
中考英語考點複習:ago adv


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常識網整理了關於2022年中考英語考點複習:ago adv,希望對同學們有所幫助,僅供參考。
ago adv. 以前;以往
long ago 很久以前,從前
Long long ago there was a king and he loved horses. 很久以前,有一位國王,他喜愛馬。
some time ago 不久前
Some time ago,I heard he would come to see me. 不久前,我聽說他要來看我。
a while ago 剛才
He was here a while ago.他剛才還在這兒。
近義詞辨析:ago 和 before
ago: 應注意兩點:①用於一般過去時;②它所指的時間是從現在算起。
before: 也應該注意兩點:①用於過去完成時;②她所指的時間不是從現在算起,而是從過去某一時刻算起。
A short time before, tall trees had covered the country for many miles around. 在那時不久之前,高大的樹木覆蓋著方圓數英里。


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