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  • 海明威博物館

  • 景點介紹
    Once the Finca Vigia, this ghost-white Spanish-colonial home was where...
    • 394JaneD
    • 我對海明威沒有什麼特別的喜愛,但是去他的故居參觀我很喜歡。它的故居巧妙的坐落在一座山頂上,展示了寧靜的鄉村風貌,還有涼爽的微風。從外面看房間絲毫不會破壞這種體驗…… 實際上,你可以看到整個房間,而不是一間裝滿其他遊客的房間。一定記得注意看看海明威是在衛生間裡的哪裡稱體重的,還要去寵物公墓走走。

    • RikCAD
    • 我們在這間博物館轉了一個小時。不允許進屋但是門和窗戶都開著,可以看見室內的情況。我也很喜歡划船,所以看見他的遊艇很開心。

    • KathM253
    • 無法到裡面去,對於在哈瓦那打發時間的美國人來說是無聊的褒獎。一般在哈瓦那和古巴有很多很多更好的事情可以去做。讀他的書,不要被其繁文縟節所煩擾。館長搶先占有了他的國家和他的同胞。

    • Tomapa
    • 首先,我特別喜歡海明威,所以這一點得考慮進去。「看見」他的「生命」。就是說,他的生活方式很有趣。顯然,他很在意體重。在他家浴室的牆上,他每天用筆記錄自己的體重。但是,他家的家具和掛在牆上的他狂放一生的「獎盃」也都很棒。休息的時候,朗姆酒很好喝。那裡有人手持彎刀切甘蔗,然後把放進機器榨出汁。飲料好喝!

    • Honisoiquimalypense
    • 我們去參觀了這個博物館,這裡的地理位置很棒——正好位於一個山上,可以俯瞰哈瓦那,他們有很多員工在這裡,但是總而言之我覺得也沒什麼特別的地方。遊客不允許進房子裡面,只好隔著窗戶看裡面(很顯然這些人很小氣)。房子按時就會關上門,我猜如果能去裡面看看的話會更有趣的——我就去玩了一通!轉一圈的話會發現一個空蕩的泳池,艾娃·加德納曾經在裡面裸泳,還可以到他的船上走走。在進去又出來的路上外面有個商店還有酒吧。我們一起旅行的人都覺得這裡很不錯。

    • SaharJ_12
    • It's an amazing house , with amazing view , no wonder why Hemingway was not happy moving out of Cuba , the location and the house are amazing with all the details inside this house . It's a must see .

    • wannabethere542
    • The Hemingway Museum is a must see location in Havana. The history and art of this place is great. The Cuba people really embraced Mr. Hemingway. The hotel and bar, are something to see. it had a steady line of people coming and going into it.You can eat a meal or have a drink and soak up the atmosphere. The history and pictures tell the whole story.

    • AnitaD227
    • A bit of a way out of Havana in an area called San Franciso by the locals. 5 CUC to get in per tourist. You can only look in from the outside but a fabulous place. Great views. Learnt quite a bit about Hemingway.

    • PeterAZ
    • You take a small elevator up to the fifth floor to see the tiny room where Hemingway lived for several years and where he wrote three books and where he was awarded the Nobel Prize. It's very basic, a single bed, a time batnroom and a small desk but his typewriter is there.

    • citycat66
    • Of course for Hemingway fans this is a must. Buteveryone will find this beautiful house set on a high hill overlooking the country side a pleasure.In good weather all the windows are open so tourists can look into the rooms filled with many of the author`s private collections of trophy animal heads from his African adventures, his vast record collection, his typewriter, and the many books which fill the shelves in every room. This home is filled with light and is well preserved.

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