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Module 2 Great books
一、 教學內容分析
二、 學情分析
三、 教學目標
1、 語言知識目標:
● 功能:談論書、作家、思想家等。
● 詞彙:1)能正確使用下列單詞:work,influence,respect,wise,literature,
pleased, alive, southern, state.
2) 理解下列單詞:thinker, monthly, outsider, version, historical,
editor, publisher, reviewer.
3)能準確理解並使用下列詞組;as far as,not?any more,millions of,
run away, grow up, talk about, be known as/for
● 語法:一般現在時被動語態。
2、 語言技能目標
3、 情感目標:培養學生閱讀的習慣,提高個人文化修養。
4、 文化意識目標:了解中外著名的作家、思想家、詩人及他們的作品。
四、 教學重點、難點
重點:key vocabulary___work, influence,wise,clever,behaviour,dead,alive,treasure
theme, southern,as far as,not?any more,millions of,run away,grow up,talk about, be known as/for
五、 課時安排
第一課時:Unit 1
第二課時;Unit 2
第三課時:Unit 3
第四、五課時:Review and workbook
Unit 1 Confucius』 works are read by many people
Teaching aims
:Learn the use of present simple passive.
Key points:
work, influence, thought, wise, copy, as far as, not?any more, millions of, be known as/for
Difficult sentences:
Shakespeare’s works are seen by millions of people every year. Mark Twain was an important writer, but he isn』t known as a great thinker like Confucius.
Step 1 Warming up& leading in
1. Ask the students some questions. Do you like reading books? What’s your favourite book?Who’s your favourite writer?
2. Show three pictures about Confucius, Shakespeare and Mark Twain. Let them guess who they are. Can you say something about them? Teach the words : work, influence, play, poem, respect, thinker, thought, wise, writer. Confucius: He was a great thinker in China. He is known for his wise thought. We are still influenced by his thought. He is respected by us. Shakespeare: He was a writer of plays and poems. Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. He was born in 1564 in England. His plays are seen by millions of people every year. Mark Twain: He was a famous American writer. He wrote a lot of stories. His books are still popular. For example ,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
3.Do Activity 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. Step 2 Listening (Act.1&2)
1. First read the words in the box .Then match the words in the box with the people in the pictures.(Act.1)
2. Listen and check your answer to Act.1.(Act.2)
step 3 Listening and reading(Act.3、4)
1. Listen and answer .Where are the speakers? What are they talking about? 2 .Read and answer the questions.(Act.4)
3.Everyday English and language points. What’s up? Go on! Sounds like a good idea. as far as, not ?any more, millions of ,be known as/for
4.Read the conversation in two groups.
Step 4 Grammar practice
1. Underline the sentences in the conversation that have the pattern of passive voice.
2. Read the sentences aloud.
3. Do WB Exercise 1 on p116
Step 5 Speaking and writing
1.Do Act.8 Work in groups of three and look at the opinions in the table. Report ideas of your group to the whole class.
2.Do Act.6 Talk about your favourite play/poem/thinker/writer/story.
1. write your favourite play/poem/thinker/writer/story.
2. Listen and read the conversation.
3. Search the internet about the book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Unit 2 It’s still read and loved
Teaching aims
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