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On February 5, 2006, there was snow all over the country, which was the first snow in Wuxi.
At that time, it was snowing heavily. It covered all the objects with a thick layer of "white cotton padded jacket". The car immediately became "white cream". When snowflakes fall on crops, they become popsicles.
This beautiful snow reminds me of the song "the first snow in 2002" sung by Dao Lang. By the side of the road, I saw several people fighting snowfights and making snowmen, which reminds me of the song "Jingle Bells". Slowly, the snow is getting heavier and heavier, and there is more and more snow on the ground. I will put the snow on the car in my hand, and then put these ice cold things on the ground, and pile them into an iceberg. Gradually, my "mountain" piled higher and higher, and my hands became colder and colder. Finally, I set up this iceberg. Looking at this iceberg, I feel my hands are 10 times hotter than before. I asked mom and dad to come to see my masterpiece. Mom and dad said it was beautiful. I was so happy! I really hope it snows every day, because I can make icebergs every day.
The first snow in 2006 fell all night. It's the biggest snow I've ever seen!




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