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  Name(姓名): Score :_________
  1. A.beach B. pea C. bean
  2. A .watch  B. wash  C. watches
  3. A. kite B. ride C. read
  4. A. please
B. plane C. play
  5. A. woman B. women C. man
  6. A. lamp B. lemon C. lemonade
  7. A. shirt  B. sock  C. skirt
  8. A. basketball B. baseball C. badminton
  9.   A. talk
B.tell  C. take
  10. A. wall
B .water  C. what
  1. A. Im eight.   B. Im a pupil.   C. Im a boy.
  2. A. Its on the table. B. Theyre on the table. C. Shes on the table.
  3. A. I like playing.   B. I like playing basketball. C. I like mangoes.
  4. A. Shes sleeping. B. Hes sleeping. C. Theyre sleeping.
  5. A.Thank you B. No, I dont.
   C. Yes, I can.
  eat   write
  we are
  in front of(反義詞)
   1. Whose books are they?
  A. Its Nancy. B. Theyre Nancys. C. Its Nancys.
  ( )2. Look! She is milk.
  A. drink B. drinking C. drinks
  ( )3. Are these cats clean?
  A.Yes, they are. B. Yes, I am C. No, I dont.
  ( )4.He reading books, but we listening to music.
  A. likes, like B. like, likes C. likes, likes
  ( )5. Look! There a chick in the box..
  A. be B. is C. are
  ( )6. Do you want ice cream or orange?
  A. a, a B. a, an C. an, an
  ( )7. Your pen is red, but is green.
  A. my B.mine C. her
  ( )8. I like to table tennis.
  A. play B. playing C./
  ( )9. Look, there are two under the bed.
  A. mice B. mouse C. dog
  ( )10. What colour are your shoes ?
  A. Yes, I am B. Its red C.They are red.
  ( )11. Happy birthday, Peter!
  A. Happy birthday! B. Thank you! C. You are welcome.
  ( )12. My father a computer.
  A. has got B. have got C. havent got
  ( )13. Do you like black? Yes,
  A. I am. B. I do . C. I dont.
  ( )14. I sing, but I dance.
  A. can can B. cant cant C. can cant
  ( )15. How old is your father ?
  A. Im 35 B. Hes 35 C. Shes 35
  A. Good afternoon!
  B. How are you ?
  C. Whats your name?
  D. And you?
  E. Whats this ?
  A: , Mr Brown.
  B: Good afternoon, , please.
  A: My name is Lily . , Mr Brown?
  B: Im fine , thank you. ?
  A: Im fine , too. Oh, ?
  B: Its a bookcase.
  1. where , are, your , books
  2. do, you , what colour, like
  3. what , Li Tong, is , doing
  4. they , are, look, books, reading
  5. can , she, fly , kite, a
  This is a picture of Jims bedroom. It is not a nice room but its big. A football is under his chair. His desk is behind the door and its brown. We can see some books on the desk. His math books are in his school bag. The bag is on the wall.
   1. Where is his football? It .
  A. under the chair B. on the chair C. behind the door
   2. Whose is this bedroom? Its .
  A. Jims B. Toms C. Tims
   3. What colour is his desk? Its .
  A. white B. yellow C. brown
   4. Where are the math books? Theyre .
  A. under the picture B. in the classroom C. in the school bag
   5. Which one is TRUE? .
  A. Jims bedroom is small.
  B. Jims bedroom is big.
  C. Jims bedroom is nice.
  Hello! Im Mary. Im eleven years old. My last name is Grace. Im an English student. I have a Chinese teacher. Her name is Jiang Hong. Her telephone is 218-9176. My phone number is 766-3725. I like yellow, but I dont like blue.
   1. How old is Mary ?
  A. 11 B. 12 C. 13
   2. Mary doesnt like_______.
  A. blue B. yellow C. white
   3. Whats Marys last name ?
  A. Mary B. Grace C. I dont know
   4. Whats the telephone number of Marys teacher ?
  A. 281-3725 B. 766-9176 C. 281-9176
   5. Is Mary a Chinese student ?
  A. No, she isnt. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, it is.
   Look, this is my family.




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