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perfume有香水,香料,香味,香氣的意思。那你們想知道perfume的用法 嗎?今天小編給大家帶來了perfume的用法 ,希望能夠幫助到大家,一起來學習吧。
n. 香水,香料,香味,香氣
vt. 使…充滿香氣,噴香水於…
變形:形容詞:perfumed; 過去式: perfumed; 現在分詞:perfuming; 過去分詞:perfumed;
She perfumed herself with Eau de Cologne.她身上灑著古龍水。
The roses perfumed the air.玫瑰花的芳香四溢。
The lemon trees are blossoming and the flowers perfume the valleys and hills.檸檬樹上的花盛開了,花香瀰漫了整個山谷
1.This perfume won't mask the unpleasant smell.這種香水遮不住那股難聞的氣味。
2.Musk is used for perfume and stimulant.麝香可以用作香料和興奮劑。
3.I caught a whiff of peachy perfume.我聞到一陣桃子似的香味。
4.This perfume is made in several fragrances.這種香水是幾種香料所製成的。
5.You can smell the perfume of jasmine.你可以聞到茉莉花的香味。
6.This kind of perfume is made in England.這種香水產於英國。
7.Perfume from battle-fields rising, up from the foetor arising.醇香飄自這戰場,惡臭泛起沿著河上。
8.The air was heady with the perfume from roses.空氣中玫瑰花的香味令人陶醉。
9.The air was heavy with the perfume of the flower.空氣中充滿了花香。
10.The air was saturated with the perfume of the flowers.空氣中充滿著花的芬芳。
11.The air was perfumed with the scent of subtropical vegetation.空氣中瀰漫著亞熱帶植物的香氣。
12.Layers of rich dark plum and cherry, heady spice and perfumed f loral notes abound.層層疊疊的李子和櫻桃的香味,充滿花香並帶有一絲辛辣。
13.Flowers perfumed the air.空氣中瀰漫著花香。
14.She reeked of cheap perfume.她身上散發出廉價香水難聞的氣味。
15.It offers feminine, perfumed fruit in the graceful, finessed expression typical of the Barolos of La Morra.它提供女性,芬芳的水果,在優雅,拿捏表現典型的Barolos的拉莫拉。
16.A structural isomer of citral that is obtained from the oxidation of nerol and is used to make perfumes and flavorings.順丁烯二酸氧化形成的酸。
17.Perfume Notes: top: pink peppercorn, mandarin essence; heart: osmanthus absolute, rose leaves, honey; base: Indonesian patchouli, cistus , benzoin, tonka.粉紅胡椒子,桂花,蜂蜜印尼廣藿香,,安息香,
18.Bathless people can't smell aromatic by forcedly spraying perfume. Fame and nobility comes from genuine ability and learning. One with good virtue smells sweet naturally.七五、不洗澡的人,硬擦香水是不會香的。名聲與尊貴,是來自於真才實學的。有德自然香。
19.Actually, I do want to have a boyfriend today cuz I would like to buy the PLAY perfume of Comme des garcon for my boyfriend.我也不知道為什麼,今天覺得特別累,但是又不想去睡。很久沒有看到他,今天在學校遇到,他遠遠地給我打招呼,但是很快就消失了。
20.Luciano Soprani Uomo perfume is energy, strength based on an inner balance, the courage to be oneself.An essence born from a blend of refined and precious fragrances.這款由巴喬帶言的香水,的確誠如廣告所言雖然飽含力與能、充滿張力,卻也蘊在一種內斂的平衡之中。

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