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  1. _______________ ,the number of trees in many big cities has dramatically reduced.
  2. Travel can widen our knowledge, _____________ ,and make one open-minded as well.
  3. Cars are responsible for most of the smog in cities, _______________ .
  4.Modernization will be entirely possible in the first half of the 21st century, as long as we ________________that economic development is the center of all our work.
  5. He was convinced on the basis of ____________that there would be a long and difficult struggle.
  1. With industries and business developing quickly
  解析:本句意為:隨著工商業的發展,許多大城市的樹木數量正急劇減少。隨著......要用介詞with或along with。工商業既包括工業也包括商業,翻譯時要注意譯文的完整性。本句也可譯成:With the quick development of industries and business.
  2. broaden our horizon
  解析:句中的短語widen our knowledge意思是擴大我們的眼界,make one open-minded是同義復指,它們表示相同的意思卻在英語裡使用不同的表達,以避免用詞重複。這是英語行文的一個技巧,考生在翻譯時應儘量避免 wordiness,這個技巧在寫六級作文時也值得借鑑。本句還可以譯成:expand our vision或extend our sight.
  3. which has seriously polluted the environment
  解析:這已經對環境造成了嚴重的污染中的這顯然是指前半句提到的the smog in cities,這裡需要的是一個非限制性定語從句,補充說明城市煙霧對環境的影響。本句還可以譯成:which has brought serious pollution to the environment。
  4. hold an idea/ insist on the idea/ stick to the idea
  解析:本句意為:只要我們堅持以經濟建設為中心,那麼在21世紀上半葉實現現代化是完全可能的。本題考查固定短語堅持認為的說法。除了答案提供的說法外還有以下說法大家可以參考:persist in the idea/ persevere in the idea/ adhere to the idea等。
  5. what had appeared by then
  解析:情況在這裡沒必要直譯成situation或case,本句含義是指基於當時的情況使他確信,因而可以用what引導作basis後置定語。還有一點需要注意的是,當時已出現要求我們在翻譯時準確選擇時態。by then與過去完成時態想一致,也可以用at that time。




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