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On Wednesday, when we had our math exam, I carefully finished each question and gave it to the teacher. I look left and right to hope that the teacher will send out the test paper early, because I really want to know how many points I got.
On Friday, the paper was finally handed out. My heart is bouncing, I open the paper and have a look, ah! I won 100 points! I don't know how long I've been looking forward to this 100 points, but now I've finally met my wish. I'm so excited. I want to see if other people have also scored 100 points. So, I look forward to the people in front of me, look back at the people behind me, and look around again. Ah! They didn't score 100! At this time, my heart is in full bloom!
下午,媽媽來接我回家,我滿面春風地迎上去,掩藏不住內心的喜悅,高興地對媽媽說:「媽媽,我數學考試得了100分。」媽媽聽了高興地親了我一下說:「兒子不錯呀,要續繼努力!」 媽媽為了獎勵我,買了我最喜歡吃的「肯德基」和我最喜歡的玩具。
I enjoy the joy of 100 points, but I always remind myself not to be proud, to continue to work hard.




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