

2024年01月05日 - txt下載
(1) 從邏輯順序來看,重要的先寫,將要的後寫,或從次要到主要,後者更符合英美人的習慣。
(2) 常用的幾種邏輯順序如下:
John likes living in a private house better than in a dormitory for a number of reasons. First, it costs less. For example, he paid $ 130 a month to live in a dorm, but it costs him only $ 90 to live in a private home. Second, he has more privacy in a home. In a dorm, he shared a room with another boy, but in a home, he has a room all to himself. Third, it is easier to study in a private home. A dorm is often too noisy, but a home rarely is. Finally he can keep his car at a house. At campus dorms, there are no parking spaces for student cars. For these reasons, John likes to live off campus.
Man has learned to travel faster and faster throughout the history, when the wheel was invented over a thousand years ago, man learned that it was possible to travel faster on wheels than on foot. With the invention of the steam engine about two hundred years ago, man began to travel at what was called “dangerous” speeds of more than 100 miles an hour. About twenty years ago man began to travel in commercial jet planes at speeds about 500 miles an hour.
Give students a chance to grow. Do not mold them from one of a thousand patterns. Let them seek knowledge, but do not find it for them, let them learn patience; do not force it on them. Let them take their own time to grow, do not set rigid time schedules. Most of all do not push them against a stone wall, crushing them with knowledge gained from the experience of others. Experience cannot be taught; it must come slowly through personal search.
On Thursday I had to decide what I wanted to do over the weekend. School was starting in two weeks, and I would soon be studying full time. I wanted to go skiing. I had spent most of my money, so I couldn’t travel out of town. I might go to a movie. I might just listen to music. That is what I ended up doing — listening to music.
On Thursday I had to decide what I wanted to do over the weekend. For school was starting in two weeks, and I would soon be studying full time. I wanted to go skiing. But I had spent most of my money, so I couldn’t travel out of town. I might go to a movie. Or I might just listen to music. That is what I ended up doing — listening to music.
寫好結尾句的關鍵在於準確地把握主題句中的主導思想,結論句與主題句應該是遙相呼應的,一般從三個角度來寫:複述主題句;總結全段內容;對主題句加以評論,表達自己的觀點。常用的結尾承接詞有:therefore, in conclusion, in a work, to sum up, in short, to sum up等。結尾句並非必不可少,但它是段落中心思想的總結,能使段落的主題更加突出,故結尾句對讀者有益。
There are many problems with advertisements. Sometimes, people consider them as a bad thing because many of the goods only sound good. Some advertisements are rather confusing, and often deceive consumers into buying goods of poor quality. The solution to these problems is that a necessary law should be worked out, otherwise some advertisements will be harmful to the society.
該段主題句為:There are many problems with advertisements.。該段的結尾句是:The solution to these problems is that a necessary law should be worked out, otherwise some advertisements will be harmful to the society.。資本段的結尾句說出了解決的方式以及不加以解決將會產生的不良後果。