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[摘要] 行政法邏輯起點是行政法科學理論大廈的基石,如果作為行政法理論的邏輯起點的基本概念根據不足,整個行政法理論大廈就會倒塌。區分行政法邏輯起點、研究起點、理論基礎、憲政理念以及基礎理論是界定行政法邏輯起點的前提,探討行政法邏輯起點應具備的條件則為界定邏輯起點提供了標準,而行政權所體現的所有特徵完全勝任行政法邏輯起點的重任,因此,行政權是行政法邏輯起點的科學界定。
  [關鍵詞] 行政權 行政法邏輯起點 科學界定
Executive power: Scientific definition of the logic starting point of administrative law
[Summary] Logic starting point of administrative law is a foundation stone in the scientific theory mansion of an administrative law, If account for the basic conception of logic starting point of administrative law is insufficient, the theory mansion of the whole administrative law will collapse . It is prerequisites of defining the logic starting point of administrative law to distinguish the logic starting point of administrative law , research starting point , theoretical foundation , idea of constitutional government and basic theory, and Probing into the logic starting point of administrative law will offer the standard for defining the logic starting point, and all characteristics that the executive power reflects are totally competent at the important task of the logic starting point of administrative law, therefore, it is executive power that can defined as the scientific definition of the logic starting point of administrative law.
[Keyword] Executive power Logic starting point of administrative law Scientific definition




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