績:___________
A. hearB. cardC. eighty
D. hospital E. right F. stop
( )( ) ( )
( ) ( )( )
waitballoon close flower cinemagift cross bus stop
1.(WhatWhere)is Tom going?
2. We are going to(flyflying)a kite this Sunday.
3. Darling,please(be do)careful.
4. What can you do for(our us)
1.I'm going to the
2. They are going to have a big
4. The girl can take nice
五、讀一讀.判斷每組句子是(Y)否(N)能組成對話。(16分) ( )1.
--How old is your father? Don't ________ left, please ____________ with
--He is forty-one years old.
( )2. --I can hear the birds in the garden.
--Good idea.
( )3.--Can you play the music for them?
--You're welcome
( )4.-- Don't cross the street. The light is red.
--I'm sorry.
六、重排句子組對話。(16分) ?
B. He is sixty.
C. How old is your Grandpa?
( )--( )--( )--( )
2.A. Yes,I can try.
C. Can you make a card, then?
( )--( )--( )--( )
Fish: Where are you going, Aggie and Toby? Toby: Aggie,can you h__________, The fish can s__________!
Aggie: That's good! We're going to the s__________. We
want to b__________ some oranges.
Fish: Where is the shop? Do you know?
Toby: No, we don't. Can you help us?
Fish: Of course. Please w________ a minute. I' m going
home and take my map(地圖).




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