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  1. 對錯誤選項進行全面分析
  2. 對未劃線部分的內容進行深度挖掘
  例1-1 A scrub jay can remember when it cached a particular piece of food in a particular place, researchers have discovered, and tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if stored long enough to have rotted.
  A. tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if
  B. they tend not to bother recovering a perishable treat
  C. tending not to bother recovering a perishable treat if
  D. tends not to bother recovering a perishable treat
  E. tends not bothering to recover a perishable treat if
  這道題的正確答案是D。很多同學的gmat考試排除方法是這樣的:通過if stored 狀語從句省略的考點,可以排除ADE,stored邏輯上修飾的應該是 treat,而語法上省略主語,所以修飾的是scrub jay,語法邏輯不吻合錯。B的they單複數不一致排掉。這麼分析完全沒有問題。
  這裡我主要是想請同學們思考另一個問題,為什麼正確答案不給A選項的 tend,讓 tend 去跟 sting 平行,為什麼要給 tends 呢?這個就是我們這道題需要深度挖掘的問題。原因是雖然 tend 和 remember 語法上 平行,但是語意不對,tend to bother to recover 傾向於恢復易腐爛的食物,這是不是一個能力的問題,can tend 語意就不合理了。所以出題人「費盡心思」,把正確答案設計成 tends,讓 tends 去和 can 平行,這樣邏輯就對了。而且於此同時,你還能總結出另一個結論,行為動詞和情態動詞是可以平行的。趕緊拿小本本記下來。
  例1-2 As contrasted with the honey bee, the yellow jacket can sting repeatedly without dying and carries a potent venom that can cause intense pain.
   As contrasted with the honey bee
   In contrast to the honey bee’s
   Unlike the sting of the honey bee
   Unlike that of the honey bee
   Unlike the honey bee
  這道題答案是E,排除起來很簡單。A選項 as contrasted with 搭配不對,BCD和 yellow jacket 不可比,這裡我就不在贅述了。 主要大家觀察一下未劃線部分。And 連結的是不是 can sting 和 carries 平行?為啥不寫carry,是不是道理和剛才那道題一樣,同樣是carry a venom不是能力問題,就是本身攜帶的毒液。這道題的未劃線,就是那道題的答案。 所以大家能理解我說的深度挖掘未劃線了嗎?
  例2-1 Discussion of greenhouse effects have usually had as a focus the possibility of Earth growing warmer and to what extent it might, but climatologists have indicated all along that precipitation, storminess, and temperature extremes are likely to have the greatest impact on people.
   Discussion of greenhouse effects have usually hadas a focus the possibility of Earth growing warmer and to what extent it might
   Discussion of greenhouse effects has usually hadas its focus whether Earth would get warmer and what the extent would be
   Discussion of greenhouse effects has usually focused on whether Earth would grow warmer and to what extent
   The discussion of greenhouse effects have usually focused on the possibility of Earth getting warmer and to what extent itmight
   The discussion of greenhouse effects had usually focused on whether Earth would grow warmer and the extent that is
  這道題的正確答案是C。很多同學沒有選C,因為找不到C中的 to what extent 更誰平行。這裡的 to what extent 不是不定式的用法,它相當於是一個從句的引導詞,往前找可以和 whether 平行。To what extent 這個用法我們可以在哪裡學到呢?我們可以在另一道題的錯誤選項中看到這個表達。來我們看一下下面這個題↓↓↓
  例2-2 The soft drink company’s flat earnings for the second quarter reflect the success of both its restructured global bottling system and the extent to which poor currency exchange rates keep down profits for multinational companies.
  A. reflect the success of both its restructured global bottling system and the extent to which poor currency exchange rates keep
  B. reflect both the success of its restructured global bottling system and the extent to which poor currency exchange rates are keeping
  C. reflect both the success of its restructured global system and the extent of poor currency exchange rates keeping
  D. both reflect the success of its restructured global bottling system and to what extant poor currency exchange rates are keeping
  E. both reflect the success of its restructured global bottling system and to what extent poor currency exchange rages are keeping
  這道題答案是B。我們來看一下E選項,是不是E中就有 to what extent。雖然它是一個錯誤選項,但是 to what extent 的表達並沒有錯。所以我們在做例2-2的時候,不僅要選出來答案,這個表達應該是我們要去積累下來的,這樣你再做例2-1的時候就不會覺得那麼難了。
  官方曾經透漏 GMAC 出一道題目的成本是2000美金,成本非常高,所以也就導致了我們能夠用的題是有限的。所以希望大家不要浪費他們費盡心思設計出來的題目,我一直提倡大家用一種欣賞的態度,來 「品讀」 語法題目的正確答案,希望這篇文章能為同學們打開一個思路。




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