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A Health Profile
A health profile is a portrait of all of the factors that influence your health.To draw your health profile,you will __1__what diseases run in your family, what health hazards you may be exposed to __2__ work,how your daily __3__ compares to the recommended standards,how much time per week you __4__ exercising and what type of exercise you engage__5__,how stressful your work and family environments are,what kinds of illnesses you get regularly, and__6__or not you have any one of a number of addictions.__7__this portrait,your should have a checkup to determine how your blood, heart,and lungs are functioning.This checkup will serve __8__ a baseline,to which you can then compare later tests.
__9__this profile is thoroughly drawn,you can begin to think about setting health
priorities based__10__ your particular portrait.For example,if you drink two martinis
every evening,have a high-stress__11__,are overweight,smoke a pack of cigarettes a day,
and use marijuana occasionally on weekends,you should quit smoking first,followed__12__
losing the excess weight,reducing the stress of your job,giving up your marihuana habit,and then finally giving some__13__to those martinis if you want to prevent first cancer, and then heart disease.Even for the youthful working person who has never been sick a day in his life,who is __14__ excellent health,a good look at all health habits and at work and home environments may suggest changes that will __15__ him in the future.
profile n.側影,概貌
hazard n.危險,危害
checkup n.健康檢查,體檢
martini n. 馬提尼酒
portrait n.畫像,肖像
addiction n.嗜好,癮
baseline n.基礎,起點
marihuana n.大麻煙
1.A)know B) have known C) need know D) need to know
2.A)with B) in C) on D) at
3.A)diet B) meals C) food D) dinner
4.A)use B) devote C) spend D) take
5.A)on B) in C) with D) about
6.A)if B) whether C) either D) neither
7. A)To complete B) Completing
C) Completion D) To be completed
8. A)as B) for C) on D) about
9.A)Unless B) Once C) If D) Although
10.A) around B) with C) about D) on
11.A)work B) task C) job D) place
12.A) on B) with C) after D) by
13.A) thought B) idea C) thinking D) talk
14.A)for B) in C) with D) on
15.A) reap B) harvest C) benefit D) lead
1.D 從句子的意思看,這裡應該有需要的意思,所以選擇應該在C和D之間,need可以作情態動詞用,也可以作普通動詞用,前面既用了will,那說明這裡應該跟作普通動詞用的need,所以答案是need to know。
2. D 這裡what引導的從旬的意思是在工作時你可能面臨什麼不利健康的因素,在工作時的英語是at work,是一個固定的表達方式。
3. A 這句用how引導的從句的意思是你每日的飲食和推薦的標準相比之下如何,最合適的說法是daily diet。
4. C exercising這個-ing形式提示這裡必須用spend這個動詞,通常我們說spenddoing,如果要用devote,那應該有 to,devote的用法是devoteto。要表示用多少時間,英語裡不用use這個動詞,如果用take,那麼主語一般不會是人。
5. B engage in是一個動詞短語,意思是從事活動。
6. B 這裡是you will need to know後面一系列賓語從句中的最後一個,這個空格里要
求填入的是引導該賓語從句的連接詞,表示的是是否這個意思,只有whetheror not合適。
7. A 這個置於旬首的短語要表示的是目的,即為了要你應該進行一次體檢,以確定你的血液、心臟、肺功能是否正常。表示目的要用不定式,A和D的區別是A是主動態,D是被動態,這裡要用主動態。
8. A serve as是個短語,意思是作為,起的作用。
9. B 這裡需要的是一個連接兩個從句的連接詞,四個選項都具有這個功能,但意義各不相同,once的意思是一旦,符合本句的意思。
10.D to be based on是個固定的表達方式,意思是在的基礎上,以為基礎。
11.C work在作?工作解時是不可數的,前面有不定冠詞a,所以被排除了。餘下的三個選項的意思各不相同,have ajob是有工作的意思,符合這裡的需要。
12.D to be followed by是後面跟著的意思,其他幾個介詞都不對。
13.A 在四個選項中,和思想有關的是前三個,但give some thought to是一個習慣的表達方式,意思是考慮,對想一想。
14.B to be in good/poor health是短語,意為身體好/身體不好,其他介詞都不能用。
15.C benefit是及物動詞,意為使得益,reap是收穫的意思,harvest一般作名詞用,lead則完全不相干。




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