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  英 語
  第一部分 聽力測試(25小題,計分25分)
  1.A.wash B.watch C.wish
  2.A.foot B.boot C.food
  3.A.parents B.presents C.patients
  4.A.locking B.knocking C.looking
  5.A.spit B.speak C.spill
  6.A.taught surfing B.learnt swimming C.taught swimming
  7.A.go on B.slow down C.sit down
  8.A.ever since B.at once C.many things
  9.A.work on B.walk up C.woke up
  10.A.studied running B.started running C.started rushing
  11.A.Is that true? B.Im sorry to hear that. C.It doesnt matter.
  12.A.Its Monday. B.Its Monday morning. C.Its June 14, 2004.
  13.A.Im glad to meet you.
  B.Nice to meet you, too.
  C.Nice to meet you again.
  14.A.Shes a nurse.
  B.Hes a policeman.
  C.He does his work very well.
  15.A.She was born is the USA.
  B.She came to China two years ago.
  C.She is from Australia.
  16.A.At home. B.In the playground. C.In a shop
  17.A.39 years old. B.41 years old. C.43 years old.
  18.A.Nothing. B.A watch. C.A watch and a book.
  19.A.Some rice. B.Some bread. C.Some noodles.
  20.A.By plane. B.By train. C.By ship.
  21.The girls name is .
  A.Betty B.Rose C.Sandy
  22.The girl lives in .
  A.London. B.a town C.a village.
  23.How does the girl go to school every day?
  A.By train. B.By bus. C.On foot.
  24.A big take is of the village.
  A.to the west B.to the north C.to the south
  25.Why is the village very quiet?
  A.Because there are few people there.
  B.Because its far from London.
  C.Because there is no traffic or noise in the village.
  第二部分 筆試部分
  26.Many people went to Mr Jacksons birthday party. All of them had a good time.
  A.enjoyed themselves B.were very good C.played for a long time
  27.When did you reach the Great Wall?
  A.go to B.get on C.get to
  28.Our teacher offered us many chances to practise English.
  A.showed B.lent C.gave
  29.We shouldnt throw waste paper about.
  A.in some places B.here and there C.anytime
  30.Look out! The train is coming.
  A.Be careful B.Look up C.Look outside
  31.Do you have bike?
  Sorry, I dont have one.
  A.a B.the C.不填
  32.My father will be back from Beijing a week.
  A.for B.in C.after
  33.Bill, is this your book? Yes, its .
  A.yours B.his C.nine
  34.Edison never gave up, he failed many times.
  A.and B.though C.or
  35.All the students in our class are over fifteen except Li Lei. He is in our class.
  A.younger B.the oldest C.the youngest
  36.When you your old friend?
  The day before yesterday.
  A.will; visit B.did; visit C.have; visited
  37.Would you like a bag of nice?
  Yes. I have rice at home.
  A.some B.little C.a little
  38.In our city people have moved into their new houses.
  A.thousand B.thousands C.thousands of
  39.Thanks our English teacher, we have learned many English songs.
  A.to B.for C.不填
  40.May I take this book out of the reading room?
   .Please read it here.
  A.Certainly B.No, you neednt C.No, you mustnt
  41.The weather in Chengdu is very nice. Its too cold in winter too hot in summer.
  A.either; or B.neither; nor C.both; and
  42.I dont remember where in that city when he was young.
  A.did he work B.he worked C.he has worked
  43.I hate people dont help others when they are in trouble.
  A.who B.which C.they
  44.The policeman asked the child cross the street the traffic lights turned green.
  A.not; when B.don before C.not to; until
  45.We will stay at home if my aunt to visit us tomorrow.
  A.comes B.will come C.is coming
  46.Im sorry I broke the window.
  A.Thats right B.Not at all C.Never mind
  43.Shall I close the window, Mr and Mrs White?
  A.Dont do that B.No, you mustnt C.No, please dont
  48.Help yourself to some fish, please.
  A.Thanks Ive had enough. B.No, I cant C.I dont like it
  Go along this road. Its about fifty meters away from here.
  A.Wheres the bookshop?
  B.Excuse me, how can I get to the bookshop?
  C.Excuse me, I dont know the way.
  50.Jane, yor dress is beautiful.
  A.No, it isnt. B.Really? C.Thank you.
  Ⅱ、完形填空 通讀全文,根據短文內容,從A、B、C三個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳答案。(共10空,每空1.5分;計分15分)
  Mr Evans worked in Seattle, but then he changed his job. He and his wife moved to 51 town. They didnt have many 52 there, 53 they soon met many interesting people. 54 a few weeks they often went to dinner or to 55 at other peoples homes.
  One day Mr and Mrs Evans also had a party at home. They 56 their friends to come. They and their friends all had a good time. They sang and danced 57 and didnt 58 even it was very late. At 59 a policeman came and asked t
  hem to 60 their party because they made so much noise.
  51.A.other B.the other C.another
  52.A.friends B.children C.jobs
  53.A.and B.but C.so
  54.A.After B.Before C.About
  55.A.meetings B.picnics C.parties
  56.A.shouted B.invited C.sent
  57.A.quickly B.badly C.happily
  58.A.leave B.begin C.come
  59.A.breakfast B.once C.midnight
  60.A.begin B.stop C.go on with
  If you turn on the radio, you may hear Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day tomorrow. Or if you read a newspaper, you may read things like In the Northeast of Sichuan, it will be fine. Or if you watch TV, you may see and hear Beijing will be rainy. The temperature will be 2 to 9. Today we can know the weather beforehand. We can Listen to or watch or read the weather report.
  In the past. Some people watched their cat to predict(預測)the weather. They thought when a cat washed its face, it was going to rain. When a cat put its paws(爪子)in front of it, they thought bad weather was corning. When they saw a cat eating grass, they would say Oh, theres going to be a heavy rain! When a cat was restless(不安), they thought a big wind was coming.
  61.We can listen to the weather report today.
  62.People in the past didnt have a way to predict the weather.
  63.People thought when a cat washed its face, there was going to be a big wind.
  64.People thought when a cat ate grass, there was going to be a heavy rain.
  65.Only the radio and newspaper can offer us the weather report today.
  If someone asks me: Do you like music? Im sure I will answer him or her: Of course, I do, because I think music is an important part of our lives.
  Different people have different ideas about music. For me, I like rock music because its so exciting. And my favorite rock hand, the Foxy Ladies(酷妹) is one of the most famous rock bands in the world. I also like pop music. My classmate Li Lan loves dance music, because she enjoys dancing. My best friend, Jane, likes jazz music (爵士樂). She thinks jazz is really cool.
  I like dance music and rock very much, says my brother, because they are amazing.
  But my mother thinks rock is boring. I like some relaxing(輕鬆的)music, she says, Thats why she likes country music, I think.
  66.The writer likes music because he thinks .
  A.its an exciting part of our lives
  B.its an amazing part of our lives
  C.its an important part of our lives
  67.What kind of music does the writer like?
  A.Rock and pop music. B.Rock and dance music. C.Jazz and country music.
  68.Who likes dancing?
  A.The writer. B.Li Lan. C.Jane.
  69.The writers mother thinks that country music is .
  A.amazing B.boring C.zelaxing
  70.How many peoples ideas about music are talked about in this passage(短文)?
  A.4 B.5 C.6
  (L=Lin Tao A=Ann)
  L: 71
  L: 72
  A:I will go to Nanjing by plane with my parents.
  L: 73
  A:Bad luck. What shall we do?
  L: 74
  A:But it will take much more time.
  L: 75
  A:Good idea. Thank you. Bye-bye!
  L:Bye! 71
  A.You may go there by train.
  B.Hello. This is Lin Tao. May I speak to Ann, please?
  C.Maybe you can visit the cities not far from Beijing.
  D.Hi, Ann. What are you going to do during the May lst holidays?
  E.All the plane ticktes from Beijing to Najing are sold out, I heard.
  76.Paul wanted to take pictures of his trip.(改寫為否定句)
  Paul to take pictures of his trip.
  77.Jim goes roller skating on Sundays.(改寫為一般疑問句)
  Jim roller skating on Sunday?
  78.Its raining very heavily. (改寫感嘆句)
  it is raining!
  79.Lucy asked him to turn down the radio.(對劃線部分提問)
  Lucy ask him to do?
  80.The children ate up all the apples.(改為被動語態)
  All the apples up by the children.
  81.Where are the boys and girls? They are the .
  82.How many students are sitting.
  are sitting.
  83.How many boys are there in the classroom? There are .
  84.What is the boy doing between two girls in the second row?
  He is a .
  85.What are the two boys doing beside the wall? They are the .
  I am not angry with him, jokes he
  on me.
  Mrs Bruee was kind to her students they her
  their mother.
  Its a pity that the boy to himself.
  Lin Tao plays basketball




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