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預測有風險,考試靠實力,本篇預測精選母題,無論考題如何變化,亦或冷題出現, 我對於托福寫作的理解和對於熱題的鐘愛不變 ,建議準備本篇預測,已是全面備考。
1. In order to be successful, businesses must put more money in advertising. 為了取得成功,商家一定要把更多的錢投在廣告上嗎?
2. The advertising is the main cause of unhealthy eating habits? 廣告是人們不健康飲食的根源,是否認同?【點擊查看本題語料庫:廣告是人們不健康飲食的根源?】
3. The advice from our grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years. 來自祖父母的建議對於孩子們沒有幫助,因為世界和50年前不同了?【點擊查看本題語料庫:年長者的建議是否更加價值】
4. Some people think that it is better to finish a project completely and then do another project than do two or more projects at the same time,do you agree or disagree? 有人認為優先完成一項任務要比同時完成兩項或者多項任務要好,是否認同?【點擊查看本題語料庫:優先工作還是平行工作】
5. The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees. 提高員工技能是公司最重要的投資,是否認同? 【點擊查看本題語料庫:提高員工效能是否是企業發展的最佳方式】
6. Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement in the quality of people's lives has already occurred. 儘管科技會繼續進步,但是影響人們生活質量的最重要的成就已經出現,是否認同?
7. More and more people are beginning to spend large sums of money on their pets, even though there are better ways to spend this money. 越多越多的人花費大量金錢在飼養寵物上,其實他們有更好消費方式,是否認同?
8. Talented people’s leadership is born naturally and can’t be learned by people. 領導力是天生的,不能後天培養,是否認同?【點擊查看本題語料庫:領導力是否為天生】
9. An effective leader should make others feel that they have been in part of making decision 一個高效領袖應該使隊員感到他們也是決策的.一部分,是否認同?
10. It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lost of old friends. 遷居到新的城市和國家不是一個好主意,因為人會失去老友,是否認同?【點擊查看本題語料庫:是否應該移居新城市和新國家】
1. Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes. 父母應該允許孩子們犯錯誤,讓他們在錯誤中學習,是否認同?
2. If people are on vacation, they should leave their mobile phones at home. 如果在度假,是否應該將手機放在家裡?【點擊查看本題語料庫:度假時是否應該帶著手機】
3. The best way to reduce air pollution is that government to raise the cost of fuel(petrol)of the cars. 減少空氣污染最好的方式就是政府提高燃料(汽油)的價格,是否認同?
4. People live in countryside are happier than people live in the city. 住在鄉村比住在城市更快樂嗎?
5. To achieve successful development of country, a government should spend more money on young children’s education (5-10) rather than on university. 為了國家的繁榮發展,政府應該把更多的錢花在對(5-10歲)孩子的教育上而不是大學教育上,是否認同?
6. Which of the following statement do you think is the best to make new friends:
1)Joining in a sport team
2)Participating in community activities or traveling
7. Parents have spent too much time helping to determine the future of their children. Children should make their own decisions. 父母在決定孩子未來方面花費的時間過多,父母應該讓孩子自己決定未來,是否認同?
8. Working at home using computers or telephones is better than working in the office. 在家裡使用電腦或電話辦公比在辦公室辦公要好嗎?
9. Which following statement would you change to improve your health:
1) the kind of food you eat
2) the amount of exercise
3) the amount of stress.
你會選擇哪種來改善健康狀況:1. 飲食2. 運動3. 壓力【點擊查看本題語料庫:保持健康的最佳方式】
10. People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there's no need for the government to help them. 人們可以自己解決重要問題,也可以在家人幫助下解決,因此不需要政府的幫助,是否認同?




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