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  1. Its believed that mixed-ability teaching can _______________.
  2. We _______________based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation.
  3. The class are very active. They ________________.
  4. Oxygen is ________________.
  5. Mr. Smith is ________________.
  1. enrich their knowledge and experience
  解析:本題考查合譯法,積累與豐富可以共用一個英語動詞enrich,而enrich的前綴en-有使的含義,如:encircle;endanger;enfranchise。因此,促使可以省略不譯。本句如果譯成can cause the accumulation of their knowledge and the abundance of their experience也沒有錯,但行文複雜。六級漢譯英雖然沒有具體的字數要求,考生也應該在準確翻譯的前提下儘量使語言精鍊。
  2. fit our actions to those of other people
  解析:本題意為:我們是基於一貫的評價和理解來使我們的行為符合別人的。使符合可以直接用動詞fit,而本句最容易出錯的地方在於如何理解別人的,實際上,別人的是別人的行為省略。但是在翻譯成英語時必須補齊行為才能避免意思含混。因此,不能譯成fit our actions to other people。
  3. vie with each other in answering questions
  解析:本題考查固定短語爭先恐後可以譯成strive to be the first或vie with each other,vie是不及物動詞,一般與with連用,表示與某人競爭做某事。另外,本題The class are very active的集合名詞class指代班級成員因而謂語用複數。如果表示整體概念,則謂語用單數,如:This class is very large. It consists of 90 students.
  4. a gas which unites with many substances
  解析:本題主要考查物質的詞義辨析。matter和substance側重抽象的物質或某一事件;substance指某種質地、形體、特徵或重要性的東西,側重某個實體,如:a mineral substance;Salt is a substance we use in cooking.
  5. one of those who have witnessed the accident
  解析:本題考查句型be one of 與be the only one of的辨析。但one前面有the only修飾時,從句中的謂語動詞用單數,如:She is the only one of the girls who shows special aptitude in singing and dancing.




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