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【摘要】目的:評價納絡酮 治療 急性酒精中毒的臨床療效。 方法 :將78例非糖尿病酒精中毒的患者隨機分為兩組,治療組40例,對照組38例,兩組在性別、年齡及病因等方面無差異性(P>0.05)。兩組均常規給予洗胃、補液,保護胃粘膜,制酸治療。治療組同時給予納絡酮0.4mg靜推,嚴重患者間隔30min可重複使用1次,隨後給予10%Gs250ml+納絡酮0.8mg靜滴。結果:納絡酮治療組患者症狀改善,清醒時間明顯提前於對照組。結論:納絡酮是治療急性酒精中毒的安全有效的藥物。
【關鍵詞】納絡酮;急性酒精中毒; 療效
  Observing the Effect of Naloxone on Acute Alcoholism
  ZHANG Tian-wen
  (Internal Medicine Department, No. V Hospital, Anhui Wuhu 241000, China)
  Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect of naloxone on acute alcoholism. Method: 78 cases of non-diabetes alcoholism were randomly divided into two groups: the remedial group (40 cases) and the comparison group (38 cases). The re's no difference (P>0.05) in sex, age and cause of disease between two gronp. Both groups were given gastric lavage, fluid infusion, protection of mucous membrane of stomach and inhibition of gastric acid. The remedial group was given vEin infusion of 0.4mg Naloxone. The severe ones were given vEIn infusion again after 30 minutes. Then, vein instillation of 10%GS250ml + Naloxone0.8mg was given. Result: Symptoms of the remedial group were obviously improved. Consciousness was regained much earlier than that of the comparison group. Conclusion: Naloxone can be used effectively and safely in treating acute alcoholism.
  Key words: Naloxone; Acute alcoholism; Effect
  2003年至2006年我們 應用 鹽酸納絡酮治療急性酒精中毒40例患者,效果良好,現 總結 如下:
  1 資料與方法
  1.1 一般資料:按入院順序將確診的急性酒精中毒的患者隨機分為2組,治療組40例,男性30例,女性10例,年齡18~50歲,平均年齡31.5歲。處於興奮期5例,處於共濟失調期25例,處於昏睡昏迷期10例。對照組38例,男性29例,女性9例,年齡16~52歲,平均30.2歲,處於興奮期4例,處於共濟失調期24例,處於昏睡昏迷期10例。78例患者白酒的攝入量為2兩至1斤。飲酒後就診時間均在3h內。兩組年齡、性別、飲酒量無顯著差異性,具有可比性。
  1.2 方法:在患者病情及插管條件許可下,應儘快給予插管洗胃,並注意保暖、輸液、吸氧,保持呼吸道暢通,預防嘔吐物吸入等。對照組給予10%GS500ml+vitc2.0+vitB60.2+肌苷0.4靜滴,5%GS250ml+奧美拉唑40mg靜滴,BES500ml靜滴。治療組在上述治療的基礎上加用納絡酮0.4mg靜推,嚴重者間隔30min重複使用1次,隨後給予10%GS250ml+納絡酮0.8mg靜滴維持,直至病人完全清醒,全部患者每30min記錄呼吸、血壓、脈搏、神志、尿量情況,記錄確切清醒時間。
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