

2023年09月14日 - txt下載
Dear Seller,
I"m very sorry to hear about this. In this case I would recommend that you cancel all the effected orders.
I"m afraid this might affect your cancellation rate. Hence once cancelled I would recommend that you write back to us so we could forward your email to our performance team to annotate your account.
Meanwhile, you can proceed with cancelling the orders. I would recommend that you also contact each buyer informing them of the error and that you were forced to cancel the order.
You can get the buyers email from an order report and email them in bulk. Here"s how:
Manually request an Order Report as follows:
1. From the Orders tab, select Order Reports or go directly to the page:
2. Make a selection from the Select Days drop-down and then click the Request Report button.
Download completed Order Reports as follows:
1. On the Orders tab, select Order Reports or go directly to the page:
2. In the "Check Report Status & Download" section, click the Download button for the report you want.
3. Your browser might prompt you to choose whether to save or open the report file. If prompted, save the file. If the file opens automatically, save the opened file to your computer using the File > Save as... command in the application that opened the file.
4. You can view the downloaded report using a spreadsheet or database program such as Microsoft Excel or Access. If your browser automatically opens the report in a text editor, just save a copy and then open that in a spreadsheet or database program.
See this Help page for a list of Order Report fields, definitions, and examples:
If you would prefer XML Order Reports, contact Seller Support and let us know; we will reconfigure your report generation settings for you. Be sure to let us know your desired frequency so we can set up your scheduled reports.
Feel free to write back to us in case of any further questions.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for selling with Amazon,
1. 事件發生後,賣家第一時間聯繫了亞馬遜客服,使亞馬遜內部能夠了解事件的緣由,從根本上得到了理解和支持。雖然就事件本身來開,我們並不能看到亞馬遜客服提到的在系統內對此事件做備註所起到的作用占多大比重,但聯繫亞馬遜客服這一行動絕對是事件發生後的核心步驟;
2. 事件發生後,賣家最快速度的通過郵件、電話等方式和顧客取得聯繫。和顧客的真誠溝通,也同樣換得了顧客的理解,這也緩解了事態的惡化;
3. 事件發生後,賣家在暫停發貨的同時,向所有顧客發出了致歉賀卡,在賀卡中,賣家再一次向顧客致歉。在原本應該貨物到達的時候,賀卡到達了,相信部分沒有收到郵件和電話的顧客,在收到賀卡後,也同樣會表示理解,再一次減少了可能出現的不良反饋;
4. 事件發生後,我也曾給賣家建議,可以採取以較低的價格來促銷一個低價產品,通過做大分母的方式來降低這些潛在不良訂單在總訂單量中的比例。雖然賣家基於對成本和實際操作難度的考慮,沒有採取此方法,但此方法也完全可以作為我們面對類似事件的一個備選方案。