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   1. 能覆蓋全部內容要點。
   2. 運用較多的語法結構和詞彙;句式和詞彙的選用恰當、豐富。
   3. 文章結構完整,邏輯性強,能有效地使用過渡詞和連接詞。
   4. 語言基本無誤,行文流暢。
   1. 能基本覆蓋全部內容要點。
   2. 應用的語法和詞彙基本準確。
   3. 行文比較連貫。
   4. 邏輯清楚、合理。
   1. 能基本覆蓋大部分內容要點。
   2. 應用的語法結構和詞彙能滿足任務要求。
   3. 有一些語言錯誤,但不太影響理解。
   4. 行文基本連貫,基本符合邏輯。
  Dialogue 1 W: Can I help you?
   M: Yes, Id like some apples, please.
  Dialogue 2 W: Does your sister work at a hospital?
   M: Yes, she does.
  Dialogue 3 W: How does your father go to work every day?
   M: He drives his car.
  Dialogue 4 W: Its raining hard. Im afraid we cant go out.
   M: What a pity!
  Dialogue 5 W: Hi, Kathy! Look at these animals.
   M: I love the monkeys best. They are cute.
  Dialogue 6 W: Whats wrong with you, Mike?
   M: Im not feeling well. I have got a headache.
  Dialogue 7 W: What are you going to do tomorrow, Mario?
   M: Im going to buy a gift for my mother.
  Dialogue 8 W: How did you study for the test, Alice?
   M: I studied by listening to the tapes.
  Dialogue 9 W: How often do you exercise, Amy?
   M: I exercise about three times a week.
  Dialogue 10 W: Do you want to go to an action movie?
   M: No, I dont like action movies.
  All the students in the fifth grade at Clinton School enjoyed working at Santas Workshop in the afternoon. Santas workshop was a big classroom where the students repaired something for the poor children.
  One day, the students in the fifth grade had an idea. They wanted to do something to help the children who were not as lucky as they were. The students decided to repair broken toys and give them to the poor children. They went all over the town and collected a hundred toys.
  Every afternoon, they worked in their workroom. They cleaned the toys and repaired the broken parts. When the students finished, the toys looked new. Then they gave the toys to the poor children in the streets. The toys made those children very happy.
  When your teacher talks in class, do you catch every word? If you miss a lot of words, how can you learn well? So you need to learn how to listen carefully.
  Sit near the front of the classroom and clear your mind. That is, dont think about other things. Look at your teacher. By doing so, it will be easier for you to follow the teachers.
  If you cant understand something, ask a question. You can also talk to the teacher about what you think. Dont talk to others around you or play with something when the teacher isnt looking at you.
  Keep these in mind until they become something you always do in class. After class you can tell most of what your teachers have said.




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