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  certain 句式與搭配  
  1 . be certain of [about ] sth 對某事有把握或感到自信。如:
  Hes certain of success. 他自信會成功。
  Are you certain of [about] that? 你對此有把握嗎?
  2 . be certain to do sth 肯定會發生某事。如:
  Shes certain to pass the exam. 她考試肯定會及格。
  Spring is certain to follow winter. 冬季過後一定是春天。
  註:該結構有時可用 I am certain that 來轉換。如:
  He is certain to come. / I am certain that he will come. 他肯定會來。
  3 . be certain of doing sth 確信會發生某事。如:
  He is certain of winning the match. 他確信能贏這場比賽。
  註:該結構有時可與後接 that 從句的句型轉換。如:
  He is certain of passing the exam. / He is certain that hecan pass the exam. 她確信考試會及格。
  4 . for certain 有把握,肯定地。如:
  I dont know for certain. 我知道得不確切。
  I cant say for certain when he will come. 我不敢肯定地說他什麼時候來。
  5 . make certain 弄清楚,弄得有把握,核實。如:
  I think the train leaves at six oclock but you ought to make certain. 我想火車是六點開吧,但你應該查清楚。
  後接 that 從句。如:
  Make certain you know what time the train leaves. 你要弄清楚火車開出的確切時間。
  後接 of 短語。如:
  You must make certain of the date of the meeting. 你必須把開會的日期弄清楚。
  We went to the theatre early and made certain of getting seats. 我們去戲院很早,以便可弄到座位。
  Make certain of his safe arrival. / Make certain that he arrived safe. 弄清楚他是否安全抵達了。




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