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⑦ 連接副詞:用來引導主語從句、賓語從句和表語從句,在從句中作狀語。How I am going to kill the cat is still a question./ That is why everyone is afraid of the tiger. / He wondered how he could do it the next day.
⑧ 關係副詞:用來引導定語從句,在從句中作狀語。如:This is the place where Mr Zhang once lived./ Please tell me the way how you have learned English so well.
⑨ 其它副詞:too也,用在句尾;also放在動詞前;either 也不,放在句尾;nor也不,放在句首;so如此,這樣,放在形容詞、副詞前;on/off開/關放在動詞之後;not放在be之後、助動詞之後、不定式或動名詞之前;maybe/perhaps放在句首;certainly放在句首或動詞之前。如:He went to the Palace Museum and I went there,too. / Maybe your ticket is in your inside pocket. / --Tom doesnt have a computer. Nor do I.
作表語:地點副詞一般可以作表語,放在be等連繫動詞之後,說明人物所處的位置。如:Im very sorry he isnt in at the moment./ I have been away from my hometown for nearly 20 years. / Jim is over there.
作定語:時間副詞以及許多地點副詞都可以作名詞的定語,放在名詞的後面。如:People now often have their festival dinners at restaurants. / Women there were living a terrible life in the 1920s.
作賓語補足語:地點副詞一般可以作賓語補足語。如:Put your dirty socks away, Jim! They are giving out bad smell! / Father kept him in and doing his lessons.
[注意] 動詞+副詞的賓語如果是代詞,則該副詞應該放在代詞之後。如:He wrote down the word.He wrote it down.




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