

2023年08月27日 - txt下載
  1. Do you like the material? Yes, it _____ very soft.
  A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt
  【解析】此題正確答案為C,因為 feel 在此為連繫動詞,而連繫動詞均為不及物動詞,不能用於被動語態,儘管有時其漢語意思有被動意味.
  2. He was angry _____ your work. He said that he _____ at all.
  A. at, didnt satisfy B. to, didnt satisfy
  C. at, wasnt satisfied D. to, wasnt satisfied
  【解析】最佳答案為C. be angry at sth 意為對某事生氣,許多同學常按漢語意思將其中的介詞 at
  換成 to,這是錯誤的.另外,許多同學將漢語的不滿意直譯為 not satisfy,這是是不對的,因為,satisfy在現代英語中只用作及物動詞,其意不是滿意而是使滿意,所以其後不能沒有賓語,除非本身是被動語態.
  3. If you want to sell your product you must _____ it.
  A. advertise B. advertise for C. advertise on D. advertise to
  【解析】事實上,正確答案為A. advertise 可用作及物和不及物動詞:用作及物動詞時,其意為為做廣告、
  登廣告宣傳;用作不及物動詞時,其意為做廣告、登廣告,此時通常後接介詞 for,表示做廣告徵求.比較:
  advertise for sth 登廣告徵求或尋找某物或某人 advertise sth 為登廣告,登廣告宣傳
  People advertise things that they wish to sell. 人們為要賣的東西登廣告.
  The manager wants to advertise for a new secretary. 經理想登廣告招聘一位新秘書.
  advertise jobs 登廣告招人
  advertise for jobs 登廣告求職
  4. I love traveling. I hope to go with you this time. But does your mother _____ you to go?
  A. let B. agree C. allow D. promise
  【解析】最佳答案為C. 不能選A是因為 let 後用作賓語補足語的不定式不能帶 to;不能選B是因為動詞 agree
  習慣上不用於 agree sb to do sth 這一句式;不能選D是因為在 promise sb to do sth 這一句式中,to do sth 的邏輯主語是 promise 的主語而不其是賓語,比如 He promised me to go 的意思是他答應我,他去,而不是他答應我讓我去.之所以
  能選C,是因為 allow sb to do sth與上文語境剛好吻合.
  5. Do your parents agree to your doing that? Yes, of course. In fact, they always ______ me to try something new.
  A. hope B. suggest C. support D. encourage
  【解析】此題的正解答案是D. 因為在以上四個選項中,只有encourage 可後接不定式的復合結構作賓語,即可
  用於 encourage sb to do sth,而其餘三者均不可後接不定式的復合結構作賓語,即英語中習慣上不說
  hope sb to do sth, suggest sb