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  Experimental studies on causes of calculus formation in common bile duct
  【Abstract】 AIM: To observe the roles of bacterial infections, gastrointestinal hormones and bile biochemical factors during calculus formation in the common bile duct. METHODS: In this study, 72 patients were divided into 2 groups: CBDS group (56 patients with common bile duct stone) and NCBDS group (16 patients with obstruction of common bile duct but without CBDS). Bile aspirated by ERCP from all the patients was cultured aerobically and the contents of TBA, Ca2+, P2+ and CHO in the bile were detected. Stones of 11 patients aspirated by ERCP were inspected for E.coli by PCR. The serum motilin (MTL) and the somatostatin (SS) were measured by radioimmunoassay in 52 patients. RESULTS: 53 patients (95%) of CBDS group and 8 patients (50%) of NCBDS group were positive in biliary germicultures. Infection rate in CBDS group was significantly higher than that in NCBDS group (P<0.05). Three (27%) of 11 patients who had a PCR examination had positive results. The serum motilin level of the patients in CBDS group was significantly lower compared with that of the patients in NCBDS group (202±151 vs 315±161) ng/L, while the serum somatostatin and bile Ca2+ level of CBDS group were significantly higher than those of NCBDS group [(15±5 vs 12±3) ng/L, (1.4±0.9 vs 0.7±0.3) mmol/L, P<0.05]. TBA level of CBDS group was significantly lower than that of NCBDS group [(12±6 vs 16±7) nmol/L, P<0.05]CONCLUSION: The changes of biochemical characteristics in the bile, the disorders of modulating action of gastrointestinal hormones and the bacterial infections may be the risk factors of common bile duct stones.
  【Keywords】 common bile duct calculi;bacteria;motilin;somatostatin;bile;biochemistry
  【摘要】 目的:探討細菌感染、胃腸激素及膽汁生化在膽總管結石形成中的作用. 方法 :實驗分為膽總管結石(CBDS)組(n=56)、非結石膽總管梗阻(NCBDS)對照組(n=16). ① 內窺鏡下逆行胰膽管造影術(ERCP)中抽取膽汁作需氧菌培養及進行總膽汁酸(TBA), Ca2+, P2+和膽固醇(CHO)測定. ② ERCP術中取結石用PCR法行結石大腸桿菌檢測. ③采靜脈血行胃動素及生長抑素檢測. 結果:① CBDS組56例膽汁標本需氧菌培養中,有53例檢出細菌(95%),NCBDS組16例膽汁標本中,有8例檢出細菌(50%),兩組細菌檢出率比較有統計學意義(P<0.05). 用PCR方法對11例CBDS患者結石進行大腸桿菌DNA片段檢測,3例出現陽性(27%). ② CBDS組血漿胃動素水平較NCBDS組明顯偏低(202±151 vs 315±161) ng/L,而生長抑素則明顯升高(15±5 vs 12±3) ng/L,組間比較差異顯著(P<0.05). ③ CBDS組膽汁中Ca2+顯著高於NCBDS組[(1.4±0.9 vs 0.7±0.3) mmol/L, P<0.05],TBA則顯著低於NCBDS組[(12±6 vs 16±7) nmol/L, P<0.05]. 結論:膽汁理化性質改變、膽道感染及胃腸激素紊亂在膽管結石形成中可能具有重要作用.
  【關鍵詞】 膽總管結石;細菌;胃動素;生長抑素;膽汁;生化
  近年來,膽道細菌感染在棕色結石形成中的作用成為人們關注的焦點之一. Steward等[1]運用掃描電鏡首次證實棕色結石中存在細菌,Tabata等[2]檢測發現100%膽總管棕色結石中可檢出細菌,提示細菌在膽總管結石(common bile duct stone, CBDS)形成中扮演重要作用;也有學者認為,膽結石形成可能與膽道動力異常和膽汁淤滯有關;近年來 研究 表明,改變膽汁酸組成和酸鹼度可 影響 膽汁中膽紅素及鈣離子濃度,二者濃度過高,在膽汁中不能充分溶解,可促進膽汁核化和結石形成. 我們對膽總管結石患者菌群、激素水平及膽汁生化進行觀察,以探討其在膽總管結石形成中的作用.
  1.1材料①儀器設備: BECKMAN DU600型核酸蛋白質 分析 儀,美國Beckman Coulter公司;JM250型電泳儀,大連捷邁科貿有限公司;Model 60全自動微生物鑑定儀,特康 科技 有限公司;Olympus AU800型全自動生化分析儀,日本Olympus公司;SN682型放射免疫γ計數器,上海核福光儀器有限公司;PERKIN ELMER 480型DNA擴增儀,美國PERKINELMER公司;SANYO MDFU50V超低溫冰箱,日本SANYO公司;UVI Tec凝膠成像系統,英國UVI Tec公司;TGL16G台式高速冷凍離心機,上海安亭 科學 儀器廠;電熱恆溫培養箱,廣州醫療設備廠. ②試劑: DNA Maker,大連寶生物技術有限公司;dNTP,上海生物工程技術服務有限公司;Taq DNA聚合酶,河南華美生物工程公司;膽汁酸HR Wako,日本和光純藥 工業 株式會社;生長抑素及胃動素放射免疫檢測試劑盒,解放軍總 醫院 科技開發中心放免所;細菌基因組DNA提取試劑盒,北京賽百盛公司.
  1.2對象實驗組:2002年南方醫院就診CBDS(同時需排除膽囊結石或肝內膽管結石)患者56(男29,女27)例,年齡22~82(平均57±15)歲. 所有患者均通過腹部B超、CT或MRI檢查,最後經內窺鏡下逆行胰膽管造影術(endoscopic retrograde choledochopancreatography, ERCP)證實. 近期均未服用影響胃腸道動力的藥物. 對照組:2002年南方醫院就診非結石膽總管梗阻(not common bile duct stone, NCBDS)患者16(男7,女9)例,年齡25~86(平均55±15)歲. 所有患者均通過腹部B超、CT或MRI檢查證實膽總管擴張,ERCP證實膽總管內無結石. 近期均未服用影響胃腸道動力的藥物. 兩組性別年齡比較差異無統計學意義.
  1.3.1需氧菌培養患者行ERCP檢查,注射造影劑前 應用 無菌導管入膽道,抽吸膽汁2 mL,並接種在血平板上,37℃恆溫箱中進行常規培養,48 h觀察結果,用Model 60型全自動微生物鑑定儀進行鑑定.
  1.3.2大腸桿菌DNA檢測ERCP下取膽石標本(n=11),用無菌生理鹽水沖洗三次,放入無菌試管中置於-20℃冰箱中備用. 參照Dong等[3]方法,採用PCR擴增大腸桿菌DNA片段. PCR體系如下:常規配製含DNA模板1.5 μL,引物序列參照Dong等[3]報道,由上海生物工程技術服務有限公司合成,上游引物:5′TCTCTATGTGCATACGGAG3′,下游引物:5′CCATACTGATTGCCGCAA3′. PCR循環條件:94℃ 3 min,94℃ 60 s,65℃ 30 s,72℃ 45 s, 35個循環後72℃延伸5 min. 用20 g/L瓊脂糖凝膠電泳檢查PCR產物,擴增片段長度為320 bp.


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