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知識點1. 名詞單複數
1、 8、bed 2、class 9、 3、text 10、family 4、 11、toy 5、 12、foot 6、 13
、 7、shelf14、 二.用所給單詞的適當形式填空:
1. It’s not ____ alarm clock. (a)9. _____ answers are right.(they)
2. Let ____ play tennis. (I) 10. Her sister and his brother aren』t my _______
3. Where ___ Tom’s parents?(be) (表兄妹)
4. Many ________.(sheep)11. I have two_____ (knife)
5. I see your _________. They are 12. There are many _____ here. (box)fine.(grandparent) 13. There are many _____ on the road. (bus)
14. A few _____ are drawing on the wall. (boy) 6. Your ____ are my pen _____.(朋友)
15. The _____ are playing football now. (child) 7. His _________ are very cute.(女兒)8. The two _____ are good. (家庭)
1、 six box of apples D. six boxs of apples
A. are photoes B. are photos C. is a photo D. in the river. is photos A. is ,fish B. are, fishs C. is, fishs D.
made in Shanghai. are ,fish
A. is B .are C .were D .has two in the box.
in the A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch D. is group. watches
A. Japanese, Germen B Japaneses, Germen
C. Japanese,GermanC.Japanese, Germans A .our tooth B. our tooths C.teeth D.our
4. That’steeth
A. an B. a C. the D are 10.The _____ meeting room is near the reading
A. two bread B. two breads C. two pieces of A.teacher B.teacher’s C.teachers』 D.teachers breadD. two piece of breads 11. In Britain ____ are all painted red.
.A. letter boxes B.letters boxes C.letter box
A. six boxes of apples B. six boxes of apple C. D.letters box
1.It is a bus._______________________________________
2.This is my sister._________________________________
3.He is his friend .__________________________________
4.That is her dictionary.______________________________
5.Those are boxes._______________________________
6.They are teachers.________________________________
7.These are desks .________________________________
8.We are boys. _____________________________
9.I have a tooth, foot and hand.____________________________________
1. 名詞所有格的用法 所有格 `s 或 s` 形式主要用於人或一些動物的名稱,表示"所有"或修飾的關係。如: John`s father 約翰的父親, spiders` web 蜘蛛網
2. 名詞所有格的構成
1)一般直接加" ` ",
如: this child`s book這個小孩的書, children`s books兒童書籍
2)加了-s 或-es 的複數名詞後,只加" ` ",
如, girls` skirts 女孩子們的裙,the soldiers` horses 士兵們的馬
如: the actress` son 或 the actress`s son 女演員的兒子 James`s works 或 James` works詹姆斯的作品
3. 事物的所有格
事物的的所有格常用of 表示,
如, the shade of a tree樹陰, the top/bottom/side/inside/outside of a box.箱的頂部/底部/裡面/外面 (註:一些復合名詞不需of, 如:a table leg桌腿, the water supply水的供應,a tea cup 茶杯)
4. 部分無生命詞用`s或s`表示所有格 無生命的東西在下列情況可用`s或s`所有格:
1. 表示時間,如: today`s newspaper今天的報紙, two days` work 兩天的工作
2. 表示度量衡及價值 a mile`s distance 一英里的距離,ten dollars` value 10美元的價值
3. 表示自然現象 the moon`s rays月光 the earth`s atmosphere地球的大氣層
4. 表示國家城市等實體,如: the city`s parks 城市的公園, the country`s ta xsystem 國家
5. 雙重所有格 of -`s 結構叫雙重所有格(double genitive),
如: a friend of my mother`s我父親的一個朋友, a play of Shakespeare`s莎士比亞的戲劇.
名詞的語法功能 名詞在句子中可以用作:
1. 主語
The boy opened the door. 那個男孩把門打開了。
2. 賓語 分為動賓和介賓兩種:
I saw the boy .我看到那個男孩。(boy 作動詞saw的賓語) Give the money to your brother. 把這些錢給你兄弟。(brother 作介詞to的賓語)
3. 表語 He is a clever boy. 他是個聰明的孩子。
4. 賓語補足語 They called him a fool. 他們叫他傻瓜。
5. 定語 Is it a colour film? 是彩色影片嗎?
6. 同位語 This is my friend John.
7. 主語補足語 He is considered a good officer. 他被認為是個好官員。
8. 名詞的練習
1. teeth, geese, tables, men drivers, potatoes, pianos, sheep, mice ,loaves, glasses. 2. 1)trouser 不對。trousers 總是複數 2)advises 不對。advice 是一個不可數名詞,不能加-s. 3) 應是lady friends. lady 和woman不同,它的復合名詞變複數時,只變它後面的名詞。 4) police 總是複數,因此要把 is 改為are.
1. 寫出下列名詞的複數:
tooth(牙齒), goose(鵝), table(桌子), man driver(男司機),potato(土豆) piano(鋼琴), sheep(羊), mouse (鼠) , loaf(麵包), glass(玻璃杯)
2. 找出下列句子中的錯誤並改正:
1) This is a pair of trouser.這是一條褲子。
2) He gave me some advices. 他給了我一些忠告。
3) She went to the library with two ladies friends.她和兩位女伴一起去圖書館。
4) The police is looking for him. 警察在找他。
一、主語(subject): 句子說明的人或事物。
1. Bob has a soccer ball . 鮑勃有一個足球。 (名詞)2.He likes dancing.他喜歡跳舞。(代詞)
二、謂語(predicate): 說明主語的動作、狀態和特徵,謂語一般是動詞。 1.We study English. 我們學習英語 2. He is asleep. 他睡著了。
三、表語(predicative):表示主語「是什麼」或者「怎麼樣」,表語前面的動詞稱為系動詞。「系動詞+表語」一塊稱為謂語。 1. He is a teacher.他是個老師(名詞
2. Five and five is ten. 五加五等於十(數詞) 3.He is asleep.他睡著了 (形容詞)
4.His father is in. 他的父親在家 (副詞)
5.The picture is on the wall. 畫在牆上。 (介詞短語) 6.That sounds good 那聽起來很好。 7.It looks nice . 看上去很好。
常見的系動詞有: be, sound(聽起來), look(看起來), feel(摸起來,smell(聞起來), taste(嘗起來、吃起來), feel(感覺) ...
四、賓語:動作、行為的對象 1.I like China. 我喜歡中國。(名詞) 2.You can help me. 你能幫助我。(代詞)
3.How many do you need? We need two. 你們需要多少?我們需要兩個。(數詞)4. I like playing soccer. 我喜歡踢足球。 (動名詞)
5.I want to have an apple. 我想要吃個蘋果。(不定式) 雙賓語-----間接賓語(指人)和直接賓語(指物)
Tom’s mother buy him some books. 湯姆的媽媽給他買了一些書。 五、賓補:對賓語的補充,全稱為賓語補足語。 We will make them happy. 我們將讓他們高興。(形容詞)
His father help him to do his homework. 他的父親幫他做家庭作業。(帶to不定式) 六、定語:修飾名詞或代詞的詞、詞組或句子。 1. He is a Chinese teacher. 他是個語文老師。(名詞) 2. He is our friend. 他是我們的朋友。(代詞) 3. I have three books. 我有三本書。 (數詞) 4. He is a good student. 他是個好學生。(形容詞)
5.The boy in red is my brother. 穿紅衣服的男孩是我的弟弟。(介詞短語)
七、狀語:用來修飾動詞、形容詞、副詞或 句子。 表示行為發生的時間、地點、原因、
1.I go to school at seven o』clock. 我在七點鐘上學。 2.He reads the book in the room.他在房間裡看書。
3.I don』t like thrillers because they are scary. 我不喜歡恐怖片因為它們太嚇人了。
13 冠詞 :冠詞是置於名詞之前。冠詞分為不定冠詞"a,an"、定冠詞"the"和零冠詞三種。零冠
詞指的是不用冠詞的情況。 不定冠詞表示「一」,定冠詞表示「這個,那個,這些,哪些」。 不定冠詞的用法-1
不定冠詞有"a和an"兩種形式。"a"用在以輔音開頭的詞前,"an"用在以元音 開頭的詞前。判斷一個詞是以元音開頭還是以輔音開頭,是根據讀音而不是根據字母。 用於可數名詞的單數形式前,表示"一"
There is a tiger in the zoo. 動物園裡有一隻老虎。 an apple ,an orange ,an English boy , 你還能寫出一些前邊用an 的詞嗎?
用在某些表示數量的詞組中: a lot of 許多 a pair of 一雙
1) 用於指談話雙方都知道的人或事物 Open the door, please. 請把門打開。
2) 用以複述上文提過的人或事物(第一次提到用「a或an」,以後再次提到用「the」) I have a pencil , the pencil is green . 我有一支鉛筆,這支鉛筆是綠色的。 3) 用在序數詞前
January is the first month of the year. 一月份是一年當中的第一個月。4) 表示世界上宇宙中獨一無二的事物
the sun 太陽the moon 月亮the earth 地球the sky 天空the world 世界 5) 表示演奏樂器時,樂器的前面要加the
play the piano 彈鋼琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 零冠詞的用法
1) 專有名詞前一般不加冠詞
Tom 湯姆 China 中國Europe 歐洲 2) 月份、周日、節日前一般不加冠詞
January 一月份Sunday 星期日Christmas Day 聖誕節 Thanksgiving 感恩節National Day 國慶節May Day 勞動節
比較: ...on a Sunday morning. 在一個星期天的早晨... (表示某一個。) 3)三餐、四季前一般不加冠詞
I have lunch at school. 我在學校吃午餐。 4)球類運動不加冠詞
play basketball 打籃球 play volleyball 打排球 play football 踢足球
I 今年我14 歲。I 13 last year.去年我13 歲。
He 他每天都踢足球。He soccer yesterday.昨天他踢足球了。英語中共有16 種時態,常用的有9種。
一般現在時表示現在的狀態,如:He is 12. She is at home.
表示經常的或習慣性的動作, 如:I go to school at 7:30 every day.
表示主語具備的性格和能力等,如:She likes apples. They know English. 動詞的種類
動詞分為四種:連繫動詞, 實義動詞, 助動詞, 情態動詞
1)連繫動詞:詞義不完全,要和後面的表語一塊構成謂語。 如 be (am, is are)是,sound聽起來,look看起來
She is my sister.
That sounds interesting .聽起來很有趣。
2)實義動詞,有實際意義的動詞,能單獨做謂語。如 see, ask, likeI like bananas.
3)助動詞:本身沒有詞義,幫助實義動詞一起構成否定句,疑問句。如 do,does
I don』t like chicken . Does he like apples ?
4)情態動詞;本身具有一定意義,但不能單獨作謂語,必須和實義動詞一起構成謂語。 can,能,會,must ,必須,情態動詞後一定要用動詞原形。 I can speak English . I must find it . 我一定要找到它
動詞be的用法 be 的用法口訣
我用am,你用are,is連著他,她,它; 單數名詞用is,複數名詞全用are。 變疑問,往前提,句末問號莫丟棄。 變否定,更容易,be後not莫忘記。 疑問否定任你變,句首大寫莫遲疑。 Be動詞專項練習 用am, is, are 填空:
1. I ______ a student. ______ you a student? No, I _____ not.2. The girl______ Jack's sister. 3. The dog _______ tall and fat. 4. The man _______ a teacher.
5. ______ your brother in the classroom?
6. Where _____ your mother? She ______ at home. 7. How _______ your father?
8. Jane and Tom _________ my friends 9. Where _____ my pen ? 10. Where ______ my books ? 11. That ______ my red skirt. 12. Who ______ I?
13. The jeans ______ on the desk. 14. Here ______ a photo of my family . 15. Here ______ some sweaters for you. 16. The black book ______ for Su Yang. 17. This pair of socks______ 20 dollars.
18. The two cups of milk _____ for me. 19. Some tea ______ in the glass. 20. How much ____ the skirt?
21 How much ______ the trousers ? 22.My sister's name ______Nancy.
23. ______ David and Helen from England? 24. There ______ a girl in the room. 25. You, he and I ______ from China.
句型轉換的方法 一.肯定句變否定句
) I am a student.→ I am not a student. 2) They are blue . →They aren』t blue. 3) He is Tom. → He isn』t Tom
2.謂語是動詞原形,在動詞前加don』t。 ) I have a book . → I don』t have a book.
2) They like Chinese . → They don』t like Chinese.
3) We come from China. → We don』t come from China.
3謂語動詞是第三人稱單數,在動詞前加doesn』t,動詞用原形。1)She has a basketball. →She doesn』t have a basketball 2)Maria likes China. → Maria doesn』t like China.
3)Jane comes from the U.S.A. →Jane doesn』t come from the U.S.A. 練習:將下列句子變成否定句。
1. I am a teacher.→ I ______ a teacher.
2. We are students. → We ________ students. 3. Jane is a girl. → Jane ____ a girl.
4. They like English. → They _____ like Chinese 5. I come from China. → I _______ come from China. 6. He likes Chinese. → He_______ like Chinese.
7. Maria comes from Cuba. →Maria______ come from Cuba. 8. We know Maria. → We ________ know Maria
1) I am a student. →Are you a student? 2) They are blue. →Are they blue?
3) He is Tom. →Is he Tom?
2.謂語是動詞原形,在句首加do。 1).I have a book . →Do you have a book? 2) They like Chinese . →Do they like Chinese?
3) We come from China. →Do you come from China?
3.謂語動詞是第三人稱單數,在句首加Does,動詞用原形。 1) She has a basketball . →Does she have a basketball? 2) Maria likes China. → Does Maria like China?
3) Jane comes from the U.S.A. →Does Jane come from the U.S.A? 4) She knows Maria. → Does she know Maria? 練習:將下列句子變成一般疑問句。
1. I am a teacher. ____ ____ a teacher? 2. They are students. ______ ______ students? 3. Jane is a girl. ______ ______ a girl?
4. They like English. ____ they like English?
5. I come from China. ____ you come from China? 6. He likes Chinese. ____ he_____ Chinese? 7. Maria comes from America.
_____ Maria _____ from America?
8. We speak Chinese._____ you_____ Chinese? 三.一般疑問句做肯定,否定回答 1.Are you Maria ?肯定回答:Yes , I am. 否定回答:No, I』m not.
2.問句和答語的動詞保持一致. 1) Are you a student?
肯: Yes, I am.否: No, I』m not. 2) Is he Jack ?
肯:_______________. 否:_______________. 3) Do they like Chinese?
肯:_______________. 否:_______________. 4) Does she have a basketball ?
肯:_______________. 否:_______________. 3.問句和答語中的主語保持一致。(必須用主格) 1) Is Jane from the U.S.A?
肯:Yes, she is. 否:No,she isn』t. 2) Does Li Hua come from China?
肯:_______________. 否:_______________. 3) Do Jane and Maria like China?
肯:_______________. 否:_______________. 4) Is this a ruler?
肯:_______________. 否:_______________. 5) Is that a desk?
肯:_______________. 否:_______________. 6) Are these books?
肯:_______________. 否:_______________. 7) Are those pencils?
肯:_______________. 否:_______________. 8) Are these erasers?
肯:_______________. 否:_______________. 9) Is that an orange?
肯:_______________. 否:_______________.
練習:給下列句子做肯定回答或否定回答。 1.Are you a student?
Yes, _____ _______ . No, ______ ________ . 2. Do they like English?
Yes, ______ _________ . No, _______ ________ . 3. Is Jane a girl?
Yes,_______ _________. No, ________ ________ . . 4. Does Maria like China?
Yes, ______ _________ . No, ______ _________. 5. Is Jenny a student?
Yes , ______ _________ No , ______ _________ . 6. Is that a girl?
Yes , ______ _________No , ______ _________. 7. Are those telephones?
Yes , ______ _________ No , ______ _________ . 8. Does Tom know Jane?
Yes , ______ _________ No , ______ _________. 9. Do they come from the U.S.A?
Yes , _________ _________ No , ______ _________. 10. Is this an egg?
Yes , _________ _________ No , ______ _________
一選是分析句意,先選疑問詞,代替劃線部分(劃線部分去掉),二變是把剩餘部分變成一般疑問句(疑問詞作主語時除外),第三步加上問號。 練習 :對劃線部分提問
___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________
_________ _________ your name? is our English teacher. _________ is your English teacher?
_________ _________ are you? _________ _________ is it? _________ _________ your telephone number? _________ cap is this?_________ is your favorite movie star ? 五.同義句轉換.
1.Please give Jane the book.
Please _______ the book _______ Jane. 2. This is my book.This book is _______ 3. He has short hair. _______ _______ is short.
4. My ruler is not long. My ruler is_______
5. This jacket is not new.This jacket is _______6.My English teacher is old .
My English teacher is not _________. 六.單複數轉換.
It is a box . _______ ________ ________ ______ .
This is a ruler. _______ ________ ________ _______. That is an eraser. _______ ________ ________ _______.
He is a student. _______ ________ ________ _______. 2.將下列句子變成單數。
1.They are pencils. _______ ________ ________ ______ . 2.These are erasers. _______ ________ ________ ______ . 3.They are boys. _______ ________ ________ ______ . 4. They are girls . _______ ________ ________ ______ ..
5.Those are books. _______ ________ ________ ______ .. 6.These are desks. _______ ________ ________ ______ . 7.These are boxes. _______ ________ ________ ______ .. 8.Those are cars. _______ ________ ________ ______ .
六. 仿照例句改寫下列句子。She is in the classroom .
否定句: She is not in the classroom.一般疑問句: Is she in the classroom?回答:Yes, she is. (No, she isn』t) 1. I am a student .
否定句:____________________________________ 一般疑問句:________________________________ 肯、否定回答:_____________________________ 2. This is my book.
否定句:_____________________________________ 一般疑問句:__________________________________ 肯、否定回答:________________________________ 3. They are on the desk.
否定句:___________________________________ 一般疑問句:_______________________________ 肯、否定回答:_____________________________
4. The pen is red.
否定句:___________________________________ 一般疑問句:_______________________________
否定句:____________________________________ 一般疑問句:________________________________ 肯、否定回答:_____________________________ 變單數:________________________________
劃線部分提問:________________________________ 否定句:_____________________________________ 一般疑問句:__________________________________ 肯、否定回答:________________________________ 變複數:____________________________________ 劃線部分提問:________________________________ 否定句:___________________________________ 一般疑問句:_______________________________ 肯、否定回答:_____________________________ 變複數:____________________________________ 劃線部分提問:________________________________
動詞have , has 的用法
用法一. have強調所屬關係,主語常為人或物。意為「有」
當主語是第三人稱單數,並且只有當句子為肯定句時,動詞「有」用has,當主語不是第三人稱單數時,以及否定句和疑問句中用一律用have 一.用have或has填空: 1. She__________ some balls.
2. They___________ a nice garden.
3. Miss Li doesn』t__________ an English book. 4. What does Mike___________? 5. My father_________ a story-book。
6. My parents don』t___________ any nice pictures. 7. David’s friends___________ a basketball. 8. David__________ some jackets.




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