
SAT寫作經典例子之John Nash

2023年08月27日 - txt下載
  下面是一個SAT寫作經典例子,是關於諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者John Nash的生平的介紹。這篇SAT寫作例子之所以經典,是因為這個人物的生平非常的跌宕起伏,遭遇了很多的挫折,但是又取得了很多的成績,非常具有代表性。下面是詳細內容。
  Key words: economist illness Nobel price winner
  John Nash
  When the young Nash had applied to graduate school at Princeton in 1948, his old Carnegie Tech professor, R.J. Duffin, wrote only one line on his letter of recommendation: This man is a genius.
  It was at Princeton that Nash encountered the theory of games, then recently launched by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern. However, they had only managed to solve non-cooperative games in the case of pure rivalries . The young Nash turned to rivalries with mutual gain. His trick was the use of best-response functions and a recent theorem that had just emerged - Kakutanis fixed point-theorem.
  His main result, the Nash Equilibrium, was published in 1950 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He followed this up with a paper which introduced yet another solution concept - this time for two-person cooperative games - the Nash Bargaining Solution in 1950. A 1951 paper attached his name to yet another side of economics - this time, the Nash Programme, reflecting his methodological call for the reduction of all cooperative games into a non-cooperative framework.
  His contributions to mathematics were no less remarkable. As an undergraduate, he had inadvertently proved Brouwers fixed point theorem. Later on, he went on to break one of Riemanns most perplexing mathematical conundrums. From then on, Nash provided breakthrough after breakthrough in mathematics.
  In 1958, on the threshold of his career, Nash got struck by paranoid schizophrenia. He lost his job at M.I.T. in 1959 and was virtually incapicated by the disease for the next two decades or so. He roamed about Europe and America, finally, returning to Princeton where he became a sad, ghostly character on the campus - the Phantom of Fine Hall as Rebecca Goldstein described him in her novel, Mind-Body Problem.
  The disease began to evaporate in the early 1970s and Nash began to gradually to return to his work in mathematics. However, Nash himself associated his madness with his living on an ultralogical plane, breathing air too rare for most mortals, and if being cured meant he could no longer do any original work at that level, then, Nash argued, a remission might not be worthwhile in the end. As John Dryden once put it:
  Great wits are sure to madness near allied, And thin partitions do their bounds divide.
  約翰納什生於1928 年6 月13 日。父親是電子工程師與教師,第一次世界大戰的老兵。納什小時孤獨內向,雖然父母對他照顧有加,但老師認為他不合群不善社交。 納什的數學天分大約在14 歲開始展現。他在普林斯頓大學讀博士時剛剛二十出頭,但他的一篇關於非合作博弈的博士論文和其他相關文章,確立了他博弈論大師的地位。在20 世紀50 年代末,他已是聞名世界的科學家了。 分頁標題#e#
  然而,正當他的事業如日中天的時候,30 歲的納什得了嚴重的精神分裂症。他的妻子艾利西亞麻省理工學院物理系畢業生,表現出鋼鐵一般的意志:她挺過了丈夫被禁閉治療、孤立無援的日子,走過了惟一兒子同樣罹患精神分裂症的震驚與哀傷漫長的半個世紀之後,她的耐心和毅力終於創下了了不起的奇蹟:和她的兒子一樣,納什教授漸漸康復,並在1994 年獲得諾貝爾獎經濟學獎。
  以上就是關於John Nash的SAT寫作例子的全部內容,包括了英語和漢語兩個部分,附有關鍵詞。大家在備考成功,挫折等相關的SAT寫作題目的時候,可以適當的考慮應用一下這個例子,可以起到很好的效果。