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It is better for the government to spend on building future housing or preserving historic or traditional buildings and homes 政府是應該建設新建築,還是保護歷史古老建築?
1. 古老建築歷史文化遺產的一部分,保護古建築就是保護文化遺產,因為古建築是歷史的見證,提供了和過去具體的聯繫,如果拆除古老建築,人類的歷史就是一團迷霧,城市失去了其特徵,在其原址上建設的摩天高樓可以建設在世界上的任何地方。
2. 保護古老建築產生巨大的經濟價值,很多古老建築已經成為熱門的旅遊資源,古老建築是城市風景的一部分,可以繁榮旅遊經濟,提高城市的美譽度。
3. 很多古老建築體現一種建築的成就, 增強城市的文化底蘊。
1. 很多古老建築年久失修,占用寶貴土地資源, 因此不能滿足住房短缺和人口激增的需要。
2. 很多古老建築的`建築風格不符合現代人的審美,和城市的發展不協調。
1. safeguard old buildings v保護古老建築
解析:safeguard n舒膚佳;v捍衛……
2. preserve old buildings v保護古老建築
3. protect old buildings v 保護古老建築
4. knock down old buildings v拆除古老建築
5. tear down ancient buildings v 拆除古老建築
6. eradicate historic buildings 拆除……
解析:e (外)+ rad (根) +icate (動詞尾綴)= eradicate v根除……
拓展:be leveled v被夷為平地
7. maze n迷霧
8. old buildings = ancient buildings = historic buildings = traditional buildings n 古老建築
9. could strengthen a city’s cultural deposits …… v增強城市的文化底蘊
10. Numerous old buildings are protected by the law because they are part of a nation's history. 因為是國家歷史的一部分,很多的古老建築被法律保護。
11. Some of the traditional buildings were worn down by the years without repair and occupy the precious land resources. 很多古老建築年久失修,占用了寶貴的土地資源
解析:wear v磨損;用舊 worn 過去式
12. Many historic and old buildings fail to keep up with the development of the city 很多古老建築和城市的發展不協調。
解析:synchronize with = keep up with v 和……同步
13. Those old and historic buildings should be kept in intact. 歷史古老建築應該給保持原貌
解析:intact adj保持完好的
14. Old and historic buildings are the symbol of a nation or a city’s unique culture and civilization 古老歷史建築是國家城市獨特的文化文明的象徵。
15. Old buildings could vividly unveil mystery of historic events. 古老建築可以生動地再現歷史事件的神秘。
解析:veil v 遮掩 unveil v 揭示了……
16. Those precious traditional buildings are parts of the city landscape 寶貴的歷史建築是城市景色的一部分。
17. …… could be developed into hot places of interest v可以被開發成熱門的旅遊景區
18. can give a boost to the tourism of a city v可以促進城市的旅遊業發展
19. build a city’s popularity = enhance the reputation of a city v 提高一個城市的美譽度
20. The long tradition and cultural heritage could be maintained in modern time by protecting those old and historic buildings. 通過保護歷史古老建築,悠久的傳統以及文化遺產在當地社會得以保存。
解析:cultural heritage = cultural legacy = cultural relics n文化遺產
拓展:inherit v 繼承




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