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O. Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. His real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. As a young boy he lived an exciting life. He did not go to school for very long, but he managed to teach himself everything he needed to know. When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas, where he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank, when some money went missing from the bank O. Henry was believed to have stolen it. Because of that, he was sent to prison. During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued writing. He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because simple as the tales were, they would finish with a sudden change at the end, to the reader’s surprise.
1. In which order did O. Henry do the following things?
a. Lived in New York. b. Worked in a bank. c. Travelled to Texas.
d. Was put in prison. e. Had a newspaper Job. f. Learned to write stories.
A. e. c. f. b. d. a B. c. e. b. d. f. a C. e. b. d. c. a. f. D. c. b. e. d. a f.
2. People enjoyed reading O. Henry’s stories because
A. they had surprise endings B. they were easy to understand
C. they showed his love for the poor D. they were about New York City
3. O. Henry went to prison because .
A. people thought he had stolen money from the newspaper
B. he broke the law by not using his own name
C. he wanted to write stories about prisoners
D. people thought he had taken money that was not his
4. What do we know about O. Henry before he began writing?
A. He was well-educated. B. He was not serious about his work.
C. He was devoted to the poor. D. He was very good at learning.
5. Where did O. Henry get most material for his short stories?
A. His life inside the prison. B. The newspaper articles he wrote.
C. The city and people of New York. D. His exciting early life as a boy.
1B 2 A 3 D 4 D 5 C


【典例1】 The global energy crisis is approaching. What can we do? Here are some steps you can take。
Cooling puts the greatest stress on your summer energy bill and the power grid(電網). Just as a tune-up for your car can improve your gas mileage, a yearly tune-up of your heating and cooling system can improve efficiency and comfort. Clean or replaces filters monthly or as needed。
Drive the car that gets better gas mileage whenever possible if you own more than one vehicle. If you drive 12,500 miles a year, switching 10 percent of your trips from a car that gets 20 miles per gallon to one that gets 30 mpg will save you more than £65 per year。
Carpool. The average U.S. commuter(乘車上班族) could save about £260 a year by sharing cars twice a week with two people in a car that gets 20.1 mpg—assuming the three passengers share the cost of gas. (2008·安徽卷)
This passage is mainly about ________。
A. energy-saving tips B. fuel-saving tips
C. do-it-yourself tips D. environment-protecting tips
【解析】本文主要介紹了如何節約能源。本文是一篇科普文章,主題很明顯,文章一開始就點明了主題,接下來整篇文章都是圍繞如何save energy展開,而save fuel僅僅只是其中的一部分。故選A。針對主旨大意類題目,應採用快速閱讀法(Skimming)瀏覽全文。在閱讀時,應特別注意文章的開頭、結尾及段落的段首句和段尾句,因為他們往往名包含文章的中心議題。


What is the main idea of this passage?
What dose this passage mainly concern?
The main theme of this passage is_____________
The main point of the passage is___________
Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
The title that best expresses the theme of the passage is______
The purpose of the writer writing this passage is_____
Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole?
1。題句位於句首。主題句出現在文首,開門見山,提出主題,隨之用細節來解釋、支撐主題句所表達的主題思想。這是英語中最常見的演繹寫作法。 2。主題句位於段末。主題句出現在文章結尾是作者採用了先擺事實,後作結論的手法。這種段落稱作歸納型段落。這是英語中最常見的歸納寫作法。3. 主題句首尾呼應。為突出主題,作者先提出主題,結尾時再次點出主題,這種首尾呼應的寫作方法也較為多見。通常,前後表述主題的句子不是簡單的重複,後面的.表述往往有進一步的引申或發展的意味。4。主題句位於段落的中間。主題句出現在文章的中間,通常前面只提出問題,文章的主題由隨之陳述的細節或合乎邏輯的引申在文中導出,而後又作進一步的解釋、說明或發展。5。主題句隱含在段意之中。全文沒有明確的主題句。其中心思想包含在各個句子中,在這種情況下,讀者要把所有已知的細節綜合起來,進行邏輯推理,概括歸納出主題句。




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