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At home, I'm my mother's sweetheart. I can't do any housework. Sometimes I want to do it very much, but my mother always says I'm too small. I think, I will use the practical proof to let my mother know that I have grown up. How nice that would be! One day, my mother took her hand and couldn't see the water. I saw her sweating all over her head, so I said to her, "Mom, let me wash your head!" My mother looked at me incredulously and said, "can you do it?" "If you can, just trust me once!" I answered very firmly, so my mother and I went into the bathroom, poured the water, touched it with our hands, the water was neither hot nor cold, so I washed it for my mother.
首先,我拿了一條毛巾披在肩膀上,讓媽媽把頭低下,接著,我用左手舀了一瓢水,右手輕輕地給媽媽按摩著。這時,我拿來了媽媽經常用的洗頭膏擠在手上,兩隻手搓開,再抹在媽媽的頭上,使勁的在媽媽頭上擦,我擦呀擦,擦的媽媽滿頭都是白泡泡,真像一個白髮仙女,非常漂亮。我覺的媽媽的頭已經洗乾淨了,就用清水把這些白泡泡洗掉,過了一會兒,白泡泡不見了,頭髮也光滑了。 我又用干毛巾擦乾淨了媽媽頭上的水。最後用吹風機吹乾了,我問媽媽洗的怎麼樣?媽媽說:「真沒想到,你可以算上一個小洗頭師了,」聽了媽媽的話,我非常高興。
This is one of my happiest things. This shows that I have grown up, and I will do some housework and become my mother's little assistant in the future.




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