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GRE填空高難題型實例解析 ,空多選題分析邏輯很重要。下面小編就和大家分享,來欣賞一下吧。
GRE填空高難題型實例解析 多空多選題分析邏輯很重要
例1:There has been much hand-writing about how unprepared American students are for college. Graff reverses this perspective, suggesting that colleges are unprepared for students. In his analysis, the university culture is largely ______ entering students because academic culture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments and cultural references that students grasp. Understandably, many students view academic life as ______ ritual.
primed for
opaque to
essential for
an arcane
a laudable
此題兩個空格是孤立的,可以分別通過與各自相關的邏輯關係來進行推斷。空格可以通過第一、二句話的描述來進行推斷,同時也可以用 「because academic culture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments and cultural references that students grasp」進行推斷,表示的是對學生來說「unprepared」的意思,即負面的評價,所以答案為「opaque to」。同理,空格也要表明學生對學術生活「不理解」的態度,因此答案為「an arcane」。
例2:Most artists maintain an attitude of ______ toward their own work. They know, better than any critic would know, how their art ______ their ambitions. The artist would demand of his admirer, Do you really think this is the best I am capable of? Henri Cartier-Bresson’s dismissal of his life’s work in photography, however, is ______: it seems almost contempt, or even hatred, not just for his achievement but for the medium itself.
extraordinary hubris
irremediable disdain;
healthy disrespect
falls far short of
eventually transcends
subtly realizes
entirely comprehension
at another level altogether
at odds with his achievement
此題為包含三個空格,但是和例3不同的是它的空格不再是孤立的,而是存在相互的邏輯關係。首先從空格後的句子可以看出,藝術家對自己的能力是不確定的,是懷疑的,所以空格應該體現出對「ambitions」的不確信和懷疑,即負面動作。因此,空格答案為「falls far short of」。此時,空格應該和空格體現同樣的含義,即「對自己的能力缺乏信心」,因此「healthy disrespect」為正確答案。空格則是相對孤立的,由它前面的「however」可以看出,空格要體現和前面兩個空格相對的含義,所以「at another level altogether」為正確答案。
1.For many years, Americans have had a love affair with ferryboats. Feries are said to relieve our frayed nerves after we』ve stewed in bumper-to-bumper traffic, and conventional wisdom also says ferries _____ congestion and air pollution by getting us out of cars. Unfortunately, this _____ notion recently has ______ several West Coast mayors, who have in consequence eagerly pursued the implementation of ferry service in their cities.
A. contribute to
D. provocative
G. captivated
B. reduce
E. misguided
H. confused
C. cover up
F. cynical
I. outraged
2.Given children’s active fantasy lives, one might think of truthfulness as _____ virtue in young children, but it turns out that lying is the more_____ skill. A child who is going to lie must recognize the truth, intellectually conceive of an alternate reality, and be able to convincingly sell that new reality to someone else. Therefore, lying_____ cognitive development and social skills in a way that honesty simply does not..
A. an instinctive
D. advanced
G. undermines
B. an acquired
E. practical
H. forgoes
C. a conscious
F. mundane
I. demands
1. that Seiberg and Witten lack celebrity can be explained by the _____nature of their pursuit: the mathematical exploration of four-dimensional space.
A. pedestrian
B. esoteric
C. compelling
D. global
E. unequivocal
2. Politicians who invoke the founders of the United States in support of their views seem to imply that the founders consistently concurred in their own views when in reality they were a highly _____ group of thinkers.
A. erudite
B. innovative
C. predictable
D. contentious
E. methodical
3. Investors are grateful that the attorney general has stepped in to pursue inquiries into misfeasance in the financial markets, given that the regulators officially charged with policing the industry have been _____.
A. diffident
B. meticulous
C. straightforward
D. implacable
E. tenacious
答案: A
1. Coagulation factors are useful proteins whose simple names---many are known only by Roman numerals--_____ their importance and the specificity of their roles in the thinning and clotting of blood
A. nullify
B. obviate
C. mitigate
D. belie
E. mask
F. accentuate
答案: DE
2. Progressive and reactionary populist movements are not necessarily_____: each may, and usually does, possess the features of the other.
A. dichotomous
B. untenable
C. unsustainable
D. contradictory
E. subversive
F. efficacious
答案: AD
3. Even the cleverest use of time management techniques is powerless to _____ sum of minutes in a person’s life, so people squeeze as much as they could into each one of them.
A. justify
B. quantify
C. augment
D. enrich
E. measure
F. extend
1. Investors are grateful that the attorney general has stepped in to 瀀甀爀猀甀攀 inquiries into the misfeasance in the financial markets, given that the 爀攀最甀氀愀琀漀爀猀 officially charged with policing the industry have been ______.
A. tenacious
B. diffident
C. meticulous
D. implacable
E. straightforward
2. Despite the abundance and importance of maize, its biological origin has been a long-running mystery. The bright yellow, mouth-watering treat does not grow in the wild anywhere on the planet,
so its ______ is not at all ______.
Blank Blank
A. utility D. helpful
B. popularity E. important
C. ancestry F. obvious
3.Biologists have little ______ drawing the link between the success of humanity and human______. Indeed, many biologists claim that this attribute, the ability to _____, or, to put it more sharply, to make individuals subordinate their self-interest to the needs of the group, lies at the root of human achievement.
Blank Blank Blank
A. consensus regarding D. resilience G. reflect
B. compunction about E. sociability H. communicate
C. justification for F. uniqueness I. cooperate
4. Aerial viewings of the gigantic stone horse attributed to the Native American Quechuan people fail to _____ the considerable artistry required to create the piece: the horse appears crudely constructed unless carefully examined from the ground.
A. reveal
B. justify
C. manifest
D. mitigate
E. diminish
F. undercut
5. Even though the original settlement may not hold up, it at least proves that the deadlock can be broken and that a hitherto _____ party is ready to bargain.
A. implacable
B. unyielding
C. impeccable
D. flawless
E. unqualified
F. capricious
6. His premiership, seemingly cast-iron a year ago, is now so vulnerable that even a good day at the office does no more than buy him a few weeks of ______ from rebels within his own party.
A. controversy
B. reproach
C. respite
D. relief
E. blame
F. deference
7. The laboratory maze has ever grown ever less ______ since it was invented; instead of hoping to lose a rodent in a labyrinth,today’s scientists design mazes to elicit a few simple, easily measurable behaviors.
A. intricate
B. convoluted
C. extensive
D. prevalent
E. effective
F. useful
1. B
2. CF
3. BEI
4. AB
5. AB
儘管最初的決策沒有維持下去hold up:maintain in a state ,但是至少證明了僵局可以被打破,迄今為止毫不妥協的政黨開始討價還價。
6. CD
7. AB
1. For many years, Americans have had a love affair with ferryboats. Ferries are said to relieve our frayed nerves after we』ve stewed in bumper-to-bumper traffic, and conventional wisdom also says ferries _____ congestion and air pollution by getting us out of cars. Unfortunately, this _____ notion recently has _____ several West Coast mayors, who have in consequence eagerly pursued the implementation of ferry service in their cities.
A. contribute to
D. provocative
G. captivated
B. reduce
E. misguided
H. confused
C. cover up
F. cynical
I. outraged
2. Politicians who invoke the founders of the United States in support of their views seem to imply that the founders consistently concurred in their own views when in reality they were a highly _____ group of thinkers.
A. erudite
B. innovative
C. predictable
D. contentious
E. methodical
3. Investors are grateful that the attorney general has stepped in to pursue inquiries into misfeasance in the financial markets, given that the regulators officially charged with policing the industry have been _____.
A. diffident
B. meticulous
C. straightforward
D. implacable
E. tenacious
4. The modest but functional new wing finally gives the museum the _____ to serve its visitors properly, including multiple entrances to eliminate the lines that used to snake around the building.
A. visibility
B. wherewithal
C. reputation
D. solemnity
E. panache
5. The researcher noted that microbes, although _____, make up far more of the living protoplasm on Earth than all humans, animals and plants combined.
A. invisible
B. omnipresent
C. diminutive
D. ubiquitous
E. minuscule
F. ethereal
6. Aerial viewings of the gigantic stone horse attributed to the Native American Quechuan people fail to _____ the considerable artistry required to create the piece: the horse appears crudely constructed unless carefully examined from the ground.
A. reveal
B. justify
C. manifest
D. mitigate
E. diminish
F. undercut
7. Harper Lee’s narration in To Kill a Mockingbird is _____, mixing an adult’s and a child’s perspective according to no logic other than the immediate exigencies of the plot.
A. a paradigm
B. a hodgepodge
C. a model
D. an innovation
E. a patchwork
F. an embarrassment
8. Changes made to ecosystem in order to achieve a goal, such as food production or flood control, often _____ significant unforeseen trade-offs between other important products and service the ecosystems provide.
A. predict
B. delay
C. foretell
D. obscure
E. yield
F. engender
9. The _____ of molecular oxygen on Earth-sized planets around other stars in the universe would not be _____ sign of life: molecular oxygen can be a signature of photosynthesis or merely of the rapid escape of water from the upper reaches of a planetary atmosphere .
A. dearth
D. a controversial
B. presumption
E. an unambiguous
C. detection
F. a possible
10. Given children’s active fantasy lives, one might think of truthfulness as _____ virtue in young children, but it turns out that lying is the more _____ skill. A child who is going to lie must recognize the truth, intellectually conceive of an alternate reality, and be able to convincingly sell that new reality to someone else. Therefore, lying _____ cognitive development and social skills in a way that honesty simply does not.
A. an instinctive
D. advanced
G. undermines
B. an acquired
E. practical
H. forgoes
C. a conscious
F. mundane
I. demands
11. Despite the abundance and importance of maize, its biological origin has been a long-running mystery. The bright yellow, mouth-watering treat does not grow in the wild anywhere on the planet, so its _____ is not at all _____.
A. utility
D. helpful
B. popularity
E. important
C. ancestry
F. obvious
12. Even though the original settlement may not hold up, it at least proves that the deadlock can be broken and that a hitherto _____ party is ready to bargain.
A. implacable
B. unyielding
C. impeccable
D. flawless
E. unqualified
F. capricious




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