

2024年01月05日 - txt下載
An organism that can produce the organic molecules and energy necessary for life through the processes of photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. Autotrophs do not rely on other organisms for food. In a food web, autotrophs are producers.
Auxin(茁長素) :一種植物激素,刺激細胞伸長
One in a class of plant hormones that stimulates (among other things) cell elongation, secondary tissue growth, and fruit development.
amino acid(胺基酸)
The monomer of a protein. A central carbon attached to an amino group (–NH2), a carboxyl group (–COOH), and a hydrogen atom (–H). The fourth group is variable and defines the amino acid’s chemical identity.
amnion(羊膜) :位於最內側直接覆蓄胚體的膜
The extraembryonic membrane in birds, reptiles, and mammals that surrounds the embryo, forming an amniotic sac.
anaerobic respiration(無氧呼吸)
A form of cell respiration that does not use oxygen (as opposed to aerobic cell respiration). Anaerobic respiration is less efficient than the aerobic variety and produces just 2 ATP per molecule of glucose. Anaerobic respiration has two stages: glycolysis and fermentation(發酵).
analogous trait (相似特徵):來源於相同祖先,與其他生物種功能、形態上相似的結構
A trait that is morphologically and functionally similar to that of a different species but that arose from a distinct, ancestral condition.
anaphase (分裂後期)
The stage of mitosis in which sister chromosomes are separated and pulled to opposite ends of the cell by microtubules; the fourth stage of the first meiotic division (meiosis I), during which maternal and paternal homologous pairs are separated on microtubules; the fourth stage of the second meiotic division (meiosis II), during which either maternal or paternal sister chromatids are separated on microtubules.
A male sex hormone. (e.g. testosterone【睪酮】)
A vascular flowering plant in which seeds are enclosed inside protective ovaries, such as fruit or flowers. Angiosperms can be monocots(單子葉) or dicots(雙子葉).
Pollen-producing structure at the top of the stamen, the male reproductive organ of flowers.
Anticodon(反密碼子) :位於tRNA上,和mRNA的'密碼子相反配對
The sequence of three nucleotides on tRNA that pairs with a codon of mRNA at the A site of a ribosome during translation.
A protein coat on the surface of red blood cells; a red blood cell may have a protein coat of type A, B, or AB. If the cell has no antigens, it is called type O. The presence of a foreign antigen in a body will cause blood to clot.
The largest artery in the body; carries oxygenated blood from the left ventricle of the heart.
aphotic zone(無光帶)
Literally, zone without light. The aphotic zone is part of the marine pelagic zone and begins 600 feet below the surface of the ocean. Only chemosynthetic organisms, scavengers, and predators are able to survive in this habitat.


taste buds(味蕾)
Structures on the tongue that contain chemoreceptors, which respond to four main sensations—sour, salty, bitter, and sweet—to create the sense of taste.
The study of biological classification.
The final stage of mitosis before cytokinesis. In telophase, the nuclear envelope re-forms around separated sister chromatids and kinetochore microtubules disappear. Cell elongation also occurs during this phase. The final stage of the first meiotic division (meiosis I), during which chromosomes arrive at the poles of the cell and begin to recondense; the final stage of the second meiotic division (meiosis II), during which chromosomes arrive at the poles of the cell, the nuclear envelope begins to re-form, and the chromosomes begin to recondense.
Connective tissue between bones and muscles.
The male gonads; sperm and testosterone are produced here.
A hormone necessary for sperm production in men. Also responsible for developing and maintaining the secondary sex characteristics of males, starting at puberty.
Gland that produces the hormone thyroxine, which increases the metabolism of most of the cells in the body. Located in the neck.
A group of closely connected and similar cells that cooperate to generate a specific structure or specialized function within an organism.
A terrestrial plant with a vascular system.
Any observable feature or characteristic of an organism.
transfer RNA (Trna/翻譯RNA)
An RNA molecule used in protein synthesis as a link helping to convert messenger RNA into amino acids.
The process by which a plant loses water to its environment through evaporation.
trophic level(營養級)
Steps on a food/biomass pyramid that are defined by organisms within a community that are the same distance from the primary producers in a food web.
Long-term growth of a plant toward or away from a stimulus.
Fleshy underground storage structure composed of an enlarged portion of the stem that has on its surface buds capable of producing new plants.


flame calorimeter 火焰量熱計
flammable 易燃的
flare 照明彈
flow rate 流速
Fluid 流體
fluidised bed 流化床
fluorescent screen 螢光屏
fluoride controversy
fluoride 氟化物
fluorine is pale yellow gas 氟是淡黃綠色氣體
foaming agent 起泡劑
formation of ions 離子的形成
fertiliser 肥料
fertility 肥(沃)度
fibre 纖維
fibrous 纖維狀的
filament 燈絲
filtration 過濾
fire extinguisher 滅火器
firework 焰火
first ionisation energy 一級電離能
