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  W: I won the first prize in the National Writing Contest and I got this camera as an award.
  M: Its a good camera! You can take it when you travel. I had no idea you were a marvelous writer.
  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
  有那麼多句子供考官考察,偏偏考官都沒看上眼,就把答案鎖定在了D) The man admires the womans talent in writing.上,這絕非是沒有道理的。
  M: I wish I hadnt thrown away that reading list!
  W: I thought you might regret it. Thats why I picked it up from the waste paper basket and left it on the desk.
  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
  女人在本句中又MS有了先知先覺,居然還能將男人誤以為是垃圾扔掉的廢紙撿回、保存,在男人後悔莫及之時還能完璧歸趙實在有點讓人懷疑四、六級考題中男人的愚昧和女人的睿智。果然,考官的答案依然以這一思路為背景選擇了B) The woman saved the man some trouble.
  M: Jane missed the class again, didnt she? I wonder why?
  W: Well, I knew she had been absent all week. So I called her this morning to see if she was sick. It turned out that her husband was badly injured in a car accident.
  Q: What does the woman say about Jane?
  難得出現個翹課的女人,結果還是因為家中的丈夫受傷在家,所以全心照顧,因此才落了課程。而答案孕育而生於此,故選擇了D) She has been away from school to attend to her husband.
  W: Did you watch the 7 oclock program on channel 2 yesterday evening? I was about to watch it when someone came to see me.
  M: Yeah! It reported some major breakthrough in cancer research. People over 40 would find the program worth watching.
  Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the TV program?
  乍看之下,也有同學會選擇本片專為癌症病人播放這一答案,而對話中其實只談及是癌症研究方面的紀錄片,除了病人也許也同樣適合預防使用,因此混淆選項過分推理,導致錯誤。而只有答案C) It might appeal more to viewers over 40.適合本句原意,顧選。
  W: Are you still teaching at the junior high school?
  M: Not since June. My brother and I opened a restaurant as soon as he got out of the army.
  Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?
  本題也是個很好的例子,混淆選項中說男人開了一個RESTAURANT,實際為與其兄合開,較之正確選項A) He quit teaching in June.,此混淆選項略顯瑕疵,因此捨棄該混淆選項。
  W: Em, I dont think we have any rooms for tonight. Theres a conference going on in town ander, lets seeyeah, no rooms.
  M: I sent a letter to make a reservation for a single room a few days ago.
  : Im sorry, your request arrived too late. There are some conferences in town this week and we are full up.
  Q: Are there any spare rooms at the hotel?
  M: Hi, Susan! Have you finished reading the book Professor Johnson recommended?
  W: Oh, I havent read it through the way I read a novel. I just read a few chapters which interested me.
  Q: What does the woman mean?
  M: Have you finished reading the book you bought last month?
  W: Oh, I didnt read it straight through the way you read a novel, I just covered a few chapters which interested me most.
  Q: How did the woman read the book?
  M: Sarah, you work in the admissions office, dont you?
  W: Yes, ImIve been here ten years as assistant director.
  M: Really? What does that involve?
  W: Well, Im in charge of all the admissions of postgraduate students in the university.
  M: Only postgraduates?
  W: Yes, postgraduates only. I have nothing at all to do with undergraduates.
  M: Do you find that you get particularsort ofdifferent national groups? I mean, do you get large numbers from Latin America or
  W: Yes. Well, of all the students enrolled last year, nearly half were from overseas. They were from African countries, the Far East, the Middle East, and Latin America.
  M: Em. But have you been doing just that for the last 10 years, or, have you done other things?
  W: Well, Ive been doing the same job. Er, before that, I was secretary of the medical school at Birmingham, and further back, I worked in the local government.
  M: Oh, I see.
  W: So Ive done different types of things.
  M: Yes, indeed. How do you imagine your job might develop in the future? Can you imagine shifting into a different kind of responsibility or doing something
  W: Oh, yeah, from October 1, Ill be doing an entirely different job. Theres going to be more committee work. I mean, more policy work, and less dealing with students, unfortunatelyIll miss my contact with students.
  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation youve just heard:
  23. What is the womans present position?
  24. What do we learn about the postgraduates enrolled last year in the womans university?
  25. What will the womans new job be like?
  第一題和第三題分別出在文章首、末,符合一直以來的考察特點。而第二句可以根據答案推測和外國學生有關,因此專注聽到提問部分:M: Do you find that you get particularsort ofdifferent national groups? I mean, do you get large numbers from Latin America or即可知後文的答案的出現。
  44. At their worst, /they may threaten to take their children out of college, /or cut off funds.
  45. think it only right and natural /that they determine /what their children do with their lives.
  46. who are now young adults, /must be the ones responsible for /what they do /and what they are.




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