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9. There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a previous record of performance.
A) beats B) matches
C) maintains D) announces
9.A. break是多義詞, 其常見的詞義為打破, 違犯, 折斷, 在句中break用作及物動詞,其帶有賓語record, 因此break在句子中的詞義為打破。選項A的詞義與之接近:beat the record/打破紀錄。
beat defeat 打敗
maintain hold - claim主張
announce declare proclaim 宣布
10. It took me exactly a week to complete the work.
A) do B) achieve
C) improve D) finish
10.D. complete作為動詞使用時, 其詞義為完成, 因此D是答案。Do是多義詞,其常見詞義為做, 實行, 盡力, 製作。
It takes/took sb./sth. time/ money to do sth. 某人/某物花了時間/金錢做
It takes me an hour to go to school by bus. 我乘公共汽車去學校要花一個小時的時間。
finish accomplish complete fulfill 完成
11. He achieved success through hard work.
A) reached B) reaped
C) attained D) took
11.C. achieve的基本詞義為實現, 獲得, 因此C是答案。
achieve attain gain obtain 獲得
reach arrive at get to 到達
take ones time 從容不迫
take sb.s temperature 量體溫
take medicine 吃藥
take off 拿掉, 脫衣, 起飛
take up 拿起, 開始從事, 占據
take over 把...從一地帶到另一地, 接管
12. We had a long conversation about her parents.
A) talk B) speech
C) debate D) discussion
12.A. conversation是談話, 因此選項A詞義最接近。
debate discussion 討論
13. Please let me know if you are able to attend the meeting.
A) go to B) prepare for
C) speak to D) do to
13.A. attend的詞義為參加,因此A是答案。 do to不是固定搭配結構。
go to school / attend school 上學
14. Your teacher will take your illness into account when marking your exams.
A) calculation B) computation
C) consideration D) assessment
14.C. account是多義詞, 其詞義為計算,帳目, 說明 ,短語結構中account的詞義為考慮,因此C是答案。 takeinto consideration也是固定搭配的短語結構。
15.They have made up their mind to give up smoking.
A) tried B) attempted
C) agreed D) decided
15.D. make up ones mind是固定搭配結構, 其含義為決心, 決定, 因此D是答案。
make up ones mind decide be determined 決心
agree consent 同意
try attempt 試圖
短語give up出現頻率也較高,職稱英語詞彙選項練習部分出現了關於give up的練習題:
16. They have given up the hope to save their friends from drowning.
A) ended B) abandoned
C) built D) strengthened
16. D. give up是放棄, 因此B是答案。
save ...from...拯救...使免予遭受到...
prevent ...from...防止... 使免予遭受到...




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