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放學回家看媽媽買了一雙很漂亮的高跟皮靴,皮靴全身油亮油亮的,鞋頭尖尖的,鞋幫高高的,後跟又細又挺,真好看。鞋幫中間打著一個蝴蝶結,蝴蝶結上還嵌著有八顆小寶石組成一個大寶石的形狀,看起來非常耀眼。我想如果它是白色的,簡直就像灰姑娘的水晶鞋一模一樣了!媽媽穿上這雙鞋子,走起路來,發出「篤篤篤」的響聲,真有意思。我是多麼想 也穿穿這雙高跟皮鞋呀!
In the evening, my mother took off her shoes and washed in the bathroom. I secretly took out my mother's new shoes, sat on the sofa and quickly put them on my feet, which was much bigger. No matter what he did. I zipped. Hold the sofa and stand up slowly, want to walk and try. I was shaking all over my body. I couldn't stand stably, but I still stood up and felt that I had grown a lot higher all of a sudden. It's really interesting to have shoes on the floor. Just feel happy, all of a sudden, the foot a turn, the body a crooked, a buttock sitting on the floor, ah, the foot pain. I don't dare to cry when I sit on the floor. If my mother knows it, she must say me again. I sat on the floor for five minutes and my feet were a little better. I quickly took off my high heels. Limp shoes back to the original place, secretly sneaked into the room to sleep.
High heels look beautiful, but children can't wear them, or they will easily sprain their feet.




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