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1. 你曾經吃過魚和薯條嗎?
2. 我剛剛丟了我的化學書。
3. 我以前從來沒去過那個農場。
4. 他已經吃過午飯
5. 你已經看過這部電影了嗎?
6. 我哥哥還沒回來。
7. 這本字典我已買了三年了。
8. 他離開中國三年了。
9. 我認識他們五年了。
10. 他們已去了美國五年了。
11. 自從他搬到濟寧,他就住這兒了。
12. 我妹妹成為一個大學生已經三年。
13. 自從1999年以來他們就認識。
14. 我來到這個學校已3年多了。
二、用never, ever, already, just, yet, for, since填空:
1. I have _______ seen him before, so I have no idea about him.
2. Jack has _________ finished his homework.
3. Mr. Wang has taught in this school ________ ten years.
4. Have you ________ seen the film? No, I have ________ seen it.
5. Has the bus left _______? Yes, it has _________ left.
1.She’s _____________ here ever since she was ten.
2.Both of them ________________ in Hong Kong for ten days.
3.Both of them ____________ to Hong Kong ten days ago.
4. Half an hour __________ since the train __________ .
5. Mary________ her pen. ________ you _______ it here and there?
6. _________ you _____ your watch yet?
7. ---Are you thirsty? ---No I _________just _________ some orange.
8. We ---- already _________ the book.
9. ________ they _______ a new school in the village?
10. I _____________ my homework . Can you help me?
11. My father _____ the novel twice.
12. I _________ a book just now.
13. I _________ my watch yesterday.
14. My father ___________ this book since yesterday.




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