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  編輯點評: 複習GRE閱讀考試的部分,除了堅持做真題練習,在做題的過程中鍛鍊自己的解題能力以外,總結遇到的經典句型,對於GRE閱讀的提高也非常有作用。本文為大家總結了一系列GRE閱讀考試中的經典句型,希望對大家有所幫助。
  111. These questions are political in the sense that the debate over them will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit of disinterested inquiry than an academic power struggle in which the careers and professional fortunes of many women scholars-only now entering the academic profession in substantial numbers-will be at stake,and with them the chances for a distinctive contribution to humanistic understanding,a contribution that might be an important influence against sexism in our society.
  這些問題之所以帶有政治性質,因為不可避免地,圍繞這些問題展開的爭論與其說是一種在客觀冷靜科研精神指導下對抽象問題的探索,倒不如說是一種學術上的權力鬥爭。在此鬥爭中,許多女學者中 只是在現在才開始以眾多的人數進入學術界 的學術生涯和職業命運將處於存亡攸關的危急關頭,與她們相伴隨的是對人文理解作出一種獨特貢獻的機遇,這一貢獻則很有可能成為消除我們社會中所存在的性別主義的一股重要影響。
  112. Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy without endangering the support for civil rights that he had won from the federal government.他有可能相信,他不能夠即批評美國的對外政策,同時又不危及到他從聯邦政府那裡已經獲得的對民權運動的支持。
  113. However, some broods possess a few snails of the opposing hand, and in predominantly sinistral broods, the incidence of dextrality is surprisingly high.可是,一些窩中會有一些相反旋向的蝸牛,而且在主要是左旋的窩種,出現右旋的幾率是令人驚奇的高。
  114. In experiments,an injection of cytoplasm from dextral eggs changes the pattern of sinistral eggs,but an injection from sinistral eggs does not influence dextral eggs.
  115. Recently some scientists have concluded that meteorites found on Earth and long believed to have a Martian origin might actually have been blasted free of Mars s gravity by the impact on Mars of other meteorites.
  116. Under the force of this view,it was perhaps inevitable that the art of rhetoric should pass from the status of being regarded as of questionable worth to the status of being wholly condemned.
  117. None of these translations to screen and stage,however,dramatize the anarchy at the conclusion of A Connecticut Yankee,which ends with the violent overthrow of Morgan s three-year-old progressive order and his return to the nineteenth century,where he apparently commits suicide after being labeled a lunatic for his incoherent babblings about drawbridges and battlements.
  118. Calculations of the density of alloys based on Bernal-type models of the alloys metal component agreed fairly well with the experimentally determined values from measurements on alloys consisting of a noble metal together with a metalloid,such as alloys of palladium and silicon,or alloys consisting of iron,phosphorus,and carbon,although small discrepancies remained.
  119. And Walzer advocates as the means of eliminating this tyranny and of restoring genuine equality the abolition of the power of money outside its sphere .
  而起,W倡議把 在金錢的圈子之外廢除金錢的力量 作為笑出這種暴政並且重新獲得真正的平等的方法。
  120. It is now established that the Milky Way is far more extended and of much greater mass than was hitherto thought.




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