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· keep a stiff upper lip意志堅定,堅強不屈
one failure means nothing. you've got to keep a stiff upper lip.
· be at loggerheads with...互不相讓
the two parties were at loggerheads with each other over the new tax policy.
· a born loser一事無成者
nobody is a born loser. all you need is perseverance.
· louse up something把某事搞得一團糟
he let the cat out of the bag, which loused up the whole deal.
· not do...for love or money死也不會……
stop trying. i won't betray my friend for love or money.
· feel a lump in one's throat心裡感到很難受
i felt a lump in my throat on hearing her story of fighting with the deadly disease.
· make do with...用……湊合
we are too tired to cook. we can make do with two bags of instant noodles.
· the man in the street普通的人,老百姓
the interview with the man in the street shows that 90% of them are satisfied with the tv fro grams.
· be one's own man不受他人支配,自己管自己
our monitor is not easy to cope with. he is much his own man.
· steal a march on someone搶在他人前面,暗渡陳倉
we stole a march on our rivals by reducing 5% of our price and got back our market.
· meat and drink精神寄託
to some old people, raising pets is their meat and drink.
· be at the mercy of受……支配
when you get this kind of disease, your life is at the mercy of god.




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