
come to the point說到要點六級高頻詞組詳解第20講

2023年08月27日 - txt下載
  1. come to the point說到要點,扼要說明
  To come to the point at issue. 現在言歸正題.
  Please come to the point when you speak 講話請切中要點.
  Beside point離題的,不相干的
  That s beside the point . 那事與此不相干.
  What you have said is beside point/off the point. 你剛才說的話離題太遠.
  To the point切題,切中要害---His speech was short and to the point. 他的講話簡明中肯.
  Appoint sb sth=appoint sb to be sth---任命
  2. the richbroor都做複數用表示富人/窮人
  enrich ones experience with travels通過旅行充實某人的經驗
  enrich a country by industry
  3. take a position as manager; the position of nuclear weapons
  be composed/made up of被動狀態; consist of---主動狀態
  dispose pieces of furniture布置家具;dispose of furniture處理家具
  to exposeto使處於...作用下---Dont expose the film to light. 不要把膠片曝光.Exposure to受到...作用---The paint came off as the result of
  exposure to the rain. 油漆因受雨淋而剝落了.
  Impose sth on sb把...強加於人---impose a fine/tax on sb; We do not impose our beliefs on one another but focus on the quality of our friendship instead. 朋友之
  Oppose是一個動詞意思是反對,反抗---be opposed to +doing/sth
  I am opposed to permitting him to go alone.
  Pose=put forward---pose a question/claim; He posed as if nothing had happened.
  Propose + to do/doing/thatthat後面加should虛擬語氣
  He proposed going/to go there. He proposed that we go there.
  To no purpose---無效,毫無結果
  Faber did not want to risk his life to no purpose. 菲伯爾不想拿他的性命做無謂的冒險.
  I laboured to no purpose. 我白乾了.
  4. be possessed of具有---
  He was possessed of great self-confidence. 他有很強的自信心.
  His family was possessed of a large fortune. 他家擁有大筆財富.
  In possession of擁有,占有; in the possession of為...所占有,擁有
  The capitalist is in possession of a large fortune.
  A large fortune is in the possession of the capitalist.
  5. probability機率
  6. Practice makes perfect.孰能生巧;practise +doing
  7. prior to在...之前---He adjusted his hat prior to leaving
  At the prime of----He was at the prime of his success.他正出於成功的巔峰.
  8. preparatory to + doing/sth作為...的準備--You should pack it up preparatory to sending it by post. 在郵寄之前你應該把它包好.
  9. absent有兩種用法;absent from + place---不在;absent from + meeting---缺席;absent in +place---表示外出在某地;absent in主語是無生命的名詞,意為沒有
  He is absent in Europe now.他現在外出在歐洲
  He is absent from Europe now.他現在不在歐洲
  He was absent from his work without leave.他擅離職守
  Snow is absent in some countries.有些國家終年無雪
  In the absence of;in ones absence; in the presence of; in ones presence
  Present sth to sb=present sb with sth---把...贈送給;She presented a tie to him.= She presented him with a tie.
  For the present有兩個意思 at present目前,現在 或for the time being暫時;
  Negotiations are suspended for the present. 談判暫停.
  that is enough for the present; he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow. 對目前來說,這已足夠了.
  Representative在做代表時候使用representative to---Chinas representative to the United Nations.;在做...的典型,...的特點時,使用representative of---This case is
  representative of the attitudes of the police. 這個事例典型地反映了警方的態度.
  impresson ones mind---把...印在腦子裡---This will deeply impress them on your memory, 這樣會給你留下深刻的印象。
  10. be priced at...定價於..---be priced at USD 7
  11. an appreciable difference---明顯的差別
  prize既是名詞也是動詞認為...大有價值珍視,珍惜I prize honor more than money.---我認為名譽重於金錢.
  Make an appraisal of---估計,評價---The draft gives the Party member the right to ask to attend in person the meeting at which a Party organization is to decide to
  take disciplinary action against him or make an appraisal of his character and work. 草案規定,在黨組織對黨員作出處分或者鑑定性的決議的時候,黨員有權要
  求親自參加.Make an objective appraisal of對...做客觀評價
  12. rob/deprive sb of sth---剝奪---
  13. it must be, indeed, a dreadful blow which would deprive him of courage to defend himself. 必須是一個致命的打擊才能剝奪他反抗的勇氣
  live in privacy過著隱居生活;a privilege to sb給某人的特權;enjoy privileges享受優惠
  14. comprise是一個及物動詞,其有雙重意義,既有組成,也有被組成,所以365 days constitutes/comprised a year. A year comprises/consist of/is composed of 365
  15. a spirit of enterprise進取精神