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英語教師 呂騰飛老師
1.Have you been wasting time on computer games again?
_______. Ive been studying a lot and I need a break.
A. No way B. Not really C. I dont agree D. I couldnt agree more
答案:B 解析:根據下一句我一直在學習,我需要休息一下可知,此處應是我沒有浪費時間玩遊戲。Not really意思是事實上不是、沒有,符合此處語境。No way 意思是沒門;
I dont agree 意思是我不同意,表示絕句對方的提議;I couldnt agree more 意思是我非常同意,與所提供的情景矛盾。
2.Could we see each other at 3 o'clock this afternoon?
Sorry, let's make it ________ time.
A. other's
B. the other
C. another
D. other
答案: C 解析:本題考查交際用語。根據上下文,another time 表示 下次,改個時間。
3 .--May I ask a question after class, Sir?
---_________, but not during my lunch break. (2008重慶卷)
A. I'm sorry
B. Anytime
C. Certainly
D. Go ahead
答案:C 解析:本題考查交際用語。根據上下文表示 當然可以,不過不能在午飯期間。
4.I'm afraid I can't return the book to you before Friday.
A. Don't be afraid
B. Be careful
C. Not at all
D. Take you time
答案:D 解析:本題考查交際用語。根據上下文可以看出沒有關係,不要著急;慢慢來
5.Would you like to join us in the game?
_____, for I have something important to attend to.
A. I will
B. Id love to
C. I wont
D. Im afraid not
答案是D。解析:考查交際用語的用法。從答句I have something important to attend to來看,只有D項符合語境。
Are you all right?
A. Thats OK
B. I think so
C. Take it easy
D. Its very kind of you
答案:B 解析:本題考查的是交際用語中so指代一個肯定的賓語從句的用法,在這裡so指代Im all right。本句的意思是:---你好嗎?---我想是這樣(我想我的身體還不錯)。對於這種題型,考生在複習時應該特別注意加強對中西方文化知識的比較和了解,掌握使用地道的英語表達習慣來交流思想、傳遞信息。
6. Shall we go out for dinner tonight?
A. You are right
B. It must be funny
C. That sounds great
D. Have a nice time
答案:C 解析:本題考查的是交際用語。本題第一句---Shall we go out for dinner tonight?實際上是一個表示建議的句子,而不是一般的疑問,這一點必須要特別引起注意。A項表示你是對的;B項表示這肯定很有趣;C項表示聽起來很不錯;D項表示(祝你)玩得愉快。根據四個選項可以判知,C項可用來對前一句表示贊同。
7. - Is Peter there?
--- _____________, please. Ill see if I can find him for you.
A.Hold up
B.Hold on
C.Hold out
D. Hold off
答案:B 解析:本題考查的是打電話時的用語,Hold on意為別掛
8. Have you got any job offers?
No.1 _____
A. waited B. had been waiting C. have waited D. am wailing
答案: D 解析:此題考查時態與交際用語的結合,由句意可知:目前還在等待。故用現在進行時。
9 。 ---My name is Jonathan. Shall I spell it for you?
A. lf you dont mind B. Not at all
C. Take it easy D. Nice to meet you
10 .Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class?
______, but I promised Nancy to go out with her.(2008卷Ⅰ)
A. Id like to
B. I like it.
C. I dont
D. I will
答案:A 【試題解析】從對話上文可知是回答對方的請求。Id like to 與上文呼應。
11.What fruit is in season now?
Pears and apples, ______(.2008卷Ⅰ)
A. I know
B. I think
C. I see
D. I feel
【試題解析】根據對話上文可知,對別人提出問題的發表自己的看法應用I think
12.Sorry, I made a mistake again.
______. Practice more and youll succeed. (.2008卷Ⅰ)
A. Never mind
B. Certainly not
C. Not at all
D. Dont mention it
【試題解析】Certainly not常用來回答別人問是否見意的問題;Not at all 和 Dont mention it.用於別人致謝時的答語。只有Never mind符合語境。題意是對不起,我又出錯了。沒關係,多練習,你就會成功的。
13.Say, Jane, will you come with me to the game Friday?
--_____, Bob, but I promised Mary Id go with her.( 山東卷)
A. My pleasure
B. Thanks
C. Take it easy
D. Forget it.
答案:B 解析:此題考查情景對話。對於對方的邀請表示感謝病並委婉拒絕。情景對話要從禮貌出發。My pleasure 相當於Its my pleasure, 用於回答對方的感謝.Take it easy意為:別著急,慢慢來。Forget it意為:算了吧,別再提了,常用於回答別人的感謝和道歉。
14.-----I have some big news for you. Youve been accepted as a member of our club.
----_______ Thats great!
A. Have I ?
B. Pardon?
C. Congratulations!
D. Good idea!
【答案與簡析】A。本題考查語言的交際功能。選項A.Have I?是Have I been accepted as a member of our club?的省略。在有清晰的上下文的情況下,口語中儘量使用簡潔的表達。選項B.Pardon?用於請求別人重複說過的話;選項C.Congratulations!用於祝賀別人取得的成績;選項D.Good idea!用於對別人的建議表示贊同。
15. -----Good evening. Huangshan Hotel.
-----Good evening. ______________?(2008安徽卷)
A. Do you still have a room for tonight
B. What would you like, please
C. Is there anything I can do for you
D. Who is that speaking, please
【解題思路】本題題干中Huangshan Hotel是解題的關鍵,從中看出對話雙方的身份,從而容易理解對話內容。
16.I think youd better type this letter again before Mr. Smith see it.
-- Oh, dear!(2008江西卷)
A. Who cares?
B. No problem
C. I dont mind at all
D. Is it as bad as that?
本題考查情景交際。由我想你在Mr. Smith 看到之前應該把這封信再列印一次 哦,真的嗎? 可知對方對此不以為然。Is it as bad as that? 其中A項Who care 不禮貌。




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