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  1. She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb.
  A. play
  B. send
  C. show
  D. tell
  2. The eternal motion of the stars fascinated him.
  A. long
  B. never-ending
  C. boring
  D. extensive
  3. She could not answer, it was an immense load off her heart.
  A. natural
  B. fatal
  C. tiny
  D. enormous
  4. The book made a great impact on its readers.
  A. force
  B. influence
  C. surprise
  D. power
  5. Accompanied by cheerful music, we began to dance.
  A. pleasant
  B. colorful
  C. fashionable
  D. different
  6. He was not eligible for the examination because he was over age.
  A. competitive
  B. diligent
  C. qualified
  D. competent
  7. Her novel depicts an ambitious Chinese.
  A. writes
  B. sketches
  C. describes
  D. indicates
  8. Dont irritate her. shes on a short fuse today.
  A. tease
  B. attract
  C. annoy
  D. protect
  9. It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather.
  A. ridiculous
  B. funny
  C. odd
  D. interesting
  10. I notified him that my address had changed.
  A. informed
  B. observed
  C. mocked
  D. misled
  11. The manager allocate duties to the clerks.
  A. assign
  B. persuade
  C. ask
  D. order
  12. The once barren hillsides are now good farmland.
  A. hairless
  B. bare
  C. empty
  D. bald
  13.It is postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000.
  A. challenged
  B. assumed
  C. deducted
  D. decreed
  14. We must abide by the rules.
  A. stick to
  B. persist in
  C. safeguard
  D. apply
  15. From my standpoint, you know, this thing is just funny.
  A. position
  B. point of view
  C. knowledge
  D. opinion
  劃線詞的意思是展示,展覽,C項意為展示,表明,例:Her laziness showed in her exam results.她平時懶惰從她的考試成績可以看得出來。A項意為播放,例:I could hear music playing on the radio.我聽到收音機里演奏著音樂。B項意為發送,例:She sent me a Christmas card.她給我寄來一張聖誕賀卡。D項意為講,告訴;吩咐;認出;顯示;生效,例:I always tell my daughter a story before she goes to sleep.睡覺之前,我總講故事給她聽。
  2.B【解析】譯文:星體永恆的運行使他著迷。劃線詞的意思是永恆的,永久的,B項意為不停的,無限的,例:Im tired of your never-ending
  We have, however, a rather long way to go.我們仍然還有好多路要走。C項意為令人厭煩的,無聊的,例:Hes likeable enough, but a bit boring.他挺討人喜歡,就是有點無聊。D項意為廣大的,廣闊的;廣泛的,例:The teacher had both extensive knowledge and profound scholarship.先生的學問博大精深。
  3.D【解析】譯文:她心頭如釋重負,無言回答。劃線詞的意思是廣大的,巨大的,D項意為巨大的,龐大的,例:Their sitting room was enormous.他們的起居室很大。A項意為自然的,正常的,例:It is natural that such a hardworking student should pass the exam.這麼用功的學生考試及格是很自然的事。B項意為致命的,災難性的;重大的,決定性的,例:Fatal accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.近年來死亡事故發生的頻率已經下降。C項意為微小的,例:A tiny fishing boat was drifting slowly along.一隻小小的漁船在緩緩地漂去。
  4.B【解析】譯文:這本書對讀者有很大的影響。劃線詞的意思是影響,B項意為影響,例:Listening to the music has a calming influence on her.聽音樂對她起了一種鎮靜的作用。A項意為軍隊;暴力;強迫;用力推動,例:The moral force is on our side.道義的力量在我們一邊。C項意為驚奇,例:What a surprise! 真是出人意料的事!D項意為力量,能力,例:She lost her power of speech.她失去了說話的能力。
  5.A【解析】譯文:我們伴隨著歡樂的樂曲跳起舞來。劃線詞的意思是高興的;使人感到愉快的,A項意為令人愉快的,例:The walk was very pleasant.那次散步很愉快。B項意為多姿多彩的,例:He gave a colorful account of life in Samoa他生動地敘述了薩摩亞群島上的生活。C項意為時尚的,例:It became fashionable for the rich to winter in the sun.在陽光充足的地方過冬成了富人的時尚。D項意為不同的,例:My husband has several shirts of different colors.我丈夫有好幾件顏色不同的襯衫。
  6.C【解析】譯文:他不夠參加考試資格,因他已超齡。劃線詞的意思為符合條件的,合格的,C項意為有資格的,與劃線詞意思相近,例:He is a qualified scientist.他是個合格的科學家。故選C。A項意為有競爭力的,例:A competitive person loves to win and hates to lose.競爭心強的人喜歡贏討厭輸。B項意為勤奮的,例:
  John is more diligent than anyone else in his class.約翰比班上其他的同學用功。D項意為能勝任的,例:He is competent enough to fill that position.他足以勝任那職位。
  劃線詞的意思是描繪,描述,C項意為描寫,描述,例:The police asked me to describe exactly how it happened.警察讓我描述一下這事是怎樣發生的。A項意為寫,例:I have to write an essay for next weeks seminar.我要為下周的討論會寫一篇文章。B項意為寫生;速寫;為繪草圖,例:He sketched the coal miner in a few minutes.他幾分鐘就畫了一幅那位煤礦工人的素描。D項意為表明,例:Research indicates that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.研究表明,男人比女人更容易戒煙。
  劃線詞的意思是使惱怒,C項意為使惱怒,例:His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors.他母親因為他對鄰居如此粗暴無禮而生他的氣。A項意為戲弄,例:Dont take it seriously -- hes only teasing.別把它當真,他只不過是在開玩笑。8項意為吸引,例:The flower show attracted large crowds this year.今年的花展吸引了大批觀眾。D項意為保護,例:These rare tigers are protected by special laws.這些珍貴的老虎受到專門法律的保護。
  9.A【解析】譯文:在這麼惡劣的天氣里出去太荒唐。劃線詞的意思是荒謬的。A項意為荒謬的,可笑的,例:Who made this ridiculous rule? 這條荒唐的規則是誰定的?B項意為滑稽的,例:The story was very funny.這個故事非常可笑。C項意為古怪的,例:Hes an odd old man.他是個古怪的老頭兒。D項意為有趣的,例:There is an interesting program on television tonight.今天晚上的電視有一個有趣的節目。
  10.A【解析】譯文:我通知他我的地址變了。劃線詞的意思是通知,A項意為通知,與劃線詞意思一致,例:Please inform me by letter of your plans.請來信把你的計劃告訴我。B項意為觀察,例:The police have been observing his movements.警方一直監視著他的一舉一動。C項意為嘲笑,例:We should not mock at other! peoples religious beliefs.我們不應該嘲笑別人的宗教信仰。D項意為誤導,例:
  We were misled by the guide.嚮導給我們引錯了路。
  劃線詞的意思是分配,分派,把拔給,A項意為指派;分配,例:Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory.傑克被分配到廠里的裝配間工作。B項意為說服,例:The salesman persuaded us to buy his product.那個推銷員說服了我們買他的產品。C項意為詢問;請求,例:I have asked some friends for tea.我請了一些朋友來喝茶。D項意為命令,例:The chairman ordered silence.主席要大家安靜。
  劃線詞的意思是貧瘠的,B項意為光禿的,與劃線詞意思相近,例:The fierce sun parched the bare earth. 灼熱的陽光炙烤著光禿禿的大地。A項意為無毛髮的,例:His face is smooth and hairless.他的臉光滑無毛。C項意為空的,例:His room is empty.他的房間是空的。D項意為禿頭的,例:He shaved his head bald.他剃了個光頭。
  13.B【解析】譯文:據推測,到2000年能研究出治癒該病的方法。劃線詞的意思是假定,B項意為假定,設想,例:I assumed you can speak French fluently.我以為你能講流利的法語。A項意為挑戰,例:They had challenged and beaten the best team in the world.他們曾向世界上最強的球隊挑戰並將他們打敗。C項意為扣除,減去,例:Nowadays income tax is normally deducted from a persons wages.現在,所得稅通常是在發工資前就已經扣除了。D項意為判決,裁定,例:The committee decreed the movie unsuitable for children.委員會裁定這部影片為兒童不宜片。
  14.A【解析】譯文:我們必須遵守規則。劃線詞的意思是遵守,A項意為堅持,例:We must stick to the principle.我們必須堅持原則。B項意為堅持,in表示在方面,一般指堅持做某件事,後面不跟表示原則、規則、合同等詞,例:He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.他執意要騎那輛破自行車。C項意為保護,維護,例:We must safeguard our national interests.我們必須保衛國家的利益。D項意為申請,例:He has applied for a post in England.
  15.B【解析】譯文:從我的觀點看,你知道,這件事太滑稽了。劃線詞為合成詞,stand+pointstandpoint。B項也有觀點的意思。可以與劃線詞替換,例:From my point of view, teachers are not well paid.依我看,教師們薪水不高。A項意為位置,例:The runners got into position on the starting line.賽跑運動員已進入起跑線上的位置。C項意為知識,例:Knowledge is power.知識就是力量。D項意為觀點,但常用搭配為in ones opinion,例:In my opinion, it is a very sound investment.照我的看法,這是很可靠的投資。




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