
09屆高考英語語法典型習題 名詞與其數和所有格及數詞的表達


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  09屆高考英語語法典型習題 名詞與其數和所有格及數詞的表達
  2009-06-05 09:59
   A) Quite a few B) Large quantities C) A great deal of D) A large/great number of
  8. What could you imagine Shanghai will be in ________?
   A) the 2010s B) the 2010 C) 2010s D) 2010s
  9. During ________ this famous scientist found the ways of discovering the new chemical element.
   A) the later 1920s B) the late 1920s C) later 1920s D) late 1920s
   E) the later 1920s F) the latest 1920s G) later 1920s H) late 1920s
   I) the latest 1920s J) latest 1920s K) latest 1920s L) last 1920s
   M) last 1920s N) the last 1920s O) the last 1920s
  10. A nine-year-old kid, waving ________, drove his familys cows home.
   A) a stick of his half height B) a half his height stick
   C) a stick his half height D) a stick half his height
  11. It took us ________ to finish the experiment on the monkey.
   A) an hour or two B) one or two hour
   C) one and a half hours time D) one hour and a half time




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