
書面表達 地球一小時(熄燈一小時)活動在每年3月最後一個星期六舉行。某英文雜誌社就這一活動徵集環保活動建議,


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  2.地球一小時活動引發的問題。(突然大範圍熄燈影響affect電網運行the normal operation of the grid,點蠟燭造成其他形式的污染等)3.保護環境的其他方式。(不少於2條)
  參考詞彙:舉辦hold 地球一小時Earth Hour;電網the grid,蠟燭candle, 污染pollution
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  I』m glad to know that you are collecting advice on environmental protection. As we know, our environment is becoming worse and worse. So it’s necessary to hold Earth Hour to call on people to protect our environment.
  However, as more and more people take part in Earth Hour, many problems appear. So many people suddenly turning off their lights may affect the normal operation of the grid. What’s more, some people have to use candles, which leads to another form of pollution.
  In my opinion, what we should do first is to recycle some wasted things. Second, we should plant as many trees as possible. Finally, we』d better live a simple, healthy and sustainable life.
  I firmly believe our environment will become better and better.
  Yours sincerely,
  Li Hua假設你是中學生李華,請根據以下要點用英語給該雜誌社寫一封信,內容包括:1.地球一小時活動的必要性。(環境惡化,需要宣傳環保等)
  2.地球一小時活動引發的問題。(突然大範圍熄燈影響affect電網運行the normal operation of the grid,點蠟燭造成其他形式的污染等)3.保護環境的其他方式。(不少於2條)
  參考詞彙:舉辦hold 地球一小時Earth Hour;電網the grid,蠟燭candle, 污染pollution
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  I』m glad to know that you are collecting advice on environmental protection. As we know, our environment is becoming worse and worse. So it’s necessary to hold Earth Hour to call on people to protect our environment.
  However, as more and more people take part in Earth Hour, many problems appear. So many people suddenly turning off their lights may affect the normal operation of the grid. What’s more, some people have to use candles, which leads to another form of pollution.
  In my opinion, what we should do first is to recycle some wasted things. Second, we should plant as many trees as possible. Finally, we』d better live a simple, healthy and sustainable life.
  I firmly believe our environment will become better and better.
  Yours sincerely,
  Li Hua




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